Hi All,
Recently I've been re-reading, the Seth book, "The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events", NOME. Especially now that we have this coronavirus situation going on.
In regards to mass events, what I've been trying to figure out is this, how exactly did "I", create this mass event. I'm certainly not aware of doing so at a conscious level. Does this mean that I created it at some non-conscious level? Did "I" actually create it at some non-conscious level or did I perhaps give my consent to "allow" it to exist or "allow" it to be created by someone else. How does this work exactly?
This consent idea came to me indirectly from Seth. In the past, Seth has said that Jane had given her consent for the Seth sessions. While she may have given her consent for the sessions, I'm pretty sure that this wasn't done at a conscious level, since Jane herself didn't seem to know anything about it. And so, what part of Jane actually gave her consent for the Seth sessions. Is that the same part of us who perhaps creates or gives consent to mass events?
For me, the issue is this. If some other part of me is creating or giving its consent for specific things that the conscious part of me isn't aware of, and doesn't particularly want (like this coronavirus), then this starts to make me (the conscious part of me) feel like I'm really not really in control of my life and this starts to feel like I'm a victim.
Furthermore, I'm going to guess that I'm not the only person here who's ever wondered about this or felt this way.
So, what I've been trying to figure out here, is this. In Seth's own words, how does this all work exactly in regards to the reality creation of mass events?
Now, after doing a lot of digging around in NOME, I believe I've finally figured it out.
What I've found here however, may not be the truth, it may not be the only truth and it may not be your truth and so if you don't agree with what I've found here, that's OK. I want to make it clear that I'm not asking or telling anyone that they must agree with me here. But, some of you may find this helpful, and so I thought I'd share my finding here with you.
The bottom line here is this, in regards to mass events, it appears that we do create them. However, it also appears that we don't necessarily create them at a conscious level and as a result of this, we aren't necessarily aware of this at a conscious level.
Furthermore, in order to see how we create them, we have to turn our awareness inward and pick up some of the information that comes to us from our inner sources (Framework 2) and this is the next step for us to follow.
Now, does Seth actually say all of this himself in NOME? Yes.
In the quotes below, I will point this out. In addition to this, he also says that if we don't turn our awareness inward and see how we create these mass events, then our beliefs can make it appear that these events just happen to us and we are victims.
Here's what Seth has to say about mass events in NOME.
First, in NOME, Chapter 4, Session 827, Page 135, (these are the page numbers in my hard back "Mass Events" book) Seth tells us that we are aware of mass events, on "other levels". He also tells us that these are formed by many "invisible" happenings. Here, I take this to mean that he is saying that we are aware of mass events at other than conscious levels. This is consistent with what Seth says in some of the following quotes as well.
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In NOME, Ch1, S803, P41-2, in talking about natural disasters Seth tells us that we are never the victims of natural disasters because we had a hand in forming them. Then he also tells us that this information is available at a cellular level and is often imparted to us in dreams. Thus, I take this to mean that this information is made available to us, often in dreams but we may not necessarily be consciously aware of it. It depends upon how well we are able to pick up this information.
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In NOME, Ch4, S826, P130, also in regards to natural disasters, here Seth tells us that "at certain levels" the intents of man and nature may merge. This involves Framework 2. Again, I take this to mean that we may or may not be aware of this information at a conscious level. It depends upon how well we pick up on information from Framework 2.
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In NOME, Ch1, S801, P24, in talking about epidemics, Seth tells us that people don't make a "conscious" decision to die, but sometimes these decisions do occur at a "semiconscious" level.
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In NOME, Ch5, S830, P151-2, in talking about reality creation, Seth tells us that it's somewhat of a trick in our day and age, to come to the conclusion that we do, in fact create our reality. As a matter of fact, he says that to come to this conclusion, we almost have to "awaken" from our normal awake state, much like how in a lucid dream, we awaken in the dream. Then he tells us that to awaken ourselves in your normal waking state, is the natural next step for consciousness to follow.
Along with this, Seth also tells us that to do this, to awaken ourselves, we must alter the focus of our attention so that we can begin to perceive our subjective reality (I take this to mean going within, and focusing on Framework 2 information). This involves a new performance on the part of our own consciousness.
