I am working with Laurel Butts, trying to convince her to publish Jane's precursor to channeling Seth in book form. Are you interested? Would you buy the book? Questions are welcome.
Option 1: Yes, I'm interested and would buy the book.
votes: 3
Option 2: Maybe.
votes: 3
Option 3: Not interested
votes: 0
Laurel has Jane's original hand-written version of Idea Construction. She also has Jane's typed transcript of her hand-written version. The plan is to present both in a single book, so if someone cannot read Jane's handwriting, there is the typed version of the manuscript as a backup.
I've set up a survey here to try to get an idea of how much interest the book might have, as I'm working with Laurel to hopefully get the book published.
Hi Deb,
If there's something in the original, that isn't already in the published materials; then yes I would probably buy it.
If there's no previously unpublished material; then no I probably wouldn't buy it. Just my thoughts.
I get it, if you're not a "collector" it wouldn't have the same type of appeal. I think there have only been excerpts from Jane's manuscript that appear in the books, but I won't know for sure until I see the whole thing for myself.
Hi Deb,
It would be nice to have all that material in one book though. As it is now it's spread out in a few books.
I agree! Plus it's such a historical thing, Jane's first (unofficial) heads up of things to come. What I think is especially cool about this book is that it will contain Jane's handwritten version and the typed version on her old funky typewriter.
I have to say when I received the original of Jane's Little Book so I could get decent photography of the pages, I felt a real rush holding it in my hands. Then looking through the pages, I saw the barest ghosting of an image peeking through one of the paintings and it turned out there was a sketch Jane did on the back side — no doubt reusing the paper for the painting. Rich and Mary had no idea it was there, and I have to wonder if even Jane's neighbor Leonard had ever noticed it. It was such a treat for me, like opening a time capsule.
I wonder who that is in the sketch...
Hi All, Hi Deb,
In Chapter 1 of "Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness," Jane gives us part of the information that she received from Seth on "Idea Construction". In this same chapter, Jane tells us that the original document consisted of something like 40 pages of scribbled notes, and then later she wrote something like 50 additional pages about this.
I've always wanted to know what Seth said to Jane in "Idea Construction".
I don't know how many people who aren't Seth readers who would be interested in this book, but I'll bet there are probably a lot of Seth readers who are. I also suspect that there are a lot more Seth readers, than any of us actually realize.
Think about it. Seth has been around for over 50+ years now. Furthermore, in my copy of "Seth Speaks" on the back outside cover of the book, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, and Louise Hay, all make some comments about Seth. These people are all some pretty heavy hitters in the new age /new thought industry. How many people have talked to other people, who have talked to other people, who have said something about Seth over the last 50 years?
As we see in this forum, both people who have been Seth readers for many years and people who are fairly new to Seth are both members of this forum and new people show up here all the time.
Hi Deb,
Wow, awesome story about the pages and the sketch. The sketch looks a little like it could have been of Jane. I wonder if that was a sketch of Jane, perhaps by Jane herself. :)
Hi All,
Thanks Jbseth. I thought that was the title of the book. Part of it is in the Seth Material too
Hi Deb,
That is a cool sketch too :)