~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: inavalan on September 18, 2019, 12:32:19 AM

Title: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: inavalan on September 18, 2019, 12:32:19 AM

I found these quotes, and couldn't find what book are they from (it is said to be from "The Seth Material", but I couldn't find it in what I have with this title. Does anybody know how can I find what book / session are they from? Thanks.

QuoteThe subconscious is the threshold of idea's emergence into the individual conscious mind. It connects the entity and the individual... The physical body is the material construction of the entity's idea of itself under the properties of matter... Instinct is the minimum ability for idea construction necessary for physical survival... The present is the apparent point of any idea's emergence into physical matter.
Quote24seq. [personality fragments]
Increased concentration of the conscious individual is the trend. Then these split personality fragments or images can be kept under scrutiny without taxing the present ego to distraction. Now, what you would call the subconscious performs this task; not too well, since it was never meant to focus clear attention. Consciousness will expand within your plane. The scope of consciousness will be so broadened that all personality fragments, split personality images, and individual fragments in succeeding incarnations will be held in clear focus without strain. It is toward this that evolution is headed...
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: Deb on September 18, 2019, 03:52:59 AM
Hi inavalan,

Normally we find quotes on the Seth search engine at https://findingseth.com/, but it seems The Seth Materials is one of the books that are not in the database. I have the book in print and can look for those quotes when I get back into the country in a couple of days.

Otherwise, hopefully someone on the forum has the book in Kindle and can do a search.

In the meantime, you can find a lot of Seth quotes about subconscious by going to the search engine above.
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: Sena on September 18, 2019, 04:50:22 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13385#msg13385)
Otherwise, hopefully someone on the forum has the book in Kindle and can do a search.
inavalan/Deb, this is the second quote from the Kindle edition:

""Increased concentration of the conscious individual is the trend. Then these split personality fragments or images can be kept under scrutiny without taxing the present ego to distraction. Now, what you would call the subconscious performs this task; not too well, since it was never meant to focus clear attention. Consciousness will expand within your plane. The scope of consciousness will be so broadened that all personality fragments, split personality images, and individual fragments in succeeding incarnations will be held in clear focus without strain. It is toward this that evolution is headed, though of course, at its usual donkey-slow rate."" (from "The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts)

Kindle link: http://amzn.eu/gR0dXIC

This is in the context of the "York Beach couple", whom Seth identified as personality fragments of Rob and Jane, and appeared rather grim and unhappy. Rob on an impulse got up and took Jane to dance, thus embarking on a different probable reality. If Rob had not acted in this way, he and Jane would have continued as the York Beach couple, and the Seth books would never have been written. This is my understanding of the incident, and the significance for us is that we sometimes have choices as to which probable reality we wish to enter.
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: inavalan on September 18, 2019, 11:59:58 AM
Thank you Deb! Thank you Sena!
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: jbseth on September 18, 2019, 01:09:46 PM
Hi inavalan, Hi All,

I've found, as a general rule, that many of the quotes from the "Seth Material" book are, in fact, given somewhere in one of "The Early Sessions" books. The same is true for the book, "Sleep, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness".

In your first set of quotes, I used the search engine to search for the word "threshold" in your first quote, "The subconscious is the threshold of idea's emergence into the individual conscious mind."

While the search engine said that there were only 57 results for the word "threshold", none of these 57 results contained this sentence.  Sometimes this happens.

As Deb mentioned above, the search engine doesn't contain the information from all the Seth related books.  It doesn't appear to contain the information given in many of Jane's books, "How to develop ESP", "The Seth Material", "Adventures in Consciousness", "Psychic Politics", "The God of Jane", etc.

I've also discovered that there are some Seth Sessions mentioned in some of Jane's books that don't seem to be captured anywhere else. For example, in "The God of Jane", there are a couple of pages of Seth session material where Seth talked about the life and times of Christ. This Seth session information doesn't appear to be captured anywhere elsewhere.

I've also discovered that there are "Deleted" Seth sessions that apparently aren't documented in the "Deleted Seth Sessions" books.

