From what Seth said in one of his early sessions (session 44), it would appear that after his final incarnation on Earth, he went to another universe. He calls this universe "the basic inner universe". These are some quotes from session 44:
"This fifth dimensional space, this basic universe of reality of which I speak, expands constantly in terms of intensity and quality and value, in a way that has nothing to do with your idea of space. The basic inner universe beneath all camouflage does not have an existence in space at all, as you envision it. Space as you envision it, that is as an emptiness to be filled, is a camouflage. I" (from "The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)
"The reality of the inner universe also does not exist basically in time as you conceive it, although in some instances parts of it may be glimpsed from the camouflage time perspective; only however a very small portion. If the dream world and the mind and the inner universe do exist, and if they do not exist in space, and if they do not exist basically in time, though they may be glimpsed through time, then your question will be: in what medium or in what manner do they exist; and without time how can they be said to exist in duration? You already have many clues that I have given you. The answer itself should not seem unbelievable. You know for a fact that dreams exist. You know that the mind exists, you have personal intimate direct knowledge of these. I am telling you that the basic universe exists behind all camouflage universes in the same manner, and taking up no space, that the mind exists behind the brain. The brain is a camouflage pattern. It takes up space. It exists in time. The mind takes up no space, it does not have its basic existence in time. The reality of the inner universe does not take up space, nor does it have its basic existence in time. Your camouflage universe, on the other hand, takes up space and has an existence in time, but it is not the real and basic universe, any more than the brain is the mind." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)
From the Kindle edition:
Hi Sena, Hi All,
Hey, this looks like a really interesting topic. Thanks for starting it Sena.
- jbseth
Quote from: jbseth (
Hi Sena, Hi All,
Hey, this looks like a really interesting topic. Thanks for starting it Sena.
- jbseth
jbseth, I am glad you find it interesting. Here is another quote:
"First of all, your own universe is not isolated, either. It is simply the one that you perceive.
There are in a basic sense other universes within the one that you recognize, and constantly happening in those universes are other events of which you are unaware. The universes exist one within the other, so to speak, and their events also one within the other, so that while any given event seems itself only in the terms that you recognize, it is a part of endless others that exist one within the other, and it is impossible at certain levels to separate the "portions." Your daily life seems to give you little evidence of this. Your dreams, however, often contain this kind of interrelatedness. Because you perceive events in the way that you do, of course, you see the familiar physical universe. Dream events, not as precise in space and time, often serve as a framework through which some evidence of other universes can be glimpsed. No system is closed, so there are interactions, so to speak, between all universes. No psychological system is closed either, even while it retains an inviolate nature that is indestructible. Dreams, then, operate as vast mass communicative networks, far more effective at certain levels of the psyche than, for example, television is at a physical level. (from "The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts)
From the Kindle edition:
Hi Sena,
Hey, this topic can get incredibly complicated really quickly. :)
In TES2, Session 44 Seth talks about our camouflage universe and the "basic inner universe". In TES3, he starts talking about realities and he talks about our physical world reality but he also talks about the existence of other realities. This includes the existence of a psychological reality, and an electric reality for example; and I'm under the impression that there are also other realities as well.
In TES3, he also talks about how these realities are apparently interrelated to each other.
Along with this in TES3, he also talks about how below all of these realities, there is a fundamental basic reality. This basic reality, seems to be directly related to all of the energy and all of the consciousness of all; All That Is.
I believe that in Session 44, what he calls the "basic inner universe", is this "basic reality" that he talks about in TES3.
In TES3, in talking about these realities, Seth tells us that while we live in a physical reality, our mind, for example, exists in the electric reality. He also tells us that part of us also exists in the psychological reality where our psychological experiences (such as our emotional experiences) exist.
It is my understanding (and I readily admit that I could be completely wrong here) that when we grow in value fulfillment, this growth occurs in this psychological reality, and possibly some growth also occurs in the electric reality (growth of thoughts and ideas; mind expansion). However, growth in value fulfillment doesn't imply growth in a physical sense, in the physical reality.
I'm not sure that Seth exists so much in this basic universe or basic reality (other than the fact that I think that we all exist as part of All That Is, in this basic reality). Instead, I believe that Seth's existence like our own may primarily be located in this psychological reality. I think that perhaps our inner self, our whole self, our entity, etc. all exist primarily in this psychological reality.
I believe that our ego makes up a small part of this psychological reality. Our inner self consists of a bigger part. Our entity makes up an even a bigger part and Seth and others like him also make up a big parts of this reality.
This is just my understanding of how all of this all works and I definitely could be completely wrong about this.
Quote from: jbseth (
I believe that in Session 44, what he calls the "basic inner universe", is this "basic reality" that he talks about in TES3.
jbseth, if I understand you correctly, what you seem to be suggesting is that when Seth uses the word "universe", he is referring to "basic reality". I accept that he sometimes does this. On other occasions, however, it is fairly clear that he is referring to the universe as understood by astronomers and physicists, as in the following example:
"Your earth exists in the context of the physical universe. You exist in the context of your psyche.
The events that you recognize as real are dependent upon all of the other events occurring within your psyche, even as the existence of the earth is dependent upon the other aspects of the physical universe. Events as you understand them are only intrusions of multidimensional activities into space and time. Events are reflections of your dreams even as your dreams reflect the events you know; those you experienced, and those you anticipate in one way or another. In a manner of speaking, then, and without denying the great validity of your experience, events as you know them are but fragments of other happenings in which you are also intimately involved. The inner multidimensional shape of events occurs in a framework that you cannot structure, however, because as a rule you are not focused in that direction. You prefer to deal with activities that can be physically manipulated." (from "The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts)
From the Kindle edition:
When Seth refers to "multidimensional activities", I wonder whether he is implying multiple universes?
Quote from: Sena (
jbseth, if I understand you correctly, what you seem to be suggesting is that when Seth uses the word "universe", he is referring to "basic reality". I accept that he sometimes does this. On other occasions, however, it is fairly clear that he is referring to the universe as understood by astronomers and physicists, as in the following example:
Hi Sena,
That's not quite exactly what I meant, in regards to the word, "
When Seth uses the word "universe" you have to take a look at the context of how he's using it.
Sometimes he's referring to the physical universe that astronomers are talking about, this is the universe of Framework 1.
At other times however, he's referring to something that's more along the line of Framework 2, such as when he's talking about the "basic inner universe".
He appears to be referring to both, in Session 44.