Hi All,
Over the years, I've become aware of 2 people who seemingly have been able to perform some incredible feats. Here I'm referring to Sathya Sai Baba and Uri Geller.
It was claimed that Sathya Sai Baba could materialize objects like rings out of nothing.
In addition to this, it was also claimed that Uri Geller, could bend metal spoons using just the power of his mind.
What do you think? Was Sathya Sai Baba legitimate? That is, could he actually materialize objects out of nothing?
What do you think? Was Uri Geller legitimate? That is, could he actually bend metal spoons with just the power of his mind?
Hi Jbseth,
I know Stuart Wilde said it was possible to materialize objects out of thin air, and to bi-locate. So I do think it's possible.
I wouldn't doubt that Uri Teller can bend spoons, and other objects. I think I saw a vid of him doing that on a show like Johnny Carson years ago.
Hi T.M.,
I think that its possible that Sathya Sai Baba materialized things and I also think that its possible that Uri Geller actually bent spoons and didn't use magic to do so.
This relates to personal belief.
Those people who don't believe that these types of things are possible, would either never experience them in their reality, or if they did, then they wouldn't believe them. I think, a belief, a personal belief, that this is why people like Randi, insist that Uri Geller is a fake and a fraud. They don't "believe", another personal belief, that this is possible.
On the other hand, those people who do believe that these types of things are possible, would be open to the possibility that these things can happen. Thus, if they did experience something like this, then they might be surprised but they wouldn't necessarily insist that this was some sort of magic trick.
Then again, there are people who are very good at performing magic. Some of these people can make it appear that a spoon was bent, or an object appeared out of nothingness by using a sleigh of hand trick.
We may never know whether Sathya Sai Baba actually materialized objects out of nothingness or not, or whether Uri Geller is a gifted psychic or a gifted magician, but we can know, whether we believe that these things are possible or not.
By the way, who's Stuart Wilde? I'm not sure I ever heard of him.
Hi Jbseth,
Stuart was a metaphysical author. He said he mentored Wayne Dyer, and Deepak Chopra. He had a small dedicated following.
His thing was enlightenment on the quick. Drop all the unnecessary rules, craft your own way.
With the objects out of thin air. I think it's just a solidified mental pattern. :)
Once you think of say a $100 bill. That does exist, and by thinking about it, it exists in the aether. If one concentrates enough, one can "clothe it with matter" and bring it through to the physical plane :)
I think that's how it goes. If I knew for sure I would have no shortage of $100 bills, lol.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13270#msg13270)
What do you think? Was Sathya Sai Baba legitimate?
Was Uri Geller legitimate?
Boy, that's a tough one. I tend to think anything is possible, but would not be able to say they specifically were legitimate unless I saw them do something with my own eyes.
I can say that I have had a CSS book disappear a few years ago (I think I told the story somewhere here). I emailed the author to tell him my book vanished and I loved it so much that I was buying it a second time. He was tickled and sent me a replacement for free. When I went to put the new book on my office shelf that the old one used to occupy, the old book was there. I only had 3 books on that entire shelf, ones I referred to constantly, so it wasn't lost in the crowd. It had been missing for a few weeks. No one else in my house is the least bit interested in CSS and wouldn't have known I had the book, let alone borrow it.
I read
The Scole Experiment many years ago. It was a small group of people in England that were doing experiments in the basement of an old farm house using mediums to communicate with spirits (one of them being Thomas Edison!). The book was so dry it was believable. They had things apparate during these sessions and had quite a collection of artifacts: old jewelry, photos, old newspapers in pristine condition and photographic film locked in a box imprinted with some fascinating stuff. https://www.thescoleexperiment.com/the-scole-experiment-overview.html Could they have made it all up? Of course. Just like Jane and Rob could have. Why would they? I don't know. They didn't make a fortune off it all. Most people have never heard of it.
I just found out that they made a documentary. I'll have to watch it tonight. It's probably as slow as the book was. Which is what made it so believable for me: no drama or sensationalism. Just the facts ma'am.
Update: I did watch some of the video last night, it was pretty interesting. Will finish up today. But a little coincidence: Rupert Sheldrake had a couple of appearances in it.