~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Deb on March 13, 2020, 05:31:21 PM

Title: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on March 13, 2020, 05:31:21 PM
From Lynda Dahl on Facebook:

Hi friends, why do you suppose the current coronavirus pandemic has hit our world? Here's Seth with an explanation, followed by miscellaneous quotes tangential to our health:

"The kinds of diseases change through historical periods. Some become fashionable, others go out of style. All epidemics, however, are mass statements both biologically and psychically. They point to mass beliefs that have brought about certain physical conditions that are abhorrent at all levels. They often go hand-in-hand with war, and represent biological protests.

"Whenever the conditions of life are such that its quality is threatened, there will be such a mass statement. The quality of life must be at a certain level so that individuals of a species—of any and all species—can develop. In your species, the spiritual, mental and psychic abilities add a dimension that is biologically pertinent.

"There simply must be, for example, a freedom to express ideas, an individual tendency, a worldwide social and political context in which each individual can develop his or her abilities and contribute to the species as a whole. ...

"More and more, the quality of your lives is formed through the subjective realities of your feelings and mental constructions. Again, beliefs that foster despair are biologically destructive. They cause the physical system to shut down. ...

"Such conditions, however, are the RESULTS of beliefs, which are mental, and so the most vital work must always be done in that area."

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 804

(originally underlined word in caps)

"The dynamics of health have nothing to do with inoculations. They reside in the consciousness of each being. In your terms they are regulated by emotions, desires, and thoughts."

The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. 1, Session 703

"The facts are that you choose even the KIND of illness that you have according to the nature of your beliefs. You are immune from ill health as long as you believe that you are."

The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 624

"The act can be a very simple one. ... In health terms, it involves conducting yourself once a day as though you were not sick in whatever way given you. But the belief in the present, reinforced for five minutes, plus such a physical action, will sometimes bring literally awesome results."

The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 657

"The inner self always attempts to maintain the body's equilibrium and health, but many times your own beliefs prevent it from coming to your aid with even half of the energy available to it.

"Often only when you are in dire straits do you open up the doors to this great energy, when it is much too clear that your previous beliefs and behavior have not worked.

"You have at your disposal the means to insure your health."

The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 623


"However it is your duty, and the duty of every individual insofar as it is within his power, to maintain his own psychic health and vitality; according to the strength of this vitality he will protect himself and others.

"Negative expectations, far from protecting either the individual or those with whom he comes in contact, will actually, to a greater or lesser degree, turn as destructive as any epidemic."

The Early Sessions, Book 3, Session 143


"In the medical field, as in no other, you are faced directly with the full impact of your beliefs, for doctors are not the healthiest, but the least healthy. They fall prey to the beliefs to which they so heartily subscribe. Their concentration is upon disease, not health."

The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 659
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on March 13, 2020, 05:32:59 PM
@chasman this one also addresses the idea of genetics ala Bruce Lipton which came up recently here in your Ego and Conscious Mind (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1916.0) topic.

From Lynda:

Hi Seth friends, when we're talking about beliefs, this comment of Seth's brings home their amazing ability to create - in this case, in an area most people assume is unchangeable and sacrosanct:

"You affect the structure of your own body through your thoughts. If you believe in heredity, heredity itself becomes a strong suggestive factor in your life. A belief in heredity can help bring about the precise malady in the body THAT YOU BELIEVED WAS THERE ALL ALONG, until your scientific instruments uncover the 'faulty mechanism,' or whatever, and there is the evidence for all to see.

"There are obviously some conditions that in your terms ARE inherited, showing themselves almost instantly after birth, but these are of a very limited number in proportion to those diseases you believe are hereditary—many cancers, heart problems, arthritic or rheumatoid disorders.

"And in many cases of inherited difficulties, changes could be effected for the better, through the utilization of other mental methods."

Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1, Session 895

(words underlined in the book in caps here)
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 13, 2020, 11:27:20 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14778#msg14778)
"Whenever the conditions of life are such that its quality is threatened, there will be such a mass statement.
If you look really well at how we live - not you personally, but a lot of us - and how someone in another post mentioned - not just poor, but those with good income. There is so little of life enjoyment, real freedom and creativity, and a lot of useless "work meetings", job reviews, uncomfortable rules and schedules, you will see how world at large is very much messed up. Little true human contact and love (in a lot of lives). So - a mass statement was due. And still came unexpectedly.

Seems like it's time for good "shaking up". Not in a form of violence, but to wake up.

On the good side - as always, there is our power over our personal lives.
And here is a pertinent Seth quote from my bathroom wall "The individual is stronger than the system, and the individual always comes first".
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: chasman on March 13, 2020, 11:45:56 PM
thank you very much Deb.

excellent quote.

thank you for your post Marianna.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on March 14, 2020, 07:39:16 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14778#msg14778)
"More and more, the quality of your lives is formed through the subjective realities of your feelings and mental constructions. Again, beliefs that foster despair are biologically destructive. They cause the physical system to shut down.
Deb, thanks for these quotes. It is a sad fact that those who hoard food and other items are in the grip of "beliefs that foster despair". Our grandchildren like some honey with their morning porridge, but honey was sold out today at our local supermarket.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 14, 2020, 03:19:33 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14778#msg14778)
"Negative expectations, far from protecting either the individual or those with whom he comes in contact, will actually, to a greater or lesser degree, turn as destructive as any epidemic."
Thanks for a great set of quotes! Sadly, so few people are aware of this truth and stress themselves out unnecessarily. My school friend from Ukraine wrote to me yesterday saying that she is in panic now, knowing not what other food to buy and put in storage. And also considering walking 1.5 hours to work to avoid public transport commute!
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 14, 2020, 03:39:14 PM
There is one thing I wanted to mention.
One gets now a lot of mails saying how this or that company is "fighting for the safety of our communities". Such a distorted view of things.

Again in line with the thought that epidemic - is some horrible unexpected thing that falls on your head, but was not initiated by you in any way.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on March 14, 2020, 03:50:51 PM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14791#msg14791)
One gets now a lot of mails saying how this or that company is "fighting for the safety of our communities". Such a distorted view of things.

I was just talking about that this morning. I've gotten at least a half dozen emails from places like Starbucks, IKEA, some restaurants I frequent, rec center, library, stores, about the virus and what they're doing to "protect" us. Just adds to the fear but I guess THEY are fearful because this is affecting their businesses. I've never seen anything like it before! I went shopping this morning, got a lot of errands done and it was very low key because the stores were pretty empty. Best time to shop! It was very pleasant.  :D

Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 15, 2020, 11:55:43 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14792#msg14792)
Just adds to the fear but I guess THEY are fearful because this is affecting their businesses.
Yes, you are right. It is business, but also - the way the society and establishment is used to handling matters. It is traditional and habitual way of dealing with such problems now. Against violence - more violence. Against virus - washing hands incessantly and feeling scared as hell against "something you cannot control".

But there is no use in trying to 'fix the system', but there is lot of sense in living our lives the way we are trying to live - with Seth's help. Like I saw somewhere - when you want to light the room, you shine the torch. You do not come in the room and try to remove the darkness :) I liked the description so much :)))
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 17, 2020, 11:54:55 AM
Hi dear Deb and everyone,

There is something I came across and wanted to share here. I have a book by Valery Sinelnikov - a phycotherapist, psychologist, scientist, whatnot - that gives info - what feeling emotion leads to what disease and (more helpful for me) what ailments, aches, pains are caused by what emotions/thoughts. So, I looked up shortness of breath, difficulty breathing - one of the virus symptoms.

