OK, this one is just for FUN!
Yesterday, after a week of cold and snowy weather, I gave up trying to get outdoors and decided to do something I never do during the day: unplug. No computer, no housework, took a break from shoveling snow and curled up on the couch. Turned Netflix on the tv and was going to surf for a movie but at the top of the screen was a show I'd never heard of before: Locke & Key. I figured I'd give Episode 1 a shot. FIVE HOURS LATER I had to pause the show to make dinner.
The show revolves around magic/fantasy/mystery, has sort of a Harry Potter feel to the set and filming, and totally captivated me. My first thought was that it was more directed to older teens, but there were some mature issues dealt with and the characters, acting, filming and set are amazing.
Here's the trailer. It's a series based on graphic comics written by a son of Stephen King. There are 10 episodes (I watched 6 yesterday) and it just keeps getting better. Oh and there's a little OBE action.
Hi Deb,
This looks really interesting. Thanks for posting it. :)
Hey I just did a quick look on the internet for Russian Doll Season 2. It's still not out yet but I found a site (see below) that talks about what's going on with it. The synopsis that they gave for Season 2, sounds exactly like that for Season 1, to me.
Sorry, I meant to respond to this a few days ago. Hmmmm, I think that article was written by a writer frustrated because Netflix is keeping things to themselves. It was an "unofficial synopsis" for sure. I followed the Twitter link posted by Netflix and it was an animated GIF that basically said season 2 is coming soon. No details. Although it does say "let's get loopy" which is probably a clue. Over and over. But I can't imagine the story plot being the same, since the mystery of why they were looping was solved. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Natasha comes up with something really clever and amazing.