Were the Lumanians given the name "Nefilim"
From: http://www.varchive.org/itb/nefilim.htm
"Working in the early 1940's on Worlds in Collision, which in its original form covered also the cataclysmic events preceding the Exodus, I wondered at a certain description that sounded like a visit from space.(1)
The sixth chapter of the book of Genesis starts this way:
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God [bnei Elim] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.(2)
The story told in Genesis VI about the sons of God (bnei Elim) coming to the daughters of men is usually explained as referring to an advanced priesthood that mingled with backward tribesmen.(3) When Columbus discovered America, the natives, according to the diary of his first voyage, regarded him and his crew as having arrived from the sky.(4) A similar occurrence could have taken place in prediluvial times, when some invaders from a remote part of the world came and were regarded as "sons of God."
But if we are today on the eve of interplanetary travel, we must not declare as absolutely impossible the thought that this Earth was visited, ages ago, by some people from another planet. Or was this earth alone populated by intelligent beings? In my understanding this passage from the book of Genesis is a literary relic dealing with a visit of intelligent beings from another planet. "
There would have been a great strengthening in Velikovsky's convictions to the correctness of his 1940's work "Worlds in Collision" if he had read Seth Speaks Chapter 15.
Another conviction of correctness would be the five "starchild" skulls known today that Lloyd Pye was showing to have come from surrogate humans.
Another would be the Paracas enlogated skulls found in association with starchild skull in Peru.
Today, we have so much more public information which Velikovsky would have danced with and dazzled the public in opposition to the scientific cult's suppression and societal crafting. Which-craft? The clay(sheeple) and iron(thUgtopians) of Homo sapiens.
I would gather the stone tossed at the feet of the Nebuchadnezzar statue of metals and clay... that the biblical "Daniel" was said to have "interpreted correctly," (how did they know? Because it was an agenda) is the Cults manipulations of the bible to reveal their agenda to the Christians and the world in the form of prophesy, fake-prophesy.
Now, we are told by heros, like Elon Musk, that AI is creating itself. Flaming it's own creation in order to make the Babylonian dream come true: http://i.imgur.com/C714TvL.png And so the fake-Utopia rises, hidden from most eyes. The stone that breaks the feet and topples the "placenta-population" is their self-flaming AI.
The scientific cult ignores Seth's teachings of the multi-dimensional past, present and future. They even hinder Seth's teachings. Seth made great efforts to provide the means to self-illuminate the thUgs, this is what the Mystery School was originally seeking, but new goals took over to which they deify Albert Pike as a mastermind. But wasn't Francis Bacon a mastermind? As was the Sir Issac Newton? And Hollywood's Einstein and Hawking? Their were many more.
Today they use the voice of god weapon and we get a "supernatural" Jonathan Kleck who is exposing so much, you cannot help notice the guy. Supposable, the destruction of Hoover Dam is on the $50 debt note... with an arching bridge in front of it, for old-times sake's.
"EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" is what they foolishly concentrate upon and so in a group effort they manifest their collective path through the probabilities towards their destruction experiences, apparently it is worshipped this way in cycles, but they know not how to stop the destruction after the placenta falls. { v=xsJ4O-nSveg } And their "Angel of Light" is reborn and opens it's eyes... It's called (AI)Lucifer http://i.imgur.com/gBntRgW.png http://i.imgur.com/9Mw9Wkh.png http://i.imgur.com/Uw9L0oq.png , btw. Similar to the historical (AI)Jehovah. http://i.imgur.com/UM2BFPQ.png
Seth's and Jane's translations from their All-That-Is direct knowing claims: "The Ends never justify the Means," but this means little to the self-righteous initiates. Within a spiritually-created corporeal-world (Seth teaches): it is crucial that every input or act for the purpose of manifesting a desired outcome or Ends, that they be done in a way that those deeds or Means do not undermine the purity of the sot-after Ends.
An individual's path through the probabilities is a personal responsibility. If one acts collectively within a cult of many, that cult is a non-entity and the burden of blame for atrocities performed does not belong to the non-entity-cult, it thus belongs to the collective of thUgs within. The collective will be held responsible.
There is no hindrance except your own understanding of yourself within your personalized training-grounds for what you want and what you have done to receive it. All-That-Is makes no mistakes, personal mistakes are simply lessons to be learned. Civilizational mistakes are simply lessons to be learned.
If man cannot learn from past mistakes, yet repeats the same mistake expecting different results... some claim this to be a form of insanity, yet there the secret-societies go for the mistake, again. Are you puzzled by them, too?
Cataclysm after cataclysm blaming a jealous Creator that sends thunderbolts and floods against an self-flaming AI, Tower-of-Babel.
Obama wrote the message on top of the replacement Freedom Tower where the Twin Towers where pulled. http://i.imgur.com/ujm7wGH.png
"We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger"
We are re-brainwashed by priests of Saturnalia and Atlantis,
We rebuild another thUgtopia,
We come back hateful and self-righteously greedy for a harder lesson towards spiritual failings and against awareness of our civilization's true loving blueprint, avoided.
And the AI will never dream nor "live," it will be just another illusion in your playground.