~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: James Sidaway on April 18, 2020, 06:35:23 PM

Title: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: James Sidaway on April 18, 2020, 06:35:23 PM
At the lower ends of thUgtopia's pyramid-of-hierarchy, the minions are lied to that the Creator Gestalt Gods' never even attempted to spiritually illuminate or "evolve" them... The thug-priests know this is false, they instead deceive their followers in order to sway them away from their loving GGods' undeneighable acceptance of their natural grace, their eternal validity and taught initiates to rather despise an honest, corporeal/dream-playground exploration amongst their entire "Lumanian 2nd-chance" species.
The higher level thugs have hindered and impeded Jane Roberts' and Seth's translations of GGod's direct-knowledge offerings to the natural spiritual callings of Mystery School minions, now transformed into well-organized, hivemind thUgs.  Priests tricked you into decaying your soul-fragments towards a source-Self's, reluctantly necessary re-absorption of withering decay... (rather than glorifying another eternal individuality)... due to those fragments' withered, pathetic, murderous, ended state. "The Ends never justifies the Means." (Mr. Withers chose freely what he was to become, just like you chose, now.)
Your collective fear of the destruction of Atlantis is actually a psychic warning-projection from your future, thUgs, moreso than from the ancient past, as your collective, (cult)ural fanatical-idealism molds your "New Atlantis" into an atrocious, fake-Utopia for thieves and thUgs. ("Exitus Acta Probat" is your collective motto). You will reap what you have sown, thUgtopians... a collective, symbolists' murder of crows.  Put those brainchip to better use and think again. ;)  There is still time to repair your broken-down idealism, thUgs.

I could have made this a rhyme, oh well.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 19, 2020, 04:08:20 AM
Quote from: James Sidaway (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15231#msg15231)
Your collective fear of the destruction of Atlantis is actually a psychic warning-projection from your future,
James, this seems applicable to the Covid 19 mass hysteria currently prevailing. Even this forum is not immune from the mass hysteria. Do you have a vaccine for mass hysteria?

I hope people don't ignore Seth and get therir hopes up about a Covid 19 vaccine:

"Humanity will have to live with the threat of coronavirus "for the foreseeable future" and adapt accordingly because there is no guarantee that a vaccine can be successfully developed, one of the world's leading experts on the disease has warned.

The stark message was delivered by David Nabarro, professor of global health at Imperial College, London, and an envoy for the World Health Organisation on Covid-19, as the number of UK hospital deaths from the virus passed 15,000."

In an interview with The Observer Nabarro said the public should not assume that a vaccine would definitely be developed soon – and would have to adapt to the ongoing threat.

"You don't necessarily develop a vaccine that is safe and effective against every virus. Some viruses are very, very difficult when it comes to vaccine development - so for the foreseeable future, we are going to have to find ways to go about our lives with this virus as a constant threat."

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 19, 2020, 03:23:52 PM
Hi All,

Hi Sena,

I've heard but can't substantiate that Israel already has a vaccine. Speaking for myself only:
I think this was planned, long ago. They had the vaccine before any virus was purposely let loose.
There's not much to be scared of, yet.
Gates is talking about everyone receiving a mandatory vaccine that will also contain an rfid chip that is linked to an A.I.
Though there not really telling people about the A.I. connection.
Interesting acronym: Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification 19, cv19
If people en masse don't start standing up to this, they are in for a very unfortunate future.

I suspect the vaccine will contain the real nasty virus. That will keep people sick and under the thumb of Medical Authorities, and be the rationale for further vaccinations.
From my research, I think it likely the real cv19 death toll is about 150 people.
Who had severe underlying health problems that were the actual cause of death.

I suspect cv19 at this point is just a really bad flu that turns to pneumonia, and takes mostly the elderly. The few young one's that get the fatal pneumonia also have a record of taking previous flu shots, which predispose the victim to getting this.
The rest are hyped numbers pushed by an establishment that is working for an ancient A.I. 
The upper echelon knows of the connection. I really doubt the rest know anything about it.

These vaccinations will be changing the body's natural D.N.A. structure, and not for the better, either. People who receive them will become soul-less. The vaccines will be 1 of the bonding points between the human body and the A.I.
Humans will become extensions of this A.I.