Other thoughts, I'm not sure that the search engine necessarily captures statements made by Jane, Rob or Seth, in the Preface or Introduction sections of many of the Seth books.

Generally, I've found this Seth search engine to be extremely useful. I've also found that by making use of the various examples, given for this search engine, I've been able to find something that I don't think I otherwise would have been able to.

By using this search engine and searching on, "Increased concentration of the conscious individual is the trend", I was able to locate your second quote. This second quote comes from TES1, Session 9, which is given below.

TES1, Session 9, December 18, 1963:

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Jane continues:) In a sense the present individual in any given life could be called a fragment of his entire entity, having all the properties of the original entity, though they remain latent or unused. The personality fragment in this sense can learn to develop what it has, rather than seek new powers. There are no new powers. The image that your friend saw was, as I said, a personality fragment of his own. It contained all the abilities of your friend, whether latent or not I do not know. This type of personality fragment is of different origin than your friend, who is himself a fragment of his own entity. We call this type a split personality fragment, or a personality image fragment. Usually it cannot operate on all levels of your physical plane.

Seldom, but sometimes, an individual may send a personality fragment image into another level of existence entirely, even without his own knowledge. This image personality fragment may even gain valuable experience on this other level. It will then return to the individual. Sometimes the individual is not even capable of assimilating this knowledge, or even recognizing his own returning personality image. The type of fragment your friend saw was something like this latter personality image, but so disconnected from your friend, and so absent-mindedly was it sent upon its travels, that its information was probably passed directly to the entity which your friend represents.

Increased concentration of the conscious individual is the trend. Then these split personality fragments or images can be kept under scrutiny without taxing the present ego to distraction. Now, the subconscious performs this task-not too well, since it was never meant to focus clear attention.

The consciousness will expand on your planet, just as it expands for those who go beyond your plane. The scope of consciousness will be so broadened in the future that all personality fragments, split personality images, and even individual fragments in succeeding incarnations, will be held in clear focus without strain. It is toward this that evolution on the earthly plane is headed
, though of course with its usual donkey-slow rate.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

Once more, your personality is creative and constructive even when it is tuned to a destructive trend. Therefore more than is normal you must be aware of this problem. The very fact that the images were so solid and real, and so vested with physical attributes shows how strong your aggressions were.

[... 26 paragraphs ...]


Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: inavalan on September 18, 2019, 01:42:28 PM
Thank you JBSeth!
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: inavalan on September 18, 2019, 06:04:33 PM
The first quote is from  "The Physical Universe As Idea Construction" by Jane Roberts (1963), and the quote is an aggregate of several definitions provided by Seth. Those definitions / quotes are listed in "Dreams and Projections of Consciousness" too:


Following are excerpts from "The Physical Universe As Idea
Construction." In the original manuscript, this entire portion came to me as

Energy is the basis of the universe.
Ideas are mental transformations of energy by an entity into physical reality.
Idea constructions are transformations of ideas into physical reality.
Space is where our own idea constructions do not exist in the physical universe.
The physical body is the material construction of the entity's idea of itself under the properties of matter.
The individual is the part of the entity or whole self of which we are conscious in daily life. It is that part of the whole self which we are able to express or make "real" through our idea constructions on a physical level.
The subconscious is the threshold of an idea's emergence into the individual conscious mind. It connects the entity and the individual.
Personality is the individual's overall responses to ideas received and constructed. It represents the emotional coloration of the individual's ideas and constructions at any given "time."
Emotions are the driving force that propel ideas into constructions.
Instinct is the minimum ability for idea constructions necessary for physical survival.


Thanks for help  :)
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: jbseth on September 18, 2019, 08:43:56 PM
Hi inavalan,

Those quotes as coming from "The Physical Universe as Idea Construction" makes a lot of sense.

Thanks for letting us know.

Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: inavalan on September 18, 2019, 08:53:55 PM
There is a copy of "The Physical Universe As Idea Construction" by Jane Roberts (1963).