Finally he also says that if we don't do this, then it definitely can appear to us that events just seem to happen to us and we are victims.
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Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15072#msg15072)
The "victims" choose to participate in those conditions at spiritual, psychological, and biological levels. Many of those who are counted among the fatalities might otherwise die of extended illnesses, for example. At cellular levels such knowledge is available, and in one way or another imparted, often in dreams, to the individual. Conscious comprehension need not follow, for many people know such things, and pretend not to know them at the same time.
QuoteWhile still preserving the integrity of physical events as you understand them, [each of] you must alter the focus of your attention to some extent, so that you begin to perceive the connections between your subjective reality at any given time, and those events that you perceive at any given time. You are the initiator of those events.
jbseth, thanks for these valuable quotes.
More than anything i'm answering not so much to critique any of the words but more to test myself.
I feel what's happening now with regards to the virus and shutdown has incredible implications for the planet.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15072#msg15072)
In regards to mass events, what I've been trying to figure out is this, how exactly did "I", create this mass event. I'm certainly not aware of doing so at a conscious level. Does this mean that I created it at some non-conscious level? Did "I" actually create it at some non-conscious level or did I perhaps give my consent to "allow" it to exist or "allow" it to be created by someone else. How does this work exactly?
What do I say to this ? I'm testing myself, remember?
Right away the concept that I had any knowledge, agreed to or not, of any kind of Event, mass or otherwise is familiar to me, I am a singular universe all unto myself but I am also "All that is".
To speak to this covid event specifically. We all had a hand in this one.... I wonder if we owe some kind of silent thanks to those of us whom have payed the highest price and sacrificed their health or their life to bring about the next change. ( But of course, is it really a sacrifice if you knew how things would go ?). All of the people that are involved with that sacrifice will be connected to that person's unconscious decision to be involved in a mass event, They're the ones who shoulder that sacrifice. I don't know anyone with the illness but, Do I feel connected to the people in Italy? In a way, yes.
I don't know if we'll see the psychic shift that a lot hope for, though I hope so. I hope this Event is "That" big.
The changes that the world population is experiencing is more than I can comprehend. It's even having an impact on the natural world, which we are also interlaced with.
The question in my mind is, are we finished yet? I'm kinda waiting for the next "collective" shoe to drop and what is my role?
Regards jbseth, Thank you for bringing this up.
Hi All,
That's the division I sometimes refer too :) Most of us don't really have a reliable connection to our whole selves. I don't, and it frustrates me to no end. Anyways..........
Perhaps cv19 is just a metaphor. I think most feel deep down inside that something is wrong with this world, or perhaps the way it's run, or acts, or all of the above.
Maybe the collective is doing this to give a chance, a pause, to reflect and reorganize.
I view this event in very deep conspiratorial events. However, just perhaps, their is a higher collective power at work. Where we all gave our consent to changes, or a chance to make changes. Using this event as a reset.
If you want to set a nice dinner table, it helps if the table is cleared off :)
Hi All,
In regards to this topic, "Seth on Mass Events", I've been trying to pin down exactly, in Seth's own words, how we create the mass events of our world like this coronavirus.
Just today, I came across two additional quotes in NOME from Seth himself, and these 2 quotes help clarify this issue.
From the 2 quotes below, it appears that we do, in fact, all participate at an unconscious level in our mass world reality. Furthermore, it also appears that our individual personal private experience also plays a part in this.
NOME, CH1, S801, P22:
Inner reality and private experience give birth to all mass events.
NOME, CH3, S818, P93:
You do not understand or perceive the ways in which your reality contributes to the foundation of the mass-world reality that you experience. Unconsciously, each individual participates in forming that world.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15091#msg15091)
NOME, CH3, S818, P93:
You do not understand or perceive the ways in which your reality contributes to the foundation of the mass-world reality that you experience. Unconsciously, each individual participates in forming that world.
jbseth, with reference to the coronavirus, I would like to think of the political circumstances which gave rise to it. The Chinese had/have "wild life markets", which seem to have been the breeding ground for the virus. The rest of the world thinks it has to tolerate this because of something called "national sovereignty", but that has to change.