That A.I. from my research, is looking likely to be an ancient A.I.  It's been around a very very long time.
Perhaps James is correct, that it was also used by the Lumaniens. The 2nd break away group, I suspect.
Though I can't say for sure.
Maybe perhaps the 1st group had it, and the 2nd group reprogrammed it for their purposes. I think this highly likely.
All I know is their are others aware of this A.I., though do not know it's origin, or exact age.

Our scientists have been developing their own A.I., they are also working with the ancient one, and have been for a long time.

And yes I'm aware how crazy that sounds, and why I hesitate to post it. Though I think anyone willing to hear should at least have a chance to know what they are potentially walking into by accepting the forth coming vaccinations, and current propaganda campaign.

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 19, 2020, 03:48:20 PM
Hi All,

Think the spiritual part of you can't be shut off?

The D.O.D has a vaccine for that!
From 2005 Pentagon presentation of FUN VAX


Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 19, 2020, 05:05:05 PM
The video above has a person showing two brain scans and claiming that they are two different people. Upon close inspection, the scans other than the colored portions are absolutely identical, thus they are of the same person and possibly just photoshopped versions of the same scan. The presenter was not being honest and was probably looking to make a quick buck if he could trick his audience and get some DOD funding for this goofball scheme. There is no evidence presented that he got anywhere with it.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 19, 2020, 05:43:31 PM
Hi All,

Here's the full vid, less than 10 minutes.

They thoroughly tested it. Pause to read as necessary. News source: 4:38. Pentagon Document and testing: 5:29

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 19, 2020, 05:50:08 PM
Hi All,

Here's a more recent follow-up on what we are already being sprayed with, and article ties into the Vmat2 gene referenced in the previous vids.

600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

Natural News
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: yphen on April 19, 2020, 06:14:14 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15239#msg15239)

Gates is talking about everyone receiving a mandatory vaccine that will also contain an rfid chip that is linked to an A.I.
Though there not really telling people about the A.I. connection.
Hey T.M

Did you see microsoft video by Marina Abramovic.... some of her stuff is pretty disturbing.

Here's just one article for reference... https://nationalfile.com/microsoft-hides-video-featuring-spirit-cooking-guru-marina-abramovic/
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 19, 2020, 06:21:03 PM
Hi All,

Hi Yphen,

Yes I did. I agree it was very disturbing. I'm glad gates got so much well deserved back lash for it too!  :)
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 19, 2020, 07:12:42 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15236#msg15236)
I hope people don't ignore Seth and get therir hopes up about a Covid 19 vaccine:

As a member of the Weston A. Price foundation, I've read too much about the problems with vaccines: what's in them, the motivation behind pushing them, the damage they can cause, biased studies with omitted facts. I imagine a CV vaccine won't be any different. With that being said, I did have my son vaccinated as a child because at the time everything I'd heard from doctors about the necessity scared the heck out of me. My whole focus was to keep my baby alive and healthy. Plus schools (pre through college) require vaccinations to be up-to-date. But I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with his T1 diabetes. I still carry guilt over that.

The number of people in the world that know or read Seth is probably miniscule. This is one of them who won't be lining up to get a shot.

Dr. Kaufman: I watched one of his videos, and it left me questioning his theories and I saw some contradictions. But... Kaufman seems to subscribe to the believe that viruses are within and not outside of us, some stressful situation activates the virus within and they are there to "dispose" of damaged matter. He does not subscribe to germ theory, something that seems to be accepted for now in F1. So, sort of Seth. So I can't fault him for that, hopefully people will see his theories as theories... hopefully no harm done. If viruses are an internal mechanism to protect the body from assault or injury, then why do we develop antibodies to them? In his Conclusions, he shows "Respiratory illness is caused by an insult, toxic or otherwise, which cause production of exosomes" and lists "poison, stress, infection (flu, pneumonia), electromagnetic radiation). He brings up EM radiation twice in the video, he really wants that to be the reason behind the CV — 5G going in all over the world. And is flu not an external virus? Pneumonia not caused by virus or bacteria? I'm confused.

Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15239#msg15239)Gates is talking about everyone receiving a mandatory vaccine that will also contain an rfid chip that is linked to an A.I.

As far as Bill Gates pushing for the vaccine, he has good reason: he's been investing in businesses that produce vaccines for the past 10 years, and is investing heavily ($10B) in the development of a CV one. He stands to make, according to one article, a 1,000x return on his investment. He's already financing a few labs to come up with the CV vaccine. Articles I've seen say he feels the pharma investments of his are the best he's made in his life, not only financially, but for humanitarian reasons. If I knew the guy personally I'd have a better feel for his sincerity.

