~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on April 03, 2020, 06:41:28 AM

Title: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: Sena on April 03, 2020, 06:41:28 AM
Seth's teachings do seem to be relevant if one is looking at the underlying meaning of the coronavirus epidemic:

"There will be others who are a part of the calamity for their own reasons. Psychically, mentally and physically, they will be as much a part of such an event as, say, the water that sweeps through a town in a flood. They will utilize the physical catastrophe as an individual might use a symptom for purposes of challenge, growth, or understanding — but they will choose their disaster just as they will choose their symptoms. They will be aware of the framework, therefore. It will not be thrust upon them. They may not consciously accept such information, but if they knew how to examine themselves, they would discover that their beliefs added up to precisely the given kind of situation. (Pause.) An illness of a severe nature may be used by an individual to put him or her into the most intimate contact with the powers of life and death, to initiate a crisis in order to mobilize buried survival instincts, to vividly portray great points of contrast and summon all of his or her strength. So can a catastrophe be used consciously or unconsciously, according to the individual." (from "The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)

From the Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/aPBkZwO

"Now: Dictation: Again, there are no accidents. No one dies under any circumstances who is not prepared to die. This applies to death through natural catastrophe as well as to any other situation. Your own choice will dictate the way you die, as well as the time. We are dealing now with your beliefs as you know them in this life, and leaving for a later chapter any bleed-throughs of beliefs that may occur from other existences. But whatever beliefs you accept, for whatever reasons, your point of power is in the present. It is far more important that you understand this than that you become overly concerned with labyrinthian "past reasons," for you can get so lost in a negative approach that you forget that these beliefs can be changed in the present. For various reasons, you hold beliefs that you can alter at any time. Many individuals die young, for example, because they believe so strongly that old age represents a degradation of the spirit and an insult to the body. They do not want to live under the conditions as they believe them to be. Some quite frankly prefer to die in what others would consider to be the most dire circumstances — swept away by the raging waves of an ocean, or crushed in an earthquake, or battered by the winds of a hurricane. Slow death in a hospital, or an experience with an illness, would be unthinkable to these same people." (from "The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)

From the Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/6gAButc
Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: jbseth on April 03, 2020, 10:15:31 AM
Hi Sena, Hi All,

I would say that the following Seth quotes are also very relevant in regards to the underlying meaning of the coronavirus. These quotes all come from NOME, Chapter 1, Session 801, where Seth is talking about epidemics and illness.

"The question of epidemics, for example, cannot be answered from a biological standpoint alone. It involves great sweeping psychological attitudes on the part of many, and meets the needs and desires of those involved — needs which, in your terms, arise in a framework of religious, psychological and cultural realities that cannot be isolated from biological results."

"An epidemic, for example, serves the purposes of each individual who is involved, while it also serves its own functions in the greater species framework."

"In the first place, the causes are not biological. Biology is simply the carrier of a "deadly intent.""

"(10:19.) Now, no person becomes ill unless that illness serves a psychic or psychological reason, so many people escape such complications."

- jbseth

Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: Sena on April 03, 2020, 11:10:57 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14983#msg14983)
"In the first place, the causes are not biological. Biology is simply the carrier of a "deadly intent.""
jbseth, that is quite interesting, that the causes are not biological. Is it a spiritual wake-up call?
Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: jbseth on April 03, 2020, 02:17:50 PM
Hi Sena,

In NOME, Ch 1, Session 802, in talking about plague victims, Seth tells us that these victims were victims of apathy, despair, or hopelessness which automatically lowered the bodily defenses. Then later in this same session he tells us that this mental attitude, despair, brings about the activation of a virus.

I think that what Seth is saying here is this.  You can't just say that an epidemic is caused by a virus.  That's not what's really going on in an epidemic, even though a virus may have caused the disease.

Instead, he seems to be saying that epidemics occur, for many reasons. Some of these reasons include the attitudes and beliefs that are held by many people.  Furthermore, these attitudes and beliefs, are also influenced by other issues, such as culture, religion, and politics, for example.

Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: Deb on April 03, 2020, 02:54:54 PM
Quote from: Seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14981#msg14981)
An illness of a severe nature may be used by an individual to put him or her into the most intimate contact with the powers of life and death, to initiate a crisis in order to mobilize buried survival instincts, to vividly portray great points of contrast and summon all of his or her strength. So can a catastrophe be used consciously or unconsciously, according to the individual.

