Seth says there is karma:
Quote"Killing except for self-protection will be paid for." (TES1, Session 32)
From this sentence, we can deduce that if you kill a chicken, you would incur a karmic debt, that needs to be paid off in the future. So many schools of buddhism advocate vegetarianism and no killing of sentient life.
Then, Seth says there is no karma:
Quote"But in the terms used there is no karma to be paid off as punishment unless you believe that there are crimes for which you must pay. In larger terms there is no cause and effect either, though these are root assumptions in your reality.*" (The Nature of Personal Reality (A Seth Book), Chapter 9, Session 636)
This sentence seems to suggest that even if I kill a chicken, I would not need to pay a karmic debt, as long as I don't believe in karma.
Moreover, there is another inconsistency.
Seth says that our thoughts create our reality, and this is true in
ALL reality, be it our dream reality or even Seth's own reality.
QuoteYou always form your own reality according to your ideas and expectations. This is the nature of consciousness in whatever reality it finds itself. (Seth Speaks, Chapter 9, Paragraph 18)
Then with this, we can say that our thoughts is the cause, and the reality that follows, that is created by our thoughts, is the effect.
But yet Seth says "In larger terms there is no cause and effect either, though these are root assumptions in your reality."
Here, Seth is saying cause and effect is true in our reality because we make it a root assumption. Thus, another reality may not obey the principle of cause and effect because it may not be one of its root assumptions. If so, then our thoughts, when we are present in that reality, would not form reality, since cause and effect doesn't work over there. Then, in that reality, "our thoughts create our reality" will be false.
QuoteFor at no time are any events predestined. There should be no such word in your vocabulary, for with every moment you change, and every heartbeat is an action, and every action changes every other action. (TES5, Session 204)
Also, if our thoughts create our reality, then isn't our reality
predestined by our thoughts?
Quote from: happiness (
Also, if our thoughts create our reality, then isn't our reality predestined by our thoughts?
Just addressing that one question, I think that Seth is saying that there is no fixed, rigid future, but there are probable futures based on our thoughts, and we can change those probabilities by changing our thoughts.
Quote from: happiness (
Also, if our thoughts create our reality, then isn't our reality predestined by our thoughts?
happiness, the nature of thought is that it is constantly changing. Seth emphasizes free will, so there is no predestination. Seth's teaching on karma needs to be compared to the Buddhist version. According to the Buddhist version, if I killed somebody in a previous life, I WILL be murdered in this life. Seth's version is that I have a choice. I may choose to be murdered, or I may choose to be a counsellor who tries to help the victims of crime.