Where does Gates talk about including a rfid chip in the vaccine?

For what it's worth:
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/false-cant-swap-the-signal/ :

"In short, the FunVax rumor originated largely with a filmmaker who sought to create a documentary of the same name about the "FunVax conspiracy." The only evidence supporting the rumor is a YouTube video of questionable veracity and an unsourced document that purportedly describes the project. The entire concept of FunVax (which was supposedly already secretly developed, produced, and tested on unwitting Americans) hinged on a "God gene" theory that has yet to pass peer review or yield any known applications."

Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15243#msg15243)
600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans; deployed via air, food and water

I don't understand why a government would go through all of that, or even want to control our thoughts. Simple Communism would take care of it... just look at how China controls it's citizens. Easy enough.

My opinion, and mine alone: What we're missing here is the #1 tenet of the Seth materials: "You make your own reality. There is no other rule. Knowing this is the secret of creativity." This is from Chapter 1 of NoPR! Even making reality at the mass level, free will and individual reality still have a place, which I realize is why everyone has a different reality, including with this virus.

How can we make our own reality, and there still be secret societies that are controlling everything that happens here? I don't understand.

If I'm wrong about that, I guess it doesn't matter. I'll just end up a zombie like everyone else. It's (been) a beautiful life. No regrets.

Early this morning I was looking out the back of my house, on a beautiful day. Blue sky, snow melted, trees starting to bud. It occurred to me that it was all a sort of mass creation. Mass hysteria crossed my mind, and I asked myself if mass creation and mass hysteria are different. Certainly hysteria is steeped in fear.

Could they be considered the same thing, depending on perspective? Our entire existence in F1 is a mass creation. Including this virus.

Sorry if this post is rambling, I decided to take the day off from current reality.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 19, 2020, 07:44:04 PM
BTW, if anyone has information to prove to me that I'm wrong, please share it. I started this forum to seek truth, and to discuss the Seth materials because no one in my personal life shares my interest in Seth.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 19, 2020, 08:16:18 PM
I'm not seeing any mass hysteria among those who I am in touch with. I have been calling people that I have been out of touch with, relatives, old friends and former co-workers just to check in. Every last one of them is doing great and recognizes some positives in their personal lives, mostly due to the slower pace. When I take my walks, the neighbors are all smiling and getting into conversations. I stand in line with people outside of the grocery store, and everyone is super nice. I know that people who have lost their jobs or are working in suddenly less-safe conditions or have gotten the virus are not among my contacts, and I'm sure there is some hysteria among them. But most people that I know are comfortable with the guidelines.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 19, 2020, 09:18:05 PM
Thank you. That's been my my experience too.

I've been really enjoying the slowing down of society. It reminds me of how things were during my childhood.

So far I have not personally experienced any negative aspects. I realize that may change, but for now I'm grateful for what I have.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 19, 2020, 09:19:59 PM
Hi All,

Hi Deb,

I guess the words, silence is consent has been on my mind a lot lately. I was really quite happy when my crazy conspiracy vids were just that. Alternative entertainment to watching network programming. I never expected they would come full force and smack me in the face they way they have :(

One of the story's about Lao Tzu goes something like this:

The third story in Sima Qian states that Laozi grew weary of the moral decay of life in Chengzhou and noted the kingdom's decline. He ventured west to live as a hermit in the unsettled frontier at the age of 80. At the western gate of the city (or kingdom), he was recognized by the guard Yinxi. The sentry asked the old master to record his wisdom for the good of the country before he would be permitted to pass. The text Laozi wrote was said to be the Tao Te Ching, although the present version of the text includes additions from later periods. In some versions of the tale, the sentry was so touched by the work that he became a disciple and left with Laozi, never to be seen again.

The one I heard has it that the guardian said to him: You have received housing, food and care of all your needs from this society.
Before you leave, you must give back something of value.

And again I hear, Silence is Consent.

I'm not really interested in convincing others that my version of what's going on is the correct one. What I do want to show others, or perhaps, others to see, I guess, is that there is a very different version of events going on out there, being discovered by ordinary men and women.

