~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Non-Seth Topics/Discussions => Topic started by: James Sidaway on November 06, 2019, 08:17:23 PM

Title: Mars Wipes-Out Atlantis?
Post by: James Sidaway on November 06, 2019, 08:17:23 PM
The Thunderbolt Destruction of Atlantis

Why don't they teach this stuff in school?
vimeo com/137043235
The date of destruction between 2000 and 3000 years ago in the interview video below corresponds with the saturniancosmology.org date of thunderbolt in 747BC in the above animation of the Mars pass-by.


Here are some stills of the Carolina Bay basins or craters which had Mars approaching Earth from the south pole, then blasting the Earth with Lightning bolts seeking charge equality and then Mars drifted far enough over the Hudson Bay for the thunderbolts to stop destroying Atlantis.  If you don't thinks so and you are an unbeliever, then listen or read William Cooper expose the world-wide-cult cataloging the 1916 Cult convocation in the United States of America: https://archive.org/details/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl/MB19_05111993_Fundamental_Laws_Rose_Cross.mp3
I'm sure Cooper was not fibbing.


Mars is the lightning scarred planet and now you will view where, the big valley "Valles Marineris" running  1/3 of the way across the circumference, came from...


Title: Re: Mars Wipes-Out Atlantis?
Post by: James Sidaway on November 11, 2019, 07:43:49 PM
I assume the Old Atlantis (that was "sunk") was North America(Yucatan pyramids included) because William Cooper exposed this in a Mystery School documentation from 1916: https://archive.org/details/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl/MB19_05111993_Fundamental_Laws_Rose_Cross.mp3

Another guy found ancient channels partly under water in North America: Lets search...
{ v=f9gDLgCzynE }  not in Spain...
{ v=u4iAvpPaJwg }  not Indonesia...  but channels in NA
{ v=odUtqDz4lEk }  not India...  I saw another study of this decades ago,
{ v=XIR0SFgxS7g }  Hebrew in NA about 500BC

Hey, maybe Atlantis was another world-wide civilization... of course!

The video https://vimeo.com/371514508
had the well driller find woody organics down at 140 meters.  Also, the massive die-off in North Dakota was buried, as well as the Carolina basins... Where did all the "earth" come from?

Maybe the Mar thunderbolts in 747BC dumped the extracted "earth" extracted out of Valles Marineris, http://i.imgur.com/iEarVRV.png  off of Mars and tossed it upon Earth and raised the water level as a result.   That makes sense once you study thunderbolt-matter-extraction-theories.  How did all those martian meteorites landing upon Earth (claimed by NASA) get lifted into orbit, in the first place?

I can't find the video of "Ancient channels in North America".... just this document: https://www.academia.edu/3779666/Ancient_Canal_Builders_-_Overview which is way more thorough.

Atlantis was the entire Earth?  And it couldn't survive the massive matter dumping the Mars thunderbolts, maybe.
Maybe this is why the Mystery School had Mary often standing in a protective cave... https://duckduckgo.com/?q=picture+of+mary+in+a+cave++catholic&t=ffab&ia=images
And maybe she was called something else before being called "Mary."
Endless research....  https://www.velikovsky.info/the-saturn-myth/
Title: Re: Mars Wipes-Out Atlantis?
Post by: T.M. on November 11, 2019, 09:43:31 PM
Hi All,

Hi James,

Have you looked into Mudfloods?  They also are saying we've experienced cataclysms not that long ago. As well as pointing out some architectural buildings we shouldn't have been able to build if we were truly in the horse and buggy age.

There's a brilliant Russian mathematician, Anatoly Formenko, that has put forth some pretty conclusive evidence that someone added years, by up to 1k, to some historical events, likely the church.  Our "officially promoted" timeline is potentially all a lie.

Personally I think Earth is a remnant of a planet called Tiamat. In one vid I watched, long ago, it was suggested that perhaps Earth was Noah's Ark. Which makes more sense to me than trying to cram all of Earth's animals on a boat in pairs. I've often wondered as well, could just 1 breeding pair of anything produce generations healthy viable offspring?!