EDIT: It seems, that only the definitions belong to Seth / Roberts. The rest, is the site author's commentary, so no added info vs. the quote from "Dreams and Projections of Consciousness". I removed the link, and quoted the definitions, bellow.

QuoteEnergy: Energy is the basis of the universe.

Ideas: Ideas are mental transformations of energy by an entity into physical reality.

Ideas Construction: Ideas construction are transformations of ideas into physical reality.

Space: Space is where our idea constructions do not exist within the physical universe.

The Physical Body: The physical body is the material construction of the entity's idea of itself under the properties of matter.

The Individual: The Individual is the part of the entity or whole self of which we are conscious in daily life. It is that part of the whole self which we are able to express or make "real" through our ideas constructions on the physical level.

The Subconscious: The subconscious is the threshold of an idea's emergence into the individual conscious mind. It connects the entity and the individual.

Personality: Personality is the individual's overall responses to ideas received and constructed. It represents the emotional coloration of the individual's ideas and constructions at any given "time".

Emotions: Emotions are the driving force that propel ideas into constructions.

Instinct: Instinct is the minimum ability for idea constructions necessary for physical survival.

Learning: Learning is the potential for constructing new idea complexes from existing ideas.

Idea complexes: Idea complexes are groups of ideas formed together like building blocks to form more complicated constructions in physical reality.

Communication: Communication is the interchange of ideas by entities on the energy nonphysical level.

Action: Action is idea in motion. The senses are channels of projection by which ideas are projected outward to create the world of appearances.

Environment: The environment is the overall idea constructions with which an individual surrounds himself.

Physical Time: Physical time is the apparent lapse between the emergence of an idea in the physical universe (as a construction) and its replacement by another.

The Past: The past is the memory of ideas that were but are no longer physical constructions.

The Present: The present is the apparent point of any idea's emergence into physical reality.

The Future: The future is the apparent lapse between the disappearance of one idea construction and its replacement by another in physical reality.

Psychological Time: Psychological time is the apparent lapse between the conception of ideas.

Aging: Aging is the effect upon an idea construction of the properties of matter of which the construction is composed.

Growth: Growth is the formation of an idea construction toward its fullest possible materialization following the properties of matter.

Sleep: Sleep is the entity's relative rest from idea construction except the minimum necessary for physical survival.

The Physical Universe: The physical universe is the sum of individual idea constructions.

Memory: Memory is the ghost image of "past" ideas constructions.
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: jbseth on September 19, 2019, 12:15:20 PM
Hi inavalan,

Where did you find these other word definitions for "The Physical Universe as Idea Construction", such as Psychological Time, Aging, Sleep, The Physical Time, etc.

I have the "Dreams and Projections of Consciousness" book, but I've never found anything on Idea Construction, beyond what was written there. In her and Rob's "Dreams and Projections of Consciousness" book, Jane says that when she had this experience, she ended up with something like 40 pages of scribbled notes and I've always been interested finding out what else she wrote.

I suspect that some of this information might be available at the Yale University site but I didn't know that anyone else had any additional information about it.

Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: inavalan on September 19, 2019, 01:23:02 PM
I have a version, published 1998, titled:
"Seth, dreams & Projections of Consciousness" by Jane Roberts.

There area bout 12 pages:
PART ONE: Intrusions from the Interior Universe
   1. Dreams, Creativity and the Unconscious
    Excerpts from "The Physical Universe as Idea Construction"
    My First Glimpse into the Interior Universe.

Here (https://www.newworldview.com/freebies/a-sethjane-roberts-annotated-book-listing-2/#DPC)'s a link I found with google: it shows the cover I have.

I also found this (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=880.0) on this forum.

And this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIxQDV3YJWg).
Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: jbseth on September 19, 2019, 03:18:46 PM
Hi inavalan,

Thanks for the information.

My mistake. When I looked again at my copy of the "Dreams" book, it does in fact contain the definitions of Psychological Time, Aging, Sleep, The Physical Time, etc.

Duh,  :P

Thanks for your patience

Title: Re: Seth quotes about "subconscious"
Post by: inavalan on September 19, 2019, 03:57:06 PM
You're welcome.  :)