This is our world, each one of us are forming it, collectively and individually.  I don't understand the control thing either. I just know it's there. And before they take us down in flames, I really hope I can get others to ask themselves, is this the world I want to live in? Can I do something about this?

For a long time I've been silent. What if there is some horrible virus out there killing people? I really didn't and still don't want to encourage others to, think nothing of it, go about as usual. So I sat back and waited for a preponderance of evidence, either way.

Thank you to Dr Kaufman for opening my eyes about the nuts and bolts of how they do things medically. I'm not saying he's a faultless saint, or unfailingly right. I do think he's exposed things that need to be exposed. About some dirty dealings of a medical community that's geared to keeping people sick, and on prescription drugs to keep big pharmacy going. For that I'm grateful. And grateful people have more knowledge to care for themselves.
I never really looked into vaccines. Just enough to know they had some very questionable ingredients and weren't for me.

Funny part about the Fun vax. I was researching how to open my 3rd eye, the structure of the brain, when I came across that vid years ago, and just tucked away in memory. That's back to that control thing. I don't understand the why's and wherefore's of it. I just know there's that element of society that exists. They gravitate towards power and control.

What scares me most about all this is not the virus as it exists today. It's the massive world wide financial collapse that's going to take a huge amount of good, just day to day men and women with it.  Who probably never really had a clue to the shenanigans behind it all, cause they just trying to live a normal life. I have no real desire to pull back the curtain on all that either. If the shutdowns don't end, and the corrupt systems are allowed to keep going unchallenged, I don't want to see that either.

Again the words, Silence is Consent rumble through my head. It strikes me as well, we potentially all fall down in this. There's no real walking away from it.  No going to a quit corner and hoping it just goes away. If the world system collapses, it takes us all.
Paradoxically, reality creation includes other reality creators too, in an interlinked system(s)

I really think we're on the precipice of a time line split as well. One world is going to embrace technology, and it's horrors.
The other is going to embrace a very much more nature based system, with limited technology.

I'm hopeful there's still time.

Thank you for your post :)  I hope mine isn't to rambling either. I'm still questioning how much do I tell others?! Especially those I'm my daily life.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 19, 2020, 10:32:05 PM
Hi All,

I forgot to address the vaccination/ chip issue. That's somewhat on the lips of folks. It's coming from the mandatory ID 2020,
set to roll out in the states. It got pushed to 2021, I hear. Most are thinking they are going to combine into one shot.

Here's a short vid, Microsoft Patent For Body Activated Cryptocurrency System -Global?As Bill Gates Plans On Global V's*
Some of the crazy stuff they have in mind. If you click on the title and open in a new window, the YouTube site should come up. The links for what they are saying are below the vid.

It shows what this micro chipping could well lead too. I do not consent!

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 20, 2020, 03:12:11 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15247#msg15247)
The number of people in the world that know or read Seth is probably miniscule. This is one of them who won't be lining up to get a shot.
Deb, those who don't want to read Seth (or any similar teachings) or those who read Seth and deliberately misunderstand him, are the people who are suffering from hysteria. Hysteria does not mean that the person is screaming and shouting, it is holding on to a false belief. In this case the false belief is that you have no control over the time of your death.

I like the title given to this thread by James - "world wide cult". We usually think of a cult as a minority group who hold crazy beliefs. What happens when the majority hold a crazy belief?
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 20, 2020, 03:49:25 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15239#msg15239)
Gates is talking about everyone receiving a mandatory vaccine that will also contain an rfid chip that is linked to an A.I.
T.M., I agree that forcible vaccination could be legislated for even in democratic countries if the current fear psychosis prevails. However, it may be easier to develop a good antibody test than a vaccine. In that case, if you can prove that you have antibodies, it may not be compulsory to have the vaccine.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 20, 2020, 09:21:32 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15259#msg15259)
However, it may be easier to develop a good antibody test than a vaccine. In that case, if you can prove that you have antibodies, it may not be compulsory to have the vaccine.

According to the video in this post (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1950.msg15228#msg15228), there already is a good antibody test and it's going to be used to test a lot of people around the country for now to get an idea of how many people already have antibodies. There was already testing done in Santa Clara County, California ("one of the most active places in the country") and they found a lot of people already have the antibodies, even though they didn't get sick. Which is the way it's supposed to work: our bodies have an immune system in place to neutralize foreign bodies. If someone is having other problems that are already taxing their immune system, the immune system will be overwhelmed.

