~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Baharp on February 15, 2019, 05:29:56 PM

Title: Seth on suicide
Post by: Baharp on February 15, 2019, 05:29:56 PM
Hi everyone,
I am wondering about what says about suicide? If you have any information on this, please tell me the  seth books where there is a discussion about suicide. I am very tired of life and feel like I have done whatever I could and beyond that to improve my situation. I would like to exit this life and feel some peace at last.
Title: Re: Seth on suicide
Post by: Deb on February 15, 2019, 07:11:52 PM
Quote from: Baharp (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12427#msg12427)
I am wondering about what says about suicide? If you have any information on this, please tell me the  seth books where there is a discussion about suicide.

Please reconsider doing something like that. As they say, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Being tired of life sounds like depression to me, which is a miserable way to feel. But a lot of times depression can come from imbalances in the body that can easily be remedied such Vitamin D deficiency (SAD), an under-active thyroid, hormone imbalances. A chemical imbalance. Reaction to some medications. Being lonely. I've felt depressed myself so I understand, and the difference in my feelings when correcting whatever deficiency I've had was like suddenly being myself again. No joke, it was like being a totally new person.

Please talk to a professional before making a decision as irreversible and monumental as this. Also consider who else would be affected by this—friends, family, even pets. They suffer when someone they love takes their own life. I've seen it.

Seth does talk about suicide, and you can find quotes on the Seth Search Engine. https://findingseth.com  Hopefully you have some of the books that the quotes will be taken from, because a lot of the text has been left out due to copyright concerns.

Please let us know how you are doing. I'm concerned for you. I mean that.
Title: Re: Seth on suicide
Post by: jbseth on February 15, 2019, 10:48:29 PM
Hi Baharp,

Unfortunately Seth is not readily available to talk to any of us real time about our problems and sometimes we really need that in our lives.  My wife, who use to volunteer at the Portland Women Crisis Line, gave me the following list of phone numbers. Please call one of these numbers and connect with someone who can talk to you about your situation.

We care.



National Suicide Prevention: (800) 273 - 8255

Mental Health Hotline: (877) 960 - 5139

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 784 – 2433

Title: Re: Seth on suicide
Post by: chasman on February 15, 2019, 11:42:23 PM
I care too Baharp.
and I am concerned for you too.
I don't know for sure what Seth said about suicide.
I read a lot (if not all), the Seth books many years ago.
I'm gonna make some guesses about what he said though.

you are a part of All That Is (Seth's term for God).

so, you are a portion of God.
so, no suicide.

be gentle with yourself.
look at yourself, the way you would look at a beloved friend.
be as gentle with yourself, as if you were a beloved friend.
no suicide.

you are here for a reason.
don't give up.

whatever your troubles are, there are solutions.
you can get through this.
you are innately good.
you were born good.
and you are still good now.

I hope you are feeling better.

Title: Re: Seth on suicide
Post by: Deb on February 16, 2019, 01:41:26 AM
Quote from: Baharp (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12427#msg12427)
feel some peace

@Baharp please also consider this, my favorite quote from Seth ever:

Quote from: Seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=38#msg38)
What you do is good. What you are is good. You have only to tell yourself that until you believe it, because it is the truth. You are unique. There is no other in this room like you. There is no other in this universe or any other universe like you. You are completely unique and through you the energy of All That Is flows in a completely unique, original and never to be duplicated pattern. Therefore what you are is eternally, with meaning and purpose, and rings to the universe. Your thoughts change worlds, worlds of which you are aware and worlds of which you are not aware. I speak to you, but I speak also to each of you, for you are each unique and like no other, and All That Is flows through you in a way that it can flow through no other. The experiences that you have can happen to no other in precisely the same way. The smile that you give can be given in no other way. You can smile as an individual in a way that no other human being, dead or alive, can smile. And the touch of your hand can change a life in a way that no other individual, alive or dead, could change that life. You act upon those that you know and those that you do not know in ways that no other individual can ever act. In each of you resides a uniqueness that is never recaptured, no matter how many times you are reincarnated. The self that you are now is unique and therefore it is highly important that you honor the self that you are, through which the vitality of the universe shines. Honor yourself as you would honor the gods. Then indeed do you also honor others? Deny yourself and you deny others. The truths, the honesty, and if you will forgive me, the magic of the universe shines through your eyes and your skin. Then why should you say I am wrong? You are the reflection of All That Is as it has never been reflected before and never will again. Therefore have trust in the nature of your being and I speak now to each of you. Your cells realize those truths. They are themselves and they sing to the universe of your being. Then should you sing to the universe as you know it, as cleanly and as filled with joy? So then rejoice in what you are and each of you never to be duplicated, never again to be known. Yet you are eternally forever renewed in mysteries that you cannot understand so know yourselves honor yourselves.  26:13

Title: Re: Seth on suicide
Post by: dougdi on February 16, 2019, 07:43:55 AM
I just read this yesterday in The Early Class Sessions Book 1:

"There is a short time between lives when you rest and when you take stock of what you have learned and where you are. But true peace is within you now. And if you do not realize it, it is not because peace does not exist. It is because you have closed yourselves off from peace, and joy springs out of peace. Joy cannot come from unease and dissatisfaction. You will not find peace after this unless you know peace within yourselves now. The kingdom of peace is not on some planet, not four blocks down and three blocks across, not a million light years away and miraculously will you find it. The kingdom of peace is within each of you now and if you realize this, then indeed you dwell in peace and from peace comes your security and confidence and joy."
Title: Re: Seth on suicide
Post by: jbseth on February 16, 2019, 01:45:04 PM
Hi Baharp, Hi Dougdi, Hi All,

It appears to me that we have 2 new members of this forum.  Yea.  :)

Welcome, to this forum Baharp and Dougdi. I look forward to hearing from both of you in the days, weeks, and months ahead.