Life is pretty complex, isn't it? Nothing is cut and dried. I found this part of the quotes most interesting too, as I've read stories of people who come back from NDEs, serious illnesses, failed suicide attempts and the event became a catalyst for them to have a renewed enthusiasm for life, even to the point of changing careers in order to share their talents and help others.

This pandemic has been a learning experience for me in many ways, but where I'm going right now is how it bringing out the true nature of many. Every day I hear stories about how individuals and businesses are trying to capitalize on the pandemic, on people's misery and fear, and it shocks me. Then there are those who are stepping right up to the plate to help others less fortunate. There are women in my area that are sewing fabric masks for health care workers and the elderly.  A lot have been asking around for 1/4" elastic, since all the fabric stores are closed. I'm not sure if the masks will be very effective, but it's the thought that counts and like Seth always says, if you believe something is going to work, it will.

Quote from: seth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14985#msg14985)
In NOME, Ch 1, Session 802, in talking about plague victims, Seth tells us that these victims were victims of apathy, despair, or hopelessness which automatically lowered the bodily defenses. Then later in this same session he tells us that this mental attitude, despair, brings about the activation of a virus.

Yes, I seem to recall him saying that things like viruses area already in and on our body (I think most doctors will tell you that), and they are activated under certain circumstances. Bruce Lipton talks about that too, and also about how we activate our own gene expression, and not the other way around. Actually I just read something about the the other day in NoPR, I'll track it down (the part about genes). It was in Chapter 4, maybe 3/4 of the way in.
Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: Sena on April 04, 2020, 02:23:29 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14985#msg14985)
In NOME, Ch 1, Session 802, in talking about plague victims, Seth tells us that these victims were victims of apathy, despair, or hopelessness which automatically lowered the bodily defenses. Then later in this same session he tells us that this mental attitude, despair, brings about the activation of a virus.

I think that what Seth is saying here is this.  You can't just say that an epidemic is caused by a virus.  That's not what's really going on in an epidemic, even though a virus may have caused the disease.
jbseth, thanks for pointing this out. Is it not the case that excessive "lockdown" can contribute to apathy and hopelessness? I have not been a Trump supporter in the past, but it may be a good thing that he is not ordering a nationwide lockdown.
Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: jbseth on April 04, 2020, 06:15:48 AM
Hi Sena,

Yeah, I think that excessive lockdown can cause apathy and hopelessness and right now, much of the world seems to be in various stages of lockdown, both mandatory and voluntary.

Even though President Trump, hasn't ordered a lockdown, many of the governors of the 50 states have done so. I know that New York has a large number of people who have tested positive for this virus and they're quite concerned about overwhelming their hospital and medical resources.

The governor of Oregon, the state where I live, has issued a major shut down of most functions and has asked that people practice social distancing from each other and social isolation. From what I can see here, when I go to the grocery store, there's been a very major decrease in the amount of road traffic and people.

In regards to Trump, I didn't vote for him. You don't have to worry about offending me, if you wish to say something about him. 

Right now I'm in the process of rereading NOME once again. This, I think is the third time that I've read this book in the last year or so, and every time I read it, I discover many new things that I didn't see before. It really is a very good book.  I think that it's quite possibly becoming my favorite Seth book.

Anyway, I literally just finished reading session 804 and at the very end of this session, the last 5 paragraphs or so, Seth made some additional comments about epidemics that seem pertinent to our discussion here. I'll post these in a spoiler below.

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Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: Sena on April 04, 2020, 09:26:51 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=14997#msg14997)
Right now I'm in the process of rereading NOME once again
jbseth, yes, I shall have another look at the book. A free downlaod is available here:


This has probably been quoted recently, but I can't resist re-posting it:

"You have occasional epidemics that flare up, with victims
left dead. Partially, these are also victims of beliefs, for you believe that
the natural body is the natural prey of viruses and diseases over which
you have no personal control, except as it is medically provided.
In the
medical profession, the overall suggestion that operates is one that
emphasizes and exaggerates the body's vulnerability, and plays down its
natural healing abilities. People die when they are ready to die, for
reasons that are their own."
Title: Re: Seth on natural catastrophe
Post by: jbseth on April 04, 2020, 11:45:33 AM
Hi Sena,

Yes, and that's a great quote too.

When we put all of this information together, we find that Seth is telling us quite a bit about epidemics themselves such as how they come about and why, the body itself and how it works and all of this in relationship to the how we die.

I also believe that these ideas from Seth about epidemics, the body, and death are not those that are typically held by others, who aren't Seth readers.
