Early this morning I started to read "Seth Speaks", and realized that there are 50 years, to the day, from when Seth presented the outline (https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&hl=en&q=%22Here+is+a+copy+of+that+outline%2C+which+was+given+to+us+in+Session+510%2C+January+19%2C+1970%22) of his first dictated book (!):
QuoteHere is a copy of that outline (https://books.google.com/books?id=nJ3gbUruWE4C&pg=PT12&dq=%22Here+is+a+copy+of+that+outline,+which+was+given+to+us+in+Session+510,+January+19,+1970%22&hl=en&ppis=_c&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwje597IxpDnAhVPa80KHY3SDbcQuwUwAHoECAAQBw#v=onepage&q=%22Here%20is%20a%20copy%20of%20that%20outline%2C%20which%20was%20given%20to%20us%20in%20Session%20510%2C%20January%2019%2C%201970%22&f=false), which was given to us in Session 510, January 19, 1970. As you'll see here, Seth calls me Ruburt, and Rob, Joseph. These names represent our entire personalities as distinguished from our present physically oriented selves.
Wow, what a synchronicity. What are the chances, right?
Edit: Just had to add this... 50 YEARS?!? Hard to imagine, that was so long ago. And it seems to me that everything I've read from Seth is still applicable today. Wow again.