Hi All,
In Seth Speaks, Chapter 4, Session 521, (see quotes below) Seth uses a "play" analogy to describe how we create the props, the theme, the settings as well as, write, act and produce the entire production of our lives. Furthermore he also says that we get so involved in this, that we forget that these are our own creations. Then he tells us there are many other plays going on simultaneously. These other plays are our reincarnational lives.
Next, Seth says that we are the multidimensional self who has all of these existences, and who creates and takes part in all of these plays.
He then tells us that we have the knowledge of our entire multidimensional personality at our fingertips. Along with this, he says that this knowledge allows us to solve the problems and challenges that we have set for ourselves, quicker.
After this he says that to the extent, that we allow the intuitions and knowledge of the multidimensional self to flow through our conscious self, we are able to perform our role in the play more effectively.
Finally he says that our multidimensional personality, our true identity, the real you, is conscious of itself, as itself, in any of these roles.
Do you ever consciously think of yourself as your multidimensional self?
Do you regularly allow the intuitions and knowledge of your multidimensional self to flow through your conscious self?
If not, is this the reason why we have struggles and difficulties in our lives?
What do you think?
Seth Speaks, Chapter 4, Session 521:
[...] Consider your present self as an actor in a play; hardly a new analogy, but a suitable one. The scene is set in the twentieth century. You create the props, the settings, the themes; in fact you write, produce, and act in the entire production — you and every other individual who takes part.
You are so focused in your roles, however; so intrigued by the reality that you have created, so entranced by the problems, challenges, hopes, and sorrows of your particular roles that you have forgotten they are of your own creation. [...]
But there are other plays going on simultaneously, in which you also have a part to play. These have their own scenery, their own props. They take place in different periods of time. One may be called "Life in the twelfth century A.D." One may be called "Life in the eighteenth century," or "in 500 B.C.," or "in A.D. 3000." You also create these plays and act in them. These settings also represent your environment, the environment that surrounds your entire personality.
I am speaking of the portion of you who is taking part in this particular period piece, however; and that particular portion of your entire personality is so focused within this drama that you are not aware of the others in which you also play a role. [...]
(10:26.) You are the multidimensional self who has these existences, who creates and takes part in these cosmic passion plays, so to speak. It is only because you focus in this particular role now that you identify your entire being with it.
Then Seth says:
[...] You have the knowledge of your entire multidimensional personality at your fingertips. When you realize that you do, this knowledge allows you to solve the problems or meet the challenges you have set, quicker, in your terms; and also opens further areas of creativity by which the entire play or production can be enriched.
(11:08.) To the extent, therefore, that you allow the intuitions and knowledge of the multidimensional self to flow through the conscious self, to that extent not only do you perform your role in the play more effectively, but also you add new energy, insights, and creativity to the entire dimension.
Now it seems to you, of course, that you are the only conscious part of yourself, for you are identifying with the actor in this particular production. The other portions of your multidimensional personality, in these other reincarnational plays, are also conscious, however. And because you are a multidimensional consciousness, "you" are also conscious in other realities beside these.
Your multidimensional personality, your true identity, the real you, is conscious of itself, as itself, in any of these roles.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12440#msg12440)
You are the multidimensional self who has these existences, who creates and takes part in these cosmic passion plays, so to speak. It is only because you focus in this particular role now that you identify your entire being with it.
jbseth, thanks, it is useful to be reminded of this.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12440#msg12440)
Do you ever consciously think of yourself as your multidimensional self?
Do you regularly allow the intuitions and knowledge of your multidimensional self to flow through your conscious self?
If not, is this the reason why we have struggles and difficulties in our lives?
Working on it.
Great topic & questions, as always.
I often view life as a play, it's a great analogy for understanding what Seth says is going on here in this realm. Allegory of the Cave. Or the old computer game The Sims. I see the player as the oversoul setting up lives for the characters, who also have an AI version of free will. I remember walking away from the computer once, letting my characters live their own lives for about 30 minutes, and while I was gone they had a kitchen fire, burned down their house and died.
The quote from session 521 is perfectly wonderful and so clear, especially the part Sena re-quoted.
