~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth Related Questions / Explanations => Topic started by: jbseth on August 01, 2019, 01:03:00 PM

Title: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: jbseth on August 01, 2019, 01:03:00 PM
Hi All,

Do Fairies exist?  What about Dragons, do they exist?

What do you think?

Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 01, 2019, 03:33:31 PM
Yes on both! :)
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: Deb on August 01, 2019, 06:33:30 PM
Not in my reality.  :(

But I do have a friend who made a career out of being a fairy artist, and another who swears she saw elementals in the woods on her property in the mountains. AND she's not the type to say something like that. So...
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 01, 2019, 08:10:58 PM
Hi Jbseth,

This one is for you, it's called The Rocks were Alive #3. It's a little over 16 mins.
I think there's a good deal of our past that is either being hidden from us, or perhaps some of it happened so long ago that it was largely forgotten. When I get time I'm going to search all the Seth material for any explanations of exactly how this planet was formed.
Some say Earth is the leftover remnant of a giant planet called Tiamat that was destroyed in a terrible war, and that the other half is the asteroid belt. Some say essentially earth and mars were moons of this giant planet.
Depending on who you listen to there is evidence for Dragon beings in the far past, fairies too :)
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: jbseth on August 01, 2019, 11:24:30 PM
Hi T.M.,

Those are very interesting photos. It's amazing that there are so many of them.

- jbseth
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 01, 2019, 11:49:13 PM
Hi Jbseth,

The channel of the vid, has more vids too. Also Age of Discovery, and Mudfossil University channel has lots more too.
It's amazing how many formations there are like that all over the world.
The bible said some of the giants were 300 els? or elbs? I forgot the exact terminology. Someone worked out what that was and it was 2 miles tall!
I can't help think of Seth when he says there's more truth than you know in myth - loosely paraphrased
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: jbseth on August 02, 2019, 09:06:02 PM
Hi T.M.

I didn't find anything on the internet about the giants in the bible being some 300 els or elbs tall.

However I do recall Seth saying the following. This comes from Seth Speaks, Chapter 15, Session 563:

"(9:21.) These outposts were situated in many scattered areas, but there were a fairly large number of them in what is now Spain and the Pyrenees. There were several reasons for this, one having to do with the existence of rather giant-sized men in the mountain areas. Because of the timid nature of these [Lumanian] people, they did not enjoy outpost existence, and only the bravest and most confident of them were given such an assignment, which was temporary to begin with."

Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 02, 2019, 09:23:33 PM
Hi Jbseth,

I've read that before but completely missed  "the existence of rather giant-sized men " Thank you for the quote!!
The size was something a biblical type scholar worked out. It's in there somewhere, lol.

The legends of the planet Tiamat, say it was a giant planet. It would kinda figure giant people and animals too.
Wish I could find out more in the vast amount of information Seth has. It will probably just be a nice mystery for me, and that's okay too. :)
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: jbseth on August 02, 2019, 10:31:26 PM
Hi All,

Lately I've been reading Jane's book, "Psychic Politics".  In Chapter 24, of this book, Jane writes about psychically receiving information on the various "stages of consciousness" that go beyond our typical, physical reality stage of consciousness.

I'm kind of paraphrasing here, but in this book, she comes to the conclusion that she, can't perceive her various "Aspects" (Seth, Sumari, Seven, Cyprus, and "Helper"), from our typical, physical reality stage of consciousness. Instead, she has to be in a different stage of consciousness in order to perceive them.

It has occurred to me that maybe this is what occurs with people when they perceive fairies, beings like Big Foot, unicorns and dragons.  Maybe these people are here in this real world physical reality, but their consciousness is in some different stage where they can perceived these beings.

What do you think?


Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 02, 2019, 11:24:12 PM
Hi Jbseth,

I go down rabbit holes of different subjects, often. :)
One night it turned into Bigfoot and the old west, and strangely enough U.F.O. 's
Seems often in the old west, they were often seen together. Though most just reported seeing moving lights around the Bigfoot. Modern day encounters definitely link the two. Or one would be seen and then shortly the other in the old west tales. Though a few of the tales definitely make a reference to some kind of piloted craft.

