I saw a YouTube on conjoined twins that had been separated as babies. It was really interesting, the 12 minutes flew by. Towards the end, the teenage girls were talking about their lives and mentioned how they have, at a distance, experienced each other's pain and emotions. Not the first time I've heard stories of that happening with twins, usually identical rather than fraternal. The girls also said that when they are stressed out, they will climb into bed for a nap and will end up in the same position they were in while still conjoined. They were 7 months old when separated!
That got me wonder if Seth had much to say about twins. There are several quotes, mostly a tease.
My mental image of us as individual consciousness is that we, being energy, have our own unique frequency. The old radio or tv analogy, or even colors. Identical twins would probably be pretty darned close to each other in frequency. Conjoined twins are even closer, partially sharing one body. I wonder if anyone has done studies on telepathy in identical and conjoined identical twins?
I did find this article, not exactly pertinent (because there is a physical explanation), but still fascinating: these conjoined twins can see out of each other's eyes, communicate in their heads, can feel what each other can feel. But they still have unique, distinct personalities. https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/m_features/the-hogan-twins-share-a-brain-and-see-out-of-each-others-eyes
"Twins are more used to using inner communication, and instances come more easily to mind."
—TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964
"The rapport existing as a rule between twins, and that does indeed exist, between Loriza, L-o-r-i-z-a and her twin (sister), goes far to account for Loriza's latent intuitive, but partial, inner comprehension of the elements that work within, say, telepathy."
—TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964
"Unconsciously, the twin will get the message and understand it."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, October 20, 1970
"Therefore, the thoughts of one are picked up and reacted to by the other, so you can reinforce each other by sending thoughts of energy and encouragement. Now give us a moment.
—TECS3 ESP Class Session, May 18, 1971
"There is, incidentally, a variant in the case of twins that I will go into sometime."
—TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964
"I will at one time discuss a fascinating facet, though important not shattering, concerning identical twins, in which slip-ups have occurred in this line."
—TES3 Session 109 November 23, 1964
Hi Deb,
Hey thanks for sharing that, its absolutely fascinating. :)
Unfortunately, I haven't been about to get the video to work on my laptop yet (its my laptops problem, its been having problems lately) but the article on the conjoined twins was really interesting.
In addition to being able to see out of each others eyes, which was really interesting, I thought that it was also really interesting that they could also, to some degree, move each others arms and legs. As well as having self control they. And then, they could also read each others minds.
This was all really intriguing.