The only pressure which can be brought to bear on China is economic pressure. China has taken over 75% of the world's manufacturing. That has to stop. China manufactures most of the PPE (personal protective equipment), and now they are restricting the export of PPE. This is one of the reasons so many are dying in Western countries. Western countries need to start manufacturing PPE and everything else on a massive scale. That is the only way to put pressure on China. Otherwise there are 1.7 million viruses in wildlife waiting to spread once the coronavirus is controlled.
Hi All,
In regards to this, "Seth on Mass Events", topic, I've been trying to figure out exactly how we create the mass events of our world, in Seth's own words. Today, I came across Session 822 in NOME, and I'd say that this one session, by itself, probably provides us with the basic concepts behind exactly how this mass event reality creation actually works. I've put much of this session in the spoiler below in red font (where the pertinent quotes from this session that I'll be talking about immediately below are in blue font).
In this session, Seth tells us that we have an ego. This ego is the conscious version of what you are; it is the "you" that "you" identify with. This fully conscious ego is directed to the physical world, Framework 1.
However, along with this, Seth also tells us that we also have an "inner ego". This inner ego, which is directed toward inner reality, is also fully conscious and it's fully conscious in Framework 2, where it deals with the formation of events.
Seth says that our world is populated by individuals who concentrate upon physical activities, and who deal with physical events. On the other hand, our inner egos populate Framework 2 and deal with the actual creation of those events that are then objectified in the outside physical world. As a result of this, the primary work of our physical world is actually done by us (our inner selves) in Framework 2.
According to Seth, your (inner and outer) senses bring you information each and every moment. The information that is available to you from Framework 2, which is the source of your world, is basically infinite. However, some of this information will be screened or filtered out by you as a result of your beliefs, desires, and intents. As a result of this, you will either block out or completely ignore some information that might be helpful to you. Information that others will receive.
In this session, Seth also tells us that, "you form your own reality".
The ego that you are, knows how to assess the conditions of the physical world and make useful deductions about it. However, it doesn't know how to form your body, grow your bones, pump your blood or tell your eyes how to see. It's the inner ego that does all of this. In addition to this, it's also the inner ego that actually brings about the events that you, your ego, decide upon.
In very simple terms, if you want to pick up a book, and then you do so, you experience this event consciously, though you aren't aware of all of the inner events that had to occur, in order to make it happen. The inner ego coordinates and drives all of the activities involved in making all of the numerous body parts move, in such a way that you do, in fact, experience this event.
On the other hand, if you want to change your job, and you hold that desire, a new job will come into your experience in precisely the same way. The inner ego will also arrange all of the necessary activities. However, an event involving a job change concerns motion on the part of many people, and implies a network of communication on the part of all of the inner egos involved. Obviously, then, such a mass physical event, like a job change, indicates that a vast inner system of communications must exist in order for this to occur.
As a rule, the inner ego depends upon your (your ego's) assessment of physical events. Your involvement in the private aspects of your living, and your participation in mass events, has a lot to do with your estimation of the physical situation, and with your beliefs and desires regarding it.
Therefore, communication between the inner and outer egos should be as clear and open as possible. When they aren't, problems can occur.
For example, if you want to write a letter, you do so. Since there is no conflict between your desires, beliefs, and the execution of the act, the action itself flows smoothly. On the other hand, if for some reason, you come to believe that such an act is dangerous, (through perhaps a very poor self-assessment of your personal situation) then you will hamper the flow between the desire and the execution of this event. Thus the flow of creativity begun by the inner ego, will then be impeded by your personal beliefs.
So yes, when Seth says that, "you create your reality", he actually means just that. Furthermore, in regards to this, not only is he talking about creating your reality, in terms of small personal events, like picking up a book, but he's also referring to creating your reality in much larger terms like mass events such as changing your job, natural disasters, wars and epidemics such as this coronavirus.
In addition to this, Seth also gives us some pretty good examples in this session of exactly how we create our reality and how our beliefs can hamper this process.
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Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15097#msg15097)
So yes, when Seth says that, "you create your reality", he actually means just that.
jbseth, thoughts are very powerful, but sometimes actions are also necessary.
Hi Sena, Hi All,
It appears that I didn't really emphasize one very significant point here in all of this and this is what Seth actually means when he says, "you create your reality" (this is "my understanding" of what Seth means by this).