And the explanation is "great fear of life, mistrust of life leads to respiratory constriction". This is my imperfect translation from Russian. The book is available in English too, but only on British amazon I think. The title is Love Your disease.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on March 18, 2020, 05:50:37 AM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14835#msg14835)
I have a book by Valery Sinelnikov
Marianna, yes it is available on Amazon UK. It is quite expensive, so I won't be buying it. The title of the book is "Love your disease"! I posted something which might be relevant, from the Seth teachings, here:

Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 18, 2020, 09:06:45 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14842#msg14842)
The title of the book is "Love your disease"
but it is not in the way of actually loving your disease :) But using it as a helpful tool. Thanks for the link, I'll have a look.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 18, 2020, 09:13:38 AM
Hi everyone,

Maybe because I never thought before about my safety (health wise) before and now this is all around - and I notice it. And strangely, now, among all this, I feel so safe as if God in whatever form He-She is sitting next to me protecting me personally :).
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on March 18, 2020, 10:47:14 AM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14835#msg14835)
There is something I came across and wanted to share here. I have a book by Valery Sinelnikov

I tried to find that book too and the only places available were Amazon UK as Sena said, and a couple of sites in Ukraine, but those were in Russian. Sounds like an interesting book, you apparently have a collector's item so hang onto it!

You made me curious about what Louise Hay says in "heal your body." Breathing Problems are "Fear or refusal to take in life fully. Not feeling the right to take up space or even exist." Pretty similar to Valery's book. Then I looked up Viral Infections, and it says "Lack of joy flowing through life. Bitterness." Again, kind of similar.

From Lynda's quotes at the beginning of this topic, this stuck out to me:

Quote from: Seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14778#msg14778)
"Whenever the conditions of life are such that its quality is threatened, there will be such a mass statement. The quality of life must be at a certain level so that individuals of a species—of any and all species—can develop. In your species, the spiritual, mental and psychic abilities add a dimension that is biologically pertinent.

"There simply must be, for example, a freedom to express ideas, an individual tendency, a worldwide social and political context in which each individual can develop his or her abilities and contribute to the species as a whole."

It makes me think of the oppression in places like China, Iran, North Korea (thinking about the lack of transparency and the Chinese medical professionals that were disappeared when they alerted the media at the beginning of the virus, also more recently Ren Zhiqiang). If this virus has a purpose, it seems to me there is more than one reason behind it considering how global it is. Overpopulation? Pollution? Better treatment of humans and animals?

Anyone notice any world-wide shifts that resulted from the 2009 swine flu (https://www.livescience.com/41539-2009-swine-flu-death-toll-higher.html) (H1N1)? The handling of that virus seemed to be low key compared to this one.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on March 18, 2020, 11:13:08 AM
Another good one from Lynda Dahl. BTW I'm going to start listening to Mass Events again today. :)

Hi Seth friends, at times when we read the material, something Seth says mirrors one of the latest news stories (think CORONAVIRUS)...and we're forced to evaluate yet again what REALLY causes our personal reality and what it is exactly that we need "protection" against. Especially note the last line, folks:

"Now: I said, in book dictation, I believe (in the 835th session), that the people of Jonestown died of an epidemic of beliefs—or words to that effect. I used words to that effect.

"The case was startling, again, because of the obvious suicidal acts. The poison was, after all, left as evidence. Had the same number of people been found dead of a vicious disease – smallpox or whatever – the virus involved would have been the villain. I want to discuss thoughts and viruses, along with the health of the body.

"You think of viruses as physical, and of thoughts as mental. You should know that thoughts also have their physical aspects in the body, and that viruses have their mental aspects in the body. At times you have both asked why an ailing body does not simply assert itself and use its healing abilities, throwing off the negative influence of a given set of beliefs and thoughts.

"When you think of thoughts as mental and viruses as physical, the question is understandable. It is not just that thoughts influence the body, as of course they do; but each one of them represents a triggering stimulus, bringing about hormonal changes and altering the entire physical situation at any given time.

"Your physical body is, as an entity, the fleshed-out version – the physically alive version – of the body of your thoughts."