I do stop to think at times that I am multidimensional. I wonder what my 'other' selves are doing, whether probable selves or incarnations. I've left mental messages for my past and future selves. Sometimes I get glimmers of incarnations — once I had a flash of myself working in a garden in old fashioned dress and bonnet, a windmill off in the distance. Once a vision of myself as a very old Japanese man living in a sort of platform house with bamboo paper walls, the only privacy coming from courtesy. At times I ask my entity for help, usually after totally frustrating myself over some sort of technical issue where I finally come to my senses and back away from the problem, telling myself that if I stop beating my head against the wall and open myself to the sea of knowledge that's out there, the answers will come. They always do. I'm learning to do this sooner rather than later. I've learned (since finding the Seth materials) that solutions and ideas don't always come from my own brain's bank of knowledge or experience.
So the struggles and difficulties, to me, come from either lessons to be learned, or from the distance or separation from this truth:
Quote from: seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12440#msg12440)
Your multidimensional personality, your true identity, the real you, is conscious of itself, as itself, in any of these roles.
And you?
Hi Deb,
Thanks for asking. In regards to the 3 questions:
1. Do you ever consciously think of yourself as your multidimensional self?
2. Do you regularly allow the intuitions and knowledge of your multidimensional self to flow through your conscious self?
3. If not, is this the reason why we have struggles and difficulties in our lives?
I'd have to say the following:
1. I almost never "consciously" think about my entity or my multidimensional self and that's something I'm going to change in my life. The thought just never seemed to occur to me; which seems strange given how much of the Seth material, I've read over the years.
I do occasionally think about my inner self, and occasionally I think about both my reincarnational selves and my probable selves.
Like you, I've had some "experiences" over the years, where I think I've actually tapped into some of the experiences of some of my reincarnational selves. Maybe this would be a fun topic for discussion on forum.
2. Yes, now I do this quite a bit. However, when I was younger, in my 20's, I pretty much never did this at all.
3. Yes, I would say that this is definitely true for me.
I loved your comments about the "Sims". I completely forgot about this game. Unfortunately I've never played the "Sims" game but I always wanted to.
I've always thought that the "Sims" game gave us a great example of how to explain Seth's ideas about the entity and its various personalities to someone else.
Do you think that Sims ever wonder about where they came from?
I would definitely recommend The Sims. It's been a very long time since I had the game, but I've been tempted to download it again because there have been so many advancements in the software and most of the time the price is right. And it IS fun. My son and his friends were very entertained by the idea of how to torture the Sims characters -- such as building a swimming pool, getting the Sims to jump in, and then remove the ladder. And what a surprise, there was a Sims cemetery and ghosts. While I hated that, I also found it was a fascinating and boundless construct and admired the kids' creative imaginations.
And at times I have wondered if the Sims wonder about life. They are just data. But in a way, so are we.
I also have only seriously tapped into my intuitions over the past several years. But I find it interesting that so many people over my lifetime had told me to trust my instincts. Even before it was a popular concept.
Update: Saw this image on Facebook and thought it was interesting. :o
Hi guys...it's been a while.
I hope everyone believes they are well.... :D
The topic here reminds me of a life analogy that keeps coming to me.
The idea of my present self as a pilot, with my life as the plane.
I've been wondering about fate, and what role my beliefs play when they don't exactly match my desires and expectations. It's hard to argue against the fatalist, as even creating your reality can be simply another way that fate is expressing itself. Seth often talks of the higher self 'guiding' the human incarnation in ways toward value fulfillment, and I'm sure everyone has had moments where they wonder how the heck things turned out the way they did, only to later realize things turned out for the best.
If I am the pilot, and I am flying the plane, then surely I am in control.
But how many airplanes have you ever been on that changed destination mid-flight purely because the pilot felt like it?
I am coming to understand that I better have chosen the destination well in advance of the plane taking off from the ground.
And if I must change along the way, there might be some storms to live through before a new destination manifests.
I reckon the the idea of tapping into the multi dimensional self is the first port of call. Intuition is a very subtle thing, that can often be drowned out by the all the noise of tapping... ;D
Quote from: LenKop (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=12460#msg12460)
I am coming to understand that I better have chosen the destination well in advance of the plane taking off from the ground.
And if I must change along the way, there might be some storms to live through before a new destination manifests.
Len, that's a good way of putting it. Welcome back!