In the first book The Eternal Validity of the Soul, in chapter 19, Seth introduced that we can see our thoughts as landscape when we are in A-1 conscious. Anyone tried it yet? I tried but didn't work, so would like to ask who had done it and why it is difficult to get in A-1.
Hi Martin,
Are you talking about the book "Seth Speaks"?
@martin and welcome!
Yes, it's in Seth Speaks, Chapter 19, Alternate Presents and Multiple Focus.
I feel I do go into A-1 consciousness, but I'm more aware of it now thanks to Seth and use it to solve problems. It's easy to get into once you know what it is. It does feel to the side of my regular conscious focus, but before Seth I used to think of it as "going inside." You probably do it all the time but possibly don't recognize it or notice it. When I realize I'm struggling too hard to find a solution to some sort of problem (for instance something technical with work or I'm coming down with something), I make myself back away from the situation, unfocus my mind, and ask for clues or solutions. They will usually flood in right away. If not, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with the solution. I'm learning to trust this process more and more and it's actually fun.
As far as the "thoughts as landscape" — I'll have to read the chapter again to understand what that means, it's been too long and was one of the first Seth books I read. Seth also describes A-1-a, A-1-b and A-1-c (hey! that's a blood test for diabetics!) and need to refresh my memory. I may have dipped into A-1-b, but I'm not sure, I'll let you know.
I'll have time later today to read it and will add an update post if I get a better feel for what Seth is saying there. I've found that I may not have understood some things in the books the first read through, and if I go back and re-read new stuff pops out at me. Like Seth is constantly updating his books. :)
Here it comes what Seth said we could do in A-1:
"With greater practice, the contents of your own mind will become as readily available. You will see your thoughts as clearly as your inner organs. In this case you may perceive them symbolically through symbols you will recognize, seeing jumbled thoughts for example as weeds, which you can then simply discard......
This will show you how the thoughts brought about the physical malady, and which ones were involved. The same thing should then be done with the feeling pattern. This may be perceived as bursts of dark or light colors in motion, or simply one particular emotion of great force may be felt. If it is very strong, one emotion may be felt in many such guises. In the case of both thoughts and emotions, with great confidence you pluck out those that are connected with the malady. ....."
----that's really amazing what we can do in A-1. But seems difficult to reach that state. What do you think about it?
Quote from: martin (
But seems difficult to reach that state
Remove that thought from your system of beliefs firstly.
Over the years I have come to notice how really subtle these things are. Many times I'll catch an answer that I'm looking for in the most unlikely thought or emotional process. Quite often I find myself thinking a 'landscape' within my self is going to look like some painting I've seen, as that is the first thought that comes to me. I've learned to use that first thought simply as a springboard into myself.
Also, 'watch' your thoughts and feelings, and catch the subtlety in the moment to open up areas within the self. If you have a desire and expectation to experience something new within yourself, avoid any suppositions, or even attempts (initially), and let it come to you. Because it's something new, you will not know what it feels like until you experience for the first time.
You also might have to face some subconscious fears before you can pursue these ideas further.
thank you for your reply.
Seth said in A-1 conscious, "you can perceive the moment's reality as it exists for your intestine, or your hand" --- what does it mean?
Thanks again.
Hi Martin,
Hey, welcome to the forum and great questions.
In your last post, Reply # 5, you mentioned that Seth said that in A-1 conscious, "You can perceive the moment's reality as it exists for your intestine, or your hand". Then you asked, "what does it mean?
For me, I think what Seth is getting at here is that in A-1, we can perceive things in a very different way, than perhaps we typically do. In A-1 we can contemplate what reality must be like for our intestine, or our hand, at any given moment.
I personally don't usually think like this and as a result, this statement gives me a new and interesting idea of how I can chose to think about things.
As you pointed out, this information comes from "Seth Speaks" Chapter 19, Session 574. In this session, on this topic, Seth does say the following: "None of these accomplishments are beyond my readers, though anyone may find any one given feat, more difficult than aonther."
Some people typically seem to think differently than others. I think that perhaps some people, perhaps someone like Jane Roberts or Sue Watkins for example, probably think, along these lines, much more easily and freely than I do.
It's not that I can't, it's just that I typically don't think like this.
- jbseth
Oh, I also wanted to mention that for me, getting into A-1, has not been very difficult, but that's not to say that these other things that Seth talks about here, are just as easy.