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 841
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 19, 2020, 11:25:04 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14846#msg14846)
The quality of life must be at a certain level so that individuals of a species—of any and all species—can develop.
Is life in Italy that bad or they implement such drastic measures not because of high death rate from virus?
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on March 19, 2020, 02:47:34 PM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14853#msg14853)
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14846#msg14846)
The quality of life must be at a certain level so that individuals of a species—of any and all species—can develop.
Is life in Italy that bad or they implement such drastic measures not because of high death rate from virus?

I think Italy is a great country, as are most of the countries that are affected, and I don't know why Italy is so hard hit. It would take a Seth to explain. Maybe not all participants in a mass event are having a quality of life issue, but are supporting others that do? Or something deeper? Would this be similar to a murderer/victim situation?

One problem I see, which may not originally be a quality of life issue but the result sure is (for the entire world), is that if China had been honest about the virus when it started, it would not have spread so freely and quickly. That's the part of this situation that I do understand: that the secrecy and lies are going to have to change or else these types of things will continue to happen. We, the people and countries of the world, need to help each other and work together. But I've always (jokingly) thought the only time that might happen is if we're attacked by aliens.

From this article, https://nypost.com/2020/02/29/china-officials-knew-of-coronavirus-in-december-ordered-cover-up-report-says/ :

"Rather than hunkering down to contain the virus, Wuhan officials went ahead with their annual potluck dinner for 40,000 families."
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on March 20, 2020, 09:54:18 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14854#msg14854)
We, the people and countries of the world, need to help each other and work together. But I've always (jokingly) thought the only time that might happen is if we're attacked by aliens.
You are right, Deb. Now it is as though we have been shaken, and when there is no fighting over milk, like you mentioned, there is a different "climate", between people. Some special tenderness and consideration. Which was not there before.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on March 20, 2020, 04:37:15 PM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14865#msg14865)
there is a different "climate", between people. Some special tenderness and consideration. Which was not there before.

I totally agree. While I've seen some bad behavior in people (whether opportunists or just scared), I have also seen kindness, generosity and camaraderie which is a breath of fresh air.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on April 24, 2020, 02:40:15 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14846#msg14846)
If this virus has a purpose, it seems to me there is more than one reason behind it considering how global it is. Overpopulation? Pollution? Better treatment of humans and animals?
Deb, as you mention overpopulation, I thought it might be useful to bring together a few Seth quotes on that topic:

"Concerning the overpopulation problem, remember that more than physical mechanisms are involved. The problem will be solved by mankind indeed; but mankind is composed of reincarnational entities. It is quite within the probabilities that the statistics will reverse themselves and that for no reason that scientists can discover, children are born stillborn, as in a mass epidemic, and that entities simply refuse to inhabit the bodies made for them. The bodies then remaining empty to decay unused. (What a grim situation, I thought.) When you think in terms of mankind solving its own problems, remember that reincarnation is involved, and not a group of persons in existence for only a particular time. When the personality is thoroughly ready to leave the body, nothing, including transplants, will keep it within the body. And if personalities refuse to inhabit a new body, then no science will be able to give life to the newly formed but uninhabited body. Now this is simply a possibility that you have overlooked. As a matter of fact there has been such a population problem in the past, in your terms, on several occasions and involving your planet. An earthwide epidemic took place on one occasion." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)

From the Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/iqPoacF

"In times of overpopulation, so-called homosexual and lesbian tendencies come to the surface — but also there is the tendency to express love in other than physical ways, and the emergence of large social issues and challenges into which men and women can throw their energies. There are "lost" portions of the Bible having to do with sexuality, and with Christ's beliefs concerning it, that were considered blasphemous and did not come down to you through history." (from "The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts)

Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on April 24, 2020, 09:44:16 AM
Quote from: Seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15342#msg15342)
As a matter of fact there has been such a population problem in the past, in your terms, on several occasions and involving your planet. An earthwide epidemic took place on one occasion.

I'd say more than one occasion!

