I came across this somewhat surprising bit of Sethian dream interpretation in Seth Speaks:
"Now: The animus and the anima are, of course, highly charged psychically, but the origin of this psychic charge and the inner fascination are the result of a quite legitimate inner identification with these personified other-sex characteristics.......
".......The anima and the animus are closely connected with these interior body images. These body images are highly charged psychically, and also appear in the dream state. They operate as compensations and reminders to prevent you from over-identifying yourself with your present physical body. They are, of course, both male and female. When you are ill, in the dream state you often have experiences in which you seem to be someone else with an entirely healthy body. Often such a dream is therapeutic. An "older" reincarnational body has come to your aid, from which you draw strength through the memory of its health. (10:" (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)
From the Kindle edition: http://amzn.eu/52Zg7eT
"Anima" and "animus" are terms which are found in Carl Jung's writings. All male humans are said to have a female anima in their inner psyche, and all females have a male animus.
Hi Sena,
What an interesting topic.
I find it real interesting that Seth says, "an older reincarnational body, has come to your aid,..."
I've never actually considered the idea that our reincarnational "bodies" come to our aid. Usually, I think of our whole self, our inner self or some form of our personality essence as coming to our aid instead. What an interesting concept. Thanks for sharing that.
I've never really paid any specific attention to my dreams while I was ill; probably because I was ill and didn't feel up to it. But I do know, that I've had on one or two occasions, a dream where I seem to be a female.
I'll have to keep an eye out for my dreams, the next time I'm feeling ill.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13357#msg13357)
I'll have to keep an eye out for my dreams, the next time I'm feeling ill.
jbseth, that's a good idea. Thanks for your comments.
Sena, a really interesting topic and an even more intriguing topic title!
I'm trying to get my head around "an older reincarnational body has come to your aid." With the addition of the words "memory of its health" I think Seth is not being literal here, in that it is our memory of the vitality of another body rather than the physical body itself taking any sort of action. Sorry if you've all picked up on that already and I'm just a little slow...
Now that I think about it, I don't recall ever dreaming I was sick, even if I was sick at the time in my waking state. At this point in my life I have aches and pains that interfere with my day to day life in small ways, and yet when I'm dreaming I have none of that, but I can't say that I was ever someone else in a dream. I seem to retain my current age and physical appearance, but without physical complaints. Even when I was going through cancer treatment in 2005 with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, none of that ever entered my dreams. It makes sense to me that since we get what we focus on, having a break during dream time where that focus is broken could be therapeutic. Sleep time is healing for more than one reason.
I have a friend who has lost her vision over the past 20 years, but in her dreams she can see.
I remember two dreams in my entire life where I was male. And one dream where I was a mountain lion, running through a forest. I remember looking down and seeing my front legs reaching out in front while I was running, and the feeling of exhilaration and joy as I ran effortlessly through the woods. I was 17 when I had that dream, so it and that sensation of freedom and joy of motion have stuck with me a long time.