~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Deb on July 22, 2019, 10:19:01 AM

Title: We are one of "the Seth groups"
Post by: Deb on July 22, 2019, 10:19:01 AM
"I fight authority. Authority always wins."
John Mellencamp, Authority Song

I was drawn to this quote, since we are one of "the Seth groups" that "interpret our books from their own levels," "buy the books for friends and relatives" and "pass on the ideas to parents or children, and to interpret them from home life, and through areas of work and community."

Quote(9:56) Give us a moment.... I want to point out that the Seth groups throughout the country are far more significant than you might realize, for they are not formed as a result of any kind of promotion. They arise spontaneously, and despite the fact that you do not actively encourage them, or even pat them on the back.

In that respect they are grassroot, coming from the people themselves. Those people interpret our books from their own levels. They regard the books as their discoveries. They buy the books for friends and relatives. They try to pass on the ideas to parents or children, and to interpret them through home life, and through areas of work and community. They invest time and enthusiasm—and that kind of grassroot development is in the long run more apt to change the beliefs of a society than any authoritative dictums from the specialists, whatever their field. You are reaching tomorrow's "authorities."

To reach today's authorities you must make too many concessions, and that is true of anyone who hopes to produce great work in any area. Men in the sciences have years and years invested in a particular system, upon which their reputations, self-respect, and livelihood depend. They have inbuilt leanings, then, quite understandably if regrettably, that mitigate against their looking with clear eyes upon work that shows the gaps in their own understanding or systems.

That was Seth giving Rob a pep talk that they should not be focused on convincing "today's authorities" (science, religion, parapsychologists, even book agents), of the validity of the materials... it will take care of itself. "You must do what you want because you want to do it..."

QuoteYour original purpose was the purpose of the creative artist or of the mystic, and that kind of purpose automatically brings you in rebellion against official authority. Your original purpose did not involve gaining the respect of those authorities, and it is, if you will forgive me, overall shortsighted to worry about the approval of such people in your time. It can  make you bitter for no reason, for this kind of creative work exists outside of its time, and will still be read when the old authorities no longer exist, in your terms.

You must do what you want because you want to do it, and if the authorities listen, well and good, and if not it is their loss.

The ideas will grow in any case... Forget such things as impressing the authorities so that they somehow change the world. Do not expect the books to sell like novels, as I have told you. Free yourselves from such considerations, with their implications.

Deleted Session, May 8, 1978, TPS Book 4
Title: Re: We are one of "the Seth groups"
Post by: chasman on July 22, 2019, 10:16:22 PM
utterly awesome. thank you super extra very much for posting all of this Deb.