Thanks for these quotes. Overpopulation (and all the problems that brings) kept coming to my mind with this virus from the beginning. When this just started I asked a friend why viruses seem to always start in China, and she said overpopulation too. She has an animal rescue, has been very close to nature all her life, and from her perspective she feels it's nature's solution to a problem. She's not a Seth reader.

The virus has been worse in crowded cities where people have little space to themselves, crammed into buses and subway trains, even the sidewalks are packed. Considering our F1 perspective on this, we believe this is a virus, which is contagious. I understand how crowding compounds transmission. It has also occurred to me that cities like New York and Los Angeles have poor quality air, so people's lungs are already at a disadvantage. I don't know if the virus has had the same effect on all large cities. You've probably seen this map. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

Here's another quote I found yesterday when I was looking for quotes for the other post.

"(10:20.) It is quite obvious that people must die — not only because otherwise you would overpopulate your world into extinction, but because the nature of consciousness requires new experience, challenge, and accomplishment."
—NoME Chapter 1: Session 803, May 2, 1977

Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on April 24, 2020, 12:08:24 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15347#msg15347)
It is quite obvious that people must die
Deb, if more people accepted that, the panic would diminish.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: T.M. on April 24, 2020, 12:43:09 PM
Hi All,

Hi Sena,

" And if personalities refuse to inhabit a new body, then no science will be able to give life to the newly formed but uninhabited body. Now this is simply a possibility that you have overlooked. As a matter of fact there has been such a population problem in the past, in your terms, on several occasions and involving your planet."

There's a book The Gods of Eden, William Bramley. It's considered a foundational classic in alternative history circles. Some consider it a very much closer account of history than what's taught in the mainstream.

Bramley says exactly as quoted from the Seth quote above. That scientists created bodies, the spirit element refused to inhabit them. And that this happened several times.

I read it years ago and always meant to give it a re-read. I was looking for a basic description of the book to post and came across a free pdf of what looks like the entire book. I can't open the site, it just goes straight to download the pdf.
I'm linking the Google page I found it on.
It's the very first entry at the top,  UkryteSprawy.org,  for the pdf
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on April 24, 2020, 03:05:38 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15354#msg15354)
There's a book The Gods of Eden, William Bramley.
T.M., thanks for the link. I downloaded the pdf. Here is an extract:

"To MANY PEOPLE then living, the period from 1914 until
the mid-1930's was a full-blown fulfillment of Apocalyptic
prophecy. Those years witnessed a devastating world war,
a sudden worldwide influenza epidemic which killed tens
of millions of people within a short period of time, and
an international financial collapse
marked in Germany by
a hyperinflation of its currency."

History repeating itself?
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: T.M. on April 24, 2020, 03:30:28 PM
Hi All,

Hi Sena,

Does sound familiar doesn't it!

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on April 24, 2020, 10:41:51 PM
Hi All,
But we still choose our personal reality. And it means - if apart from the virus we'll have a financial crisis (and most likely great changes in political and other structures) - we can still choose the degree to which we will be affected.

Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on April 25, 2020, 02:10:53 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15359#msg15359)
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
Each us creates our own reality individually, but large groups of people also reach a consensus of what reality will be like:

"There is a great give-and-take of ideas. You end up, then, with a consensus, generally speaking, as to what a reasonable picture of agreed-upon reality is."
—The Magical Approach Session Seven: August 28, 1980

If billions of people have the belief that "Covid 19 is a terrible disease that will kill me and my loved ones", that belief will have consequences. The mass media are feeding that belief. As Seth readers, we can do our best to resist being taken in by that lie.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: T.M. on April 25, 2020, 02:44:47 PM
Hi All,

I'm really trying anchor in the near miss timeline. Mostly, this stops before serious damage is done to large groups of people.
In this reality, awareness is king. People start developing alternatives locally. So that if global supply shuts off, they are alright.
People also become more aware of how to maintain personal health, and alternative to big pharma.
People also start becoming more involved in their local and national political arenas and develop laws that more closely mirror what they want.
People also start holding politicians and media responsible. The media for promoting fear porn, politicians for not following whatever founding documents their society is based on.
Perhaps local bartering increases. Possibly stronger currencies that are more resilient develop as well.
In my reality, without having to be implanted with a chip, for any reason. I don't have a problem with a chip in card form for financial reasons.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Deb on April 25, 2020, 05:36:54 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15377#msg15377)
I don't have a problem with a chip in card form for financial reasons.

