~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: jbseth on November 13, 2019, 02:04:33 PM

Title: Units of Consciousness
Post by: jbseth on November 13, 2019, 02:04:33 PM
Hi All,

In UR1, section 1, sessions 682 and 683, Seth tells us about "units of consciousness", or CU units. What he has to say here about these units, seems to shed some light on some of his other concepts such as the nature of space, time and simultaneous time for example.

Not only are these units of consciousness the building blocks of all consciousness's, but since they also form all EE (Electromagnetic Energy) units, they are also the building blocks of all matter.

At the beginning of Session 682, Seth indicates that this concept of "units of consciousness", is an analogy.

Below I've reordered and shortened up some of his comments about these units of consciousness, just to make them more readable. Then, in the spoiler below that, I've captured his actual words, as well.

Do you think that these units of consciousness might be the basis behind  "Simultaneous Time"?

Units of Consciousness:

There are units of consciousness, as there are units of matter.

There is a basic unit of consciousness that, expressed, will not be broken down, as once it was thought that an atom was the smallest unit and could not be broken down.

There are millions of them in one atom — many millions.

The basic unit of consciousness is not physical.

Units of Consciousness and Awareness:

It is aware energy, identified within itself as itself, not "personified" but awareized.

It is the source of all other kinds of consciousness, and the varieties of its activity are infinite.

It combines with others of its kind, forming then units of consciousness — as, mentioned often, atoms and molecules combine.

Each of these units is aware of the reality of all others, and they influences all others.

Despite whatever organizations it becomes part of, or how it mixes with other such basic units, its own identity is not annihilated.

Units of Consciousness, Space and Time:

They move faster than light.

These units can appear in several places at once, without going through space, in your terms.

These basic units of consciousness can be in all places at once; they "are" in all places at once.

In your terms they can move forward or backward in time. They can also move into thresholds of time with which you are not familiar.

Units of Consciousness, Matter, Universes's and Probable Realities.

From the units of consciousness, EE units are formed, and the first roots sent out into the world of physical matter.

Their nature is the vitalizing force behind everything in your physical universe, and others as well.

All possible universes are created from these units.

All probabilities are probed and experienced from these units.

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Title: Re: Units of Consciousness
Post by: Deb on November 17, 2019, 12:16:18 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13898#msg13898)
Do you think that these units of consciousness might be the basis behind  "Simultaneous Time"?

Thanks for doing all of this! I find CUs and EEs interesting concepts. Your simplifying Seth's comments about them and having them all in one place really helps. I had imagined them as being like atoms, from what I was taught in elementary school science, but as Seth says there are many millions of them in one atom and they are not physical. Hah, when I learned later that atoms themselves were not made of matter and instead consisted of charged energy, it did make me question everything I was taught in school. After all those styrofoam ball atom models I was forced to build...

Can you explain your thoughts on whether CUs might be the basis of simultaneous time? Even after all the discussions we've had here about simultaneous time, I still have only a basic grasp of it and how it works. I don't really think of time as a "thing" anymore, just a word/label used by humans for convenience in this physical system.

What you've listed under Units of Consciousness, Space and Time make me think that CUs are at the least able to function throughout all of existence, physical or not, with no regard to time or space. Also the CU--> EE--> atoms--> physical matter clearly explains how our physical matter is created, which ties in in my mind with the observer effect. It's clear from what you've listed under Units of Consciousness, Matter, Universes's and Probable Realities that CUs are the basis for everything.

So then, would to be safe to say that CUs are the current of consciousness that runs through everything that is, or better yet, that they are (the essence of) All That Is?
Title: Re: Units of Consciousness
Post by: jbseth on November 17, 2019, 10:40:26 PM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

Deb, thanks for your reply on this topic. I find both EE units and CU units to be fascinating as well.

In your reply above, you asked me if I can explain my thoughts on whether CUs might be the basis of simultaneous time.  As I think about this, I don't think that CU units are the basis of simultaneous time. Instead, I'd say that they are probably indicative, that at their level all time is simultaneous. This is based upon what Seth tells us about these CU units. They are:

"Awareized" energy. They're in all places at once. Each unit is aware of the reality of all others, and they influence all others. They move faster than light. They can move forward or backward in time. They are the source of all other kinds of consciousness.

Also in your post above, in talking about simultaneous time, you said that you still have only a basic grasp of it and how it works.  To be honest with you, I grasp a lot of the analogies and basic concepts that Seth has used to explain it, but it's still extremely mind boggling to me.

For example, I can grasp the concept behind the analogy that maybe the life that each one of us is presently living, is like a DVD. This DVD contains our present life, from our birth up to the present and along with this, it also contains the rest of our life, even though we haven't lived it yet.

Using this analogy, our entire lives on this DVD could be watched, at regular speed, in fast forward, in reverse or even for example, 100 duplicates of it could be watched in 100 different DVD machines such that many parts of our lives could be viewed simultaneously. I grasp the analogy but the implications are staggering.

Then, using this same analogy, I can also grasp the concept of how there could other DVD's containing all of our past lives and all of our future lives.

Furthermore, there could also be other DVD's containing all of our probable selves, and all of our counterparts as well.

In fact, there could be DVD's for all the people who have ever lived and who will ever live.

Now, while I can understand this DVD analogy, that doesn't mean that I'm not totally mind boggled by the sheer implications of all of this.

Then along with this I'm completely blown away by the concept that ALL That Is, is constantly changing and growing, while all time is simultaneous.  :o


Title: Re: Units of Consciousness
Post by: jbseth on November 18, 2019, 11:47:25 AM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

Hey, I was reading through DEaVF1, last night and I came across some more information from Seth on both CU units and EE units. This information was given in DEaVF1, Ch 3, Session 889 and 890.

In these 2 sessions Seth tells us that both CU units and EE units can and do act as both particles and waves (kind of like photons in the double split experiment).

Along with this, he says that when CU units act as particles, they become "individual" and they can operate as "separate entities". However, as waves, "they can flow together in a vast, harmonious wave of activity, as a force."

I thought that this was kind of interesting.

Title: Re: Units of Consciousness
Post by: Eduard on January 02, 2020, 03:03:58 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=13898#msg13898)
Do you think that these units of consciousness might be the basis behind  "Simultaneous Time"?

No. Consciousness experiences itself in a reality based on space time.
You are here in your body, you have a personality. You need to go UP to your greater being and there you will be able to experience.. the simultaneous time