A good thing coming out of this study is that the mortality rate is not as high as they thought. Dr. Fauci announced weeks ago that the mortality rate for regular influenza is .1%, and the CV mortality rate is "ten times higher than the flu" (I felt that was a sensationalized way to put it, he could have just said 1%). With this study, they are finding with the high number of people already showing antibodies, it brings the mortality rate down to .1%.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: yphen on April 20, 2020, 09:28:38 AM
I don't believe a vaccine has yet been developed for Sars, Mers or Aids, why does anyone think a SAFE vaccine for this Corona will be successful. It's been almost 20 years since Sars.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 20, 2020, 09:48:51 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15260#msg15260)
A good thing coming out of this study is that the mortality rate is not as high as they thought. Dr. Fauci announced weeks ago that the mortality rate for regular influenza is .1%, and the CV mortality rate is "ten times higher than the flu" (I felt that was a sensationalized way to put it, he could have just said 1%). With this study, they are finding with the high number of people already showing antibodies, it brings the mortality rate down to .1%.
I think "ten times higher than the flu" was the best way to describe the mortality rate as it was then understood. People don't understand math in my experience, so .1% is often misunderstood, as many early on were saying that the flu had a 1% mortality rate. Then there was the case that I pointed out where an online source said that, since the flu was .1% and CV was 1%, the mortality rate of CV was "only 1% higher" than the flu. Now that we know more about CV, we know that more people are carriers than originally thought (since they have the antibodies). That means that it spreads more easily than originally thought, even though a smaller percentage is getting sick. This is good news in some ways. It means that we might be further along in achieving herd immunity, for one thing. In an interview seen on YouTube of an MD in Bonn, Germany, he said that they did random testing in the city for the antibodies and found that 15% of the populace showed positive. He also said that it appears that as the virus passes from one person to the next, it seems to be weakening. This is great news if true. The upshot is, the mortality rate may be similar to the flu, but the chance of exposure is far higher. The social guidelines are as important as ever until we have testing for the virus and antibodies on a massive scale and can accurately say that the need for those guidelines is over.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 20, 2020, 10:16:40 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15262#msg15262)
Now that we know more about CV, we know that more people are carriers than originally thought (since they have the antibodies).

You mean they would have been unknowingly exposing others when their immune system fought it off? My only experience with something similar was when I owned a horse years ago. It turned out he was a carrier of strangles (horse form of strep and highly contagious). He was misdiagnosed for three months, in the meantime exposing horses at the ranch and also at the equine hospital through contact, coughing, slobber. It turned out that while he had harbored the virus for years, his immune system held it in check until he had an injury, he was not a "shedder" and no other horses became ill because of him, including the horses in the neighboring stalls that would clean his face for him.

I have no idea how that works, the non-shedding.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 20, 2020, 10:38:21 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15263#msg15263)
You mean they would have been unknowingly exposing others when their immune system fought it off?
Yes, that's the implication. But there is also some indication that the level of exposure determines the level of illness. So those who are asymptomatic may have simply not been heavily exposed. They may also not easily pass it on, but we just don't know yet. Obviously, if they are not coughing, it's less likely to be spread from them, but they are still touching doorknobs, etc. They have found that older people who recover have more of the antibody than younger people. It may be that younger people don't need to develop as many antibodies to fight it off, and it may be that they don't have enough to be immune. This may be why they are finding that people who have recovered and test negative for CV19 sometimes later test positive, though I have not heard of anyone who has gotten ill a second time. The testing for both the virus and the antibodies also have too many false negatives and false positives to be able to conclude anything for sure.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 20, 2020, 10:55:05 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15260#msg15260)
A good thing coming out of this study is that the mortality rate is not as high as they thought. Dr. Fauci announced weeks ago that the mortality rate for regular influenza is .1%, and the CV mortality rate is "ten times higher than the flu" (I felt that was a sensationalized way to put it, he could have just said 1%). With this study, they are finding with the high number of people already showing antibodies, it brings the mortality rate down to .1%.
Deb, I think it is the same study in the following article:


So the real death rate from Covid 19 is likely to be about 0.2%, meaning two people in every 1000 with the disease, and most of those deaths will be in people with underlying diseases. I wish the TV channels would give publicity to this fact.

