I just put more of the creative mankind puzzle together with Seth statements.
Life was brought to our past Proto-Saturnic solar-system long, long before the First Civilization upon our Earth described in "Seth Speaks" Chapter 15.
Proto-Saturnic Earth and Mars and likely most of the water-bearing moons like Triton captured by Neptune and Titan around Saturn also had life. The high-tech Lumanians may have commuted between those planets with their intra-planetary ships ( William Cooper apparently watched a Lumanian ship from look-out duty on a surfaced submarine in the Pacific. v=rmvXnA6iWpE )
So, another planet once existed and "died" within Earth's present "Goldilocks-zone" orbit around our current Sun. Recently, our species was hybridized with fresh hominid chromosomes with a Lumanian genetic splice that turned our new species into "the Lumanian Second Chance"... We are back to a natural sexual reproduction with families/tribal communities, we have thus come back to nature's physical-source within our cyclic return to dawns and dusks and nights that Proto-Saturn never could provide with it's "garden of eden" envelope around our Earth.
• "In those terms (pause), your world's reality stretches back far further than you imagine, and in those terms—you need the qualifications—your ancestors have visited other stars, as your planet has been visited by others."
• "There is a rhythm, again, to all existence, and so in your terms your species returned to its home planet, to renew its roots, refresh its natural stock, to return to nature, to find solace again amid the sweet ancient heritage of dusk and dawn."
—DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980
During the capture, Mars became the pupil of the Saturnic eye in the sky looking directly down upon the nature-hindering, impeding Lumanians with their failing genetics and thus our hybrid-species was required to be able to independently reproduce, to replenish and grow a population of sheeple from which parasitic, science-minions are selected to frown upon humanity's loving inclination. Their failing, fanatical-ideology to rebuild the AI-Jehovah or lucifer-computer, reviving a cult "tin-can caricature of itself, a prostituted handmaiden to an outworn technology, " —DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980 This cult holds little future, if any, within All-That-Is. Seth even told them above "you need the qualifications" before heading off to the stars. The hateful and greedy entrap themselves... by intelligent design that the lumanians still haven't realized. Karen Hudes hints that they are in control of our manifesting world governance? They are in the time-overlay where they fail to do such.
Back to the main point:
Here is a possibly important revelation for us to understand how Seth is correct in claiming just how ancient our "cousin" genetic roots really are:
Jumping into Electric Universe theory: when stars are born at the pinch or node along an intra-stellar Birkeland Current, those currents spiral as a pair. https://phys.org/news/2019-03-brown-dwarf-binary-star-microlensing.html https://hubblesite.org/image/2446/category/42-brown-dwarfs http://i.imgur.com/eLVhrZW.png Both Proto-Jupiter and Proto-Saturn spin at similar rates and were likely both brown Dwarf binary stars forming at little stellar-node before our Sun hungrily swallowed-up the smaller node. Velikovsky and now Thunderbolts Project have pretty-much speculated correctly that Earth and three other planets recently "changed positions" and are now part of our current Solar-System.
When Seth elates, "...your world's reality stretches back far further than you imagine..." He is likely referring to the prior capture of brown dwarf binary stars... Proto-Neptune and Proto-Uranus which incidentally both spin at similar rates which indicates them to be an ancient pair. It seems logical that the last capture started with Jupiter captured long before Saturn. So when Seth says a planet was annihilated and replaced by Earth, that we now return to dawn and dusk heritage, that ancient mankind was then likely birthed with life from some very ancient spiritually-evolved travellers They closely worked with All-That-Is to seed the ancient stellar-womb of Proto- Neptune or Uranus or both... much like how Wallace Thornhill describes how Earth gained it's waters and life within the Saturnic-womb.
Our ancient roots may fit this scenario, but then, we could also have manifested from dreams choosing to become corporeal... and all this "past" (and "future") is instantly created with a cosmic snap of the fingers, over and over, every fraction of a moment... haa! and this is what we call time... amazing!
"We are that which dreams are made of." Shake-a-spear?