When Seth says, "you create your reality", he's not just talking about that part of us that we typically identify with, our ego self.
Furthermore, he's also not just talking about the inner ego, that part of us that is conscious and does most of its work in Framework 2, along with all other inner egos. This inner ego is the part of us that participates in the creation of the mass world reality that we all know.
No, instead here, when Seth says, "you" create your reality, he's actually talking about both parts of us, our ego and our inner ego. These 2 parts work together to bring about the mass world reality that our ego then experiences in the physical world.
I think that there can be a misunderstanding about this point that can cause a lot of confusion for people; myself included, whenever I forget this point.
When we don't completely grasp the implications of this concept, (including the communication that occurs between the inner self and the ego, the intuitions and the impulses) and when we think that Seth is referring to the just ego alone, when he says "you create your reality", then it's easy end up feeling like you're a victim in some circumstances (such as a natural disaster, for example), because the ego part of you, had seemingly no particular interest in participating in that event.
Hi All,
I was just on Bing, going through the list of people who were born on this day, April 14th, and I came across the name Berry Berenson. Since I didn't know who she was, I looked her up on the internet and discovered that, at one time, she was married to actor Anthony Perkins (who was Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's movie "Psycho").
Additionally, I noted that she died on Sept. 11, 2001 and I wondered if this was just a coincidence or if she involved in 9/11.
Apparently she was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11, that morning. Flight 11 was the plane that flew out of Boston and then crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, at around 08:45 am.
According to Wikipedia, the following is also true about Flight 11, that morning.
"All 92 people on board were killed,[5] including David Angell (the creator and executive producer of the television sitcom Frasier), his wife Lynn Angell, and actress Berry Berenson, the widow of Anthony Perkins.[6] Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane had been scheduled to be on the flight but arrived at the airport late.[7] Actor Mark Wahlberg was also scheduled to be on the flight but canceled his ticket at the last minute.[8] Actress Leighanne Littrell, wife of Backstreet Boys singer Brian Littrell, had also previously been booked on the flight but, like Wahlberg, changed her plans at the last minute.[9] "
I didn't know about the stories of David and Lynn Angell or Berry Berenson. Nor, did I know about the close call stories of Seth MacFarlane, Mark Wahlberg and Leighanne Littrell. In the past, here in this forum, Deb and others have posted about some interesting stories having to do with people who had close calls on that day.
This really brings home, some of Seth's comments in his Mass Events book, NOME, about how some people choose and others opt not to choose to participate in some mass events. What an interesting "coincidence" given that some of us here have been talking about mass events given the present situation with the coronavirus.
- jbseth
Wow, what a story! There sure were a lot of celebs on or supposed to be on that flight. I find that odd, would expect that more from a flight in or out of LA.
I looked back at the post I'd put up about my friend sitting at the gate while flight 11 was boarding because I just wanted to make sure it was the same flight. I wonder what caused some of the people to changed their plans at the last minute? The information is probably out there on the internet, I imagine they were interviewed.
I remember reading articles that a lot of people had precognitive dreams about the 911 attack. And you just reminded me of a little coincidence: This morning, about 8:30 or 9:00, I brought something into the guest room and noticed the book
How Do They Do That? that sits on the dresser. I thought, "wow, I haven't opened that book in forever." I was looking through the TOC and "How do they wash the windows on the World Trade Center?.....40" popped out at me and I and thought, "oh boy, that's no longer relevant." :-\ The book is copyrighted 1981.
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=11835#msg11835)
This morning 16 years ago I was sitting at an American Airlines gate in Boston waiting to board a flight to London for my first business trip. What I didn't know was that all of the passengers boarding the flight before me (Flight 11) at the same gate would not be coming home. I remember one man missed Flight 11 that morning by a few seconds and was very agitated. I would later see him on the phone at Logan crying and telling his wife how much he loved her. I also remember the woman who a few minutes before him actually made the flight just before the doors closed.
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15144#msg15144)
This morning 16 years ago I was sitting at an American Airlines gate in Boston waiting to board a flight to London for my first business trip. What I didn't know was that all of the passengers boarding the flight before me (Flight 11) at the same gate would not be coming home. I remember one man missed Flight 11 that morning by a few seconds and was very agitated. I would later see him on the phone at Logan crying and telling his wife how much he loved her. I also remember the woman who a few minutes before him actually made the flight just before the doors closed.