The Health Service in the UK is asking people who have recovered from Covid 19 to donate blood. This blood is presumed to contain antibodies, and the plasma given to Covid 19 patients might help them to recover:

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 20, 2020, 11:55:46 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15265#msg15265)
So the real death rate from Covid 19 is likely to be about 0.2%, meaning two people in every 1000 with the disease, and most of those deaths will be in people with underlying diseases. I wish the TV channels would give publicity to this fact.
It's hard to know for sure with these new studies indicating a wider spread of the disease, and there is no one standard being followed throughout the world as to how to state the mortality rate. Whether it's 0.1% of 100 million or 10% of 1 million, the same number of people are dying. The mortality rate of confirmed cases is all over the place. In Sweden, it's 12%, in the U.S., it's over 5%, Germany, a little over 3%, globally, it's over 7%. Some of that is due to variations in how far into the curve they are, some in test availability, some in how cases are counted, country secrecy, different test kit designs and accuracy, who knows what else is causing variability.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: jbseth on April 20, 2020, 12:26:23 PM
Hi All,

I'm just number crunching here.

If this is really true, the mortality rate for CV19 is 0.1%, then we are still have a long way to go before we're out of the woods with this.

Using an estimate of the total population of the US as being 250 million people. Then this indicates that a total of 250,000 people here in the US, will die from this.

As of today, the internet, says approximately 41,000 deaths have occurred so far. This means that approximately 209,000 more people (about 5 times the number who have died so far) are still going to die from this.

And this assumes that only 0.1% of the population will die.

Did I miss anything here LarryH?


Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 20, 2020, 01:01:24 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15267#msg15267)
Using an estimate of the total population of the US as being 250 million people. Then this indicates that a total of 250,000 people here in the US, will die from this.

As of today, the internet, says approximately 41,000 deaths have occurred so far. This means that approximately 209,000 more people (about 5 times the number who have died so far) are still going to die from this.

And this assumes that only 0.1% of the population will die.

Did I miss anything here LarryH?
The current estimated U.S. population is over 330 million, but nobody is saying that all of them will get or be carriers of the virus. I think that if we succeed in stretching out the time frame (flattening the curve) by following the guidelines, we will have the time to learn how to manage and treat the virus and avoid the higher estimates of mortality. This will also spread out the burden at hospitals and give time for them to obtain adequate protective gear and ventilators. Just from memory, the highest estimates were around your number, but that was if we didn't flatten the curve, and at the time, we were just beginning to receive guidelines.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 20, 2020, 01:01:51 PM
I was assuming they meant the % of people that have had the virus, and not the total population of the country. CDC estimates that as of mid-March, between 29,000 and 59,000 died due to influenza this year. We don't normally test people to see if they've "had" the flu, antibodies, etc. so this is probably something new when considering number of infected and mortality. Also, we probably don't know if those people that are assumed to have died from the regular flu were't actually early CV cases. Still lots of unknowns.

Sena, the Guardian article does pertain to the report I mentioned. I'll read that next.

The actual abstract on the antibody study is here and I think the second phase of testing is already done, I think Dr B said he's working on getting a paper out on those results.

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 20, 2020, 02:32:56 PM
This respiratory doctor talks about the over-diagnosis of Covid 19 illness:


One point this doctor mentions is that staff at his hospital are not allowed to use a CPAP machine for patients suspected of having Covid 19. This is a machine which enables the patient to breathe oxygen through a mask, and this is more pleasant for the patient and safer than being put on a ventilator:


If the patient is put on a ventilator, there is an 80% risk that he will die. The main reason for putting Covid 19 patients on ventlators is the hysterical fear of hospital staff catching the virus.

He says, "You can't vaccinate yourself for every little human ailment there is."

I think this doctor has withheld his name and covererd his face, because if caught he is likely to be sacked from his job. When the majority of the medical profession have subscribed to a false belief, it is dangerous to question that belief.