Ha ha, good one!

I had the sense today that people are coming out of the fear mode a little. Not all of them of course, but I just went for a 2 hour hike in our open space here. Normally I'm the only hiker out there, maybe a few cyclists, but today the weather is beautiful and there were a LOT of whole families out walking on the wider groomed trails. I've NEVER seen that before. Loads of mountain bikes too, some also in groups. I only saw one mask. Still keeping their distances from strangers.

Everyone looked happy and relaxed, lots of hellos and eye contact. So, they're either all in adrenal fatigue, or have started to realize the world is not ending today. There are many areas like mine where the virus has not been devastating. Maybe they are taking a more calm and realistic look at what's happening, rather than automatically buying into the fear mongering or as you say, fear porn. They may also be starting to ask questions. Acting rather than reacting.

What you wrote about people becoming more aware, more independent, locally involved feels right to me. They are taking back their power.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: T.M. on April 25, 2020, 06:15:32 PM
Hi All,

Hi Deb,

"What you wrote about people becoming more aware, more independent, locally involved feels right to me. They are taking back their power."

Yes exactly Thank You!!!  Maybe in a sense humanity is willing and wanting to grow up. No more cradle to grave care and oversight from Corporations, Religions, or Governments! 
And no need for violent revolutions either.

It's pretty much same here. People out and friendly. I've haven't seen anyone in a mask if they are just outside.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on April 27, 2020, 08:31:35 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15378#msg15378)
What you wrote about people becoming more aware, more independent, locally involved feels right to me. They are taking back their power.
Hi All, hi Deb

I also agree with this. Maybe the change that is coming - will be more power to the people locally and generally - less 'feeding' useless institutions and large companies. Since it's already further away from health, I'll post what interesting I came across in Personal sessions in a separate entry - Seth, virus and economics.

Hi T.M.
I agree, There is too much oversight for us to be comfortable. But we can choose more freedom. Besides, these corporations and institutions are financed by everyone. I am sure there are better ways to spend the same money and take unnecessary burden off people's shoulders. 

And violent revolutions are really quite unnecessary.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on April 27, 2020, 08:37:44 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15352#msg15352)
Deb, if more people accepted that, the panic would diminish.
Sena, not just the acceptance of death helps, but the reality of my choosing the time for it. And if I am sure I have other plans for now, why would I panic?
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on April 27, 2020, 09:49:16 AM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15404#msg15404)
Sena, not just the acceptance of death helps, but the reality of my choosing the time for it.
Marianna, yes, one of Seth's most valuable teachings is that we each of us is able to choose the time of our death, although most people are not conscious of making this choice. The medical establishment wants us to believe that only expensive treatments can help us live lonegr, and that "the doctor knows best" about Covid 19 and everything else. This is what contributes to the panic. The fact is that doctors know very little about Covid 19 other than what anybody is able to access on the internet.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on April 28, 2020, 01:08:04 PM
Yes, Sena, exactly. That is why it is such a great here - 'to be your own' unpanicky boss - in everything - health, money, etc. And to come to this forum - with people seeing things as they are. Unhypnotized by established beliefs.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Sena on April 28, 2020, 02:17:50 PM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15438#msg15438)
Unhypnotized by established beliefs.
Marianna, I think we are working towards being unhypnotized. I feel that I have quite some way to go.
Title: Re: Seth and Our Health
Post by: Marianna on April 30, 2020, 01:24:23 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15440#msg15440)
I feel that I have quite some way to go.
Sena, but great progress has already been made. :)