Hi Deb, Hi All,
Deb, I can remember you posting this message here in this forum some time ago, maybe around the time of Sept 11th, last year or maybe the year before.
Anyway, I remember you posting this story about the man who watched those people board Flight 11. The woman who just made it before the gates closed and the man who just missed it and later called his wife.
This morning, as I read this article, it made me wonder if it may have been this woman, Berry Berenson, who was the woman this man saw just make the flight before they closed the gates.
It's all really kind of sad, even though this occurred many years ago now.
Quote from: yphen (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15079#msg15079)
I'm kinda waiting for the next "collective" shoe to drop and what is my role?
Yphen, I often feel the same way. More changes are definitely going to happen. As for "my role", you will not be surprised, I received answers to a lot of questions during lockdown. Things like - seeing my REAL preferences. What I like doing when left to myself. What I miss and do not miss from my "old" life.
I am grateful for this, I wouldn't have been able to "jump off the hamster wheel" by myself. I also learned to live and create with my husband at home 24/7 (it seemed impossible before).
Not that you asked my advice and thoughts on "personal role", but here they are anyway. :) For me - being Seth student and a living "thought radio" is going to be first order of business. And even more - spreading my ideas through written creations, crafts, sewn things.
If Seth mentioned that Rob's paintings "broadcast" his (Rob's) philosophy in people's homes, I do not see why other creations should not do the same.
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15789#msg15789)
Quote from: yphen (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15079#msg15079)
I'm kinda waiting for the next "collective" shoe to drop and what is my role?
Yphen, I often feel the same way. More changes are definitely going to happen.
2020's a doozy so far ain't it ?
My faith in what Seth Jane Robert (hate leaving them 2 out) teach is really being focused lately. Every day now I'm thinking about the nature of reality and how to step into other roles and ways of thought, of alternate dimensions and relationships. I feel very stuck in this human ... I try to improve it, but it's old and not very bright ; )
I did take action though, a life change that is really going to have an impact on my future and it came about by me examining my inner voice and trusting. I find if I start having doubts and anxiety I remember my faith... it helps.
I wish there was a way to communicate this material to more people but I have a hard enough time just staying within the lines myself... For instance, if I post something to redit, to try and be helpful, I get destroyed half the time for no reason. People are so rekt right now. I wish I could help, but I feel it's too late.
Stay safe. Question authority.
Quote from: yphen (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15790#msg15790)
I feel very stuck in this human ... I try to improve it, but it's old and not very bright ; )I did take action though, a life change that is really going to have an impact on my future and it came about by me examining my inner voice and trusting. I find if I start having doubts and anxiety I remember my faith... it helps.
Yes, yphen, I agree, a very exciting and unusual year.
You are talking about "human'" as some kind of second hand suit you were handed down. Be patient with yourself. As you read more of Seth and similar books, you'll become more proficient in creating reality. And enjoy it more - like an experienced athlete enjoys a good run. And age has little to do with it. "Human" can be and do more - at any age with the right tools (beliefs and expectations)
I was over 40 when I first came across something similar to Seth. And you will not be surprised to know - it changed my life drastically. And now I am hooked to Seth and similar material. Most exciting thing about it - are the possibilities it opens, the level I can reach in this 'material manipulation school'.
Besides, you said you took some action already - to your benefit. It surely matters. Not just sitting reading books :)
Learning finally to trust and listen to yourself (mid-life is as good time as any) - is one of the most important things. All our life we are used to listening to parents, teachers, peers, government, etc. So trusting yourself is quite a new but most useful habit.
As for something being late - it is never late. In situation like posting on redit or trying to help non-Sethie friends I found solution suitable for me. Like you - I want to help and I feel for people who suffer - quite unnecessarily. When this can be changed - with minimum $ spending. BUT. I choose to spend more time inspiring those who understand Seth or similar ideas already. For all others - I only have love, saying something to lessen fear by discussing hobbies and just being here - with attention and a few words.
But this is what I chose for myself. Helping those with "A-B level" more, and for all others - there is helping hand and info - if they want and can join.