It was after I saw a film about Bigfoot on Netflix. The film maker who is relatively unknown, is a Bigfoot tracker as well.
He and other's have postulated that Bigfoot are actually inter dimensional beings. I think a large number of accounts of encounters, the people are mentally aware of something being around before they are physically aware of the being.
If I recall correctly the film maker was very definitely convinced there is a psychic tie in with them. He has been tracking them for years. He isn't interested in shooting one for proof though, thankfully.

I've read old occult books that say outright Bigfoot is a created creature. With more emphasis on the beast than the human faculty side.
There's a researcher called Michael Tsarion. He very much studies old myths in an attempt to go back to Atlantis and Lemuria. He believes several beings were created that turned on their creators. Though I was always under the impression the created beings were human. At times I wonder though. Could Bigfoot be from that time? Is that why the common sightings of them with ufos, and or the perception  on the part of others that they are somehow inter dimensional?
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 02, 2019, 11:34:22 PM

In "The Way Towards Health"  Jane was in the hospital and Rob was with her and they had a short session after watching something like In Search of with Lenord Nimoy. It was about Bigfoot. Seth spent the rest of the session confirming we do indeed share our world with a creature that lives in the woods and full well has the awareness and ability to hide from mankind. He said they have been here a long time
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: jbseth on August 03, 2019, 11:55:54 AM
Hi T.M., Hi All,

Wow T.M., this is really fascinating. I've never read "The Way Toward Health", and I had no idea that this information from Seth was in there.  Thanks so very much for sharing.  :)

"The Way Toward Health", Chapter 1, January 10, 1984


(This material came through after Jane and I had watched a program yesterday and today called In Search Of — old reruns featuring Leonard Nimoy. I don't recall the shows. In my original notes I had noted that today's "session material was quite unexpected."

(Jane obviously gave this material from her hospital bed in room 330.)

Now: I bid you another fond good afternoon.

("Good afternoon, Seth.")

A few comments.

There are many, many species that man has not discovered, in all the categories of life — insects onward.

There are multitudinous species of viruses and so forth that man has not encountered and recognized, and there are connections between viruses and other species of living matter that remain unknown. There are indeed two different kinds of upward-walking mammals, much like your own species, but much larger, and with infinitely keener senses. They are indeed amazingly swift creatures, and through scent alone they are aware of the presence of man when any member of your species is at all in the immediate area — standing, say, at least several miles away. Vegetable matter is a main diet, though often supplemented by insects, which are considered a delicacy.

They have, for that matter, devised many ingenious insect traps, so that hundreds or more can be caught, for many are needed since insects are so small. These traps are often constructed on trees, in the bark, in such a fashion that the tree gum itself is used to trap the insects. The traps appear to be part of the tree itself, so as to protect them.

These creatures do indeed remember, but their remembering operates extremely rapidly — a kind of almost instantaneous deduction that comes as sense data is interpreted. That is, received and interpreted almost at once, or simultaneously.

(Pause at 4:40.) Offspring do not occur until the individuals are well past the age that you would consider normal for breeding. Otherwise the procedure is the same. With some territorial variation, such creatures reside in many of the world areas on your planet, though their overall population is very small — altogether, perhaps, several thousand. They rarely congregate in large groups, but do have a family and tribal-like organization, with at the very most twelve adults in any given area. As offspring are added, the groups break up again, for they know well that in larger numbers they would be much more easy to discover.

They all use tools of one kind or another, and live indeed in close concord with the animals. There is no competition between them and animals, for example, and they are not basically aggressive, though they could be extremely dangerous if they were cornered, or if their young were attacked.

They grow quite sluggish in wintertime, in very cold climates, and their temperature drops, as is characteristic of hibernating animals, except that their temperature is more sensitive to daily variations, so that on some winter days they can forage for food very well, while on the other hand they may hibernate for even weeks on end.

(4:46.) They have a keen understanding of nature, and of natural phenomena. Language is not developed to any great degree, for their sensual ordinary equipment is so pure and swift that it almost becomes a language of its own, and does not need any elaboration. Those senses possess their own variances, so that without any word such as "now" or "then," the creatures are able to know quite accurately how many living creatures are in the vicinity, how long they have been there (pause) — and their experience with time is one that follows the seasons in such a way that they have formed a wordless, fairly accurate picture of the world, including navigational direction.

I am mentioning this material because of the program you saw today, and also because I knew of your interest.

Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 03, 2019, 12:35:34 PM
Hi Jbseth,

I think I watched the movie and then decided to read The Way Towards Health. I was kinda blown away when I came across that too. Weird how I came across both in the same time period too.

I really wonder if the human and Bigfoot interactions occur when humans get to close to a nest/camp area.

There's another researcher. Missing 411. I can't remember his name. He basically researchers many funky disappearances in national parks. Which can be a long subject. After listening to a few of his shows I kinda suspect the u.s. government/military is aware of Bigfoot tribes now. There does look like there's times Bigfoot beings have helped save small children that wander off and get lost in wilderness areas.
Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 03, 2019, 12:47:21 PM
I truly have no idea what to make of this. If it's on the level or made up. Thought it might be of interest though.

Civil War Bigfoot Encounter
Published on Nov 22, 2018
A letter, dated 1895, was recently made available to me by a local historian and writer. I was not allowed to make copies or remove the letter from his office. It was hard to read because the paper is old and the handwriting in those days, while beautiful, is difficult to read. However I was able to understand most of it in the short time I had possession of the letter. Here is the story.

Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: Deb on August 03, 2019, 08:27:49 PM
I'm a bit behind here! Those rock figures were really interesting. Some of them could be explained away as matrixing, but there were quite a few that looked more like mummified creatures or ancient carvings. I love that there are still mysteries on this planet, despite science thinking everything that needs to be known has been found. New species of animals and plants turn up occasionally, and sometimes animals that have been deemed officially extinct suddenly turn up. Who knows what went on here in the 'oldest' ancient history, before our consciousness came to be what it is now. Ever seen the movie Mirror Mask, with its floating giants? Some of these images reminded me of the movie. It's a must-see in my mind—the most over-the-top creative movie I've ever seen.

Funny, just a week or so ago I was listening to the part of Seth Speaks about the Lumanians being in outposts and not enjoying it, but somehow the giant-sized men part didn't sink in. Nice catch jbseth!

Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13168#msg13168)
I'm kind of paraphrasing here, but in this book, she comes to the conclusion that she, can't perceive her various "Aspects" (Seth, Sumari, Seven, Cyprus, and "Helper"), from our typical, physical reality stage of consciousness. Instead, she has to be in a different stage of consciousness in order to perceive them.

I think Seth also talked about something similar in SS, where he explains altered states of consciousness. I guess in order to perceive things outside of our sensory limitations, we need to be able to tune down sensory input and turn our focus away from our limited perceptions, which should then open us up to perceive things outside our typical range. I also think some people are born with that ability. They are the ones who can sense things most of us can't.

Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13170#msg13170)
Seth spent the rest of the session confirming we do indeed share our world with a creature that lives in the woods and full well has the awareness and ability to hide from mankind.

If Bigfeet are real, I don't blame them from hiding from us. They're smart enough to avoid such murderous creatures as humans, whether our excuse is furthering science, defense or trophy hunting. Like the way we feel about ETs, everyone assumes they're here to kill off the humans and take over the planet for one reason or another.

I LOVED the video about the Civil War letter. I kind of searched around the internet and saw it's been mentioned in a couple of different places, one of them being a Civil War forum. Very well done. The guy who narrated that video has his own YouTube channel and Facebook page all about cryptids. His YouTube About page says, "We tell stories about Bigfoot and other Cryptids. Some of what you hear will be true. Some will be inspired by true events." I'm tempted to email him asking more about which category this falls under.

Title: Re: Fairies and Dragons
Post by: T.M. on August 03, 2019, 08:42:02 PM
Hi Deb,

I've been subscribed to Dixie Cryptid for awhile. He will usually tell you at the beginning of the vid which it falls under, real, inspired, or based on true events. I think the Civil war one is based on true events, as far as he can tell, or track down. You never really know in this day of the internet. I found it very interesting the soldier relayed the creature knew how to use the vegetation around them. Even making a poltice of sorts for him.

His channel was just beginning when he made that one. He was trying to get a rep as a good channel. I think it's one of the best Cryptid channels on YouTube :)
I binge watch his channel from time to time. I think the Civil war one is one of his best!

I don't blame Bigfoot for staying concealed either!!

Thanks for the reference to the movie!!  I will be looking for it :)