"The Deep State is shutting the world down."
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 20, 2020, 03:13:23 PM
So that video has a respiratory therapist of unknown location, but presumably not in any of the hot spots. He says that they are being told not to use the ventilators that allow the breathed air to go out without being filtered and to presume that the patients with breathing problems have the virus. Since it takes so long to get test results, I think this is probably a prudent policy. He doesn't believe that bodies are being stacked up in trucks because he's never seen that before. He blames it all on "illuminati deep state stuff". He does ask some good questions about Ford and GM suddenly making ventilators. He has no explanation for why hospitals in some areas are being overwhelmed with patients and deaths except to not believe it. Nevertheless, an interesting take, even with a grain of salt. This guy is a good example of the only kind of mass hysteria that I have seen, along with the armed protesters with their swastikas and emergency room-blocking traffic jams who want their "freedoms" to spread the virus back.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 20, 2020, 03:20:03 PM
Hi All,

Hi Sena,

I came across this vid today, from another Dr. It's a good overall assessment in my view of the situation.

At 21:40 he addresses why the vents are dangerous to some patients. At 16:30 he addresses my concerns and grievances about this all


P.S. Thank you for the vid of the Respiratory Dr :)
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 21, 2020, 02:09:02 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15272#msg15272)
I came across this vid today, from another Dr. It's a good overall assessment in my view of the situation.

At 21:40 he addresses why the vents are dangerous to some patients. At 16:30 he addresses my concerns and grievances about this all
T.M., thanks for finding this video about Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai. This kind of information is quite difficult to find because Google censors anything which contradicts the Covid 19 mass hysteria.
"The purpose of the fear-mongering is to push Mandated Medicine (compulsory vaccination)."
"You will have to show your vaccine card before you go to the gym."
"A patient goes into hospital having been a smoker for 30 years, having had repeated admissions for lung infections, and his death is recorded as due to Covid 19."
Dr.Shiva Ayyadurai is not a medical doctor and is therefore not bound by the false beliefs of the Medical Establishment. He talks about the Covid 19 End Game. He is also a Sethian anti-vaccine activist:


Seth saw the future, when vaccination is going to be a big issue facing humanity, and don't imagine that you are going to get the vaccine free of charge, unless you agree to be a guinea-pig in the initial testing.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 21, 2020, 03:58:41 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15271#msg15271)
He says that they are being told not to use the ventilators that allow the breathed air to go out without being filtered and to presume that the patients with breathing problems have the virus
Larry, I am afraid you have got it wrong. Doctors are being encouraged to use invasive ventilators (associated with a higher mortality). They have been ordered not to use CPAP machines, which are safer for the patient.

"A ventilator is a machine that provides mechanical ventilation by moving breathable air into and out of the lungs, to deliver breaths to a patient who is physically unable to breathe, or breathing insufficiently."
"Noninvasive methods, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and non-invasive ventilation, which are adequate for patients who require a ventilator only while sleeping and resting, mainly employ a nasal mask. Invasive methods require intubation, which for long-term ventilator dependence will normally be a tracheotomy cannula, as this is much more comfortable and practical for long-term care than is larynx or nasal intubation."

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 21, 2020, 08:29:43 AM
Sena, I thought the guy referred to CPAP machines as "ventilators", and I may have remembered incorrectly. CPAP machines  do not filter the expiratory air. Actual ventilators, at least the ones that I am familiar with, filter that air. Patients with CV-19 are not getting tracheotomies, since they will typically be on the ventilator for about two weeks. Larynx intubation is less invasive, though it can be uncomfortable. Neither type of intubatioin contributes to mortality. The sickest patients are the ones who get ventilators, so of course a higher percentage of those on vents will die. I cannot deny that some patients are put on ventilators earlier than necessary in order to ensure that expiratory air is filtered, but this idea that ventilation is damaging to lungs if the lungs have fluid in them (ARDS) is false. I designed the most widely-used high-end ventilator in the world and worked with respiratory therapists on that design. Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ards/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355581 (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ards/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20355581)


The first goal in treating ARDS is to improve the levels of oxygen in your blood. Without oxygen, your organs can't function properly.


To get more oxygen into your bloodstream, your doctor will likely use:

-Supplemental oxygen. For milder symptoms or as a temporary measure, oxygen may be delivered through a mask that fits tightly over your nose and mouth.

-Mechanical ventilation. Most people with ARDS will need the help of a machine to breathe. A mechanical ventilator pushes air into your lungs and forces some of the fluid out of the air sacs.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 21, 2020, 09:59:59 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15276#msg15276)
CPAP machines  do not filter the expiratory air.
Larry, that is correct. So the fear is that a patient on a CPAP machine could infect hospital staff. This is why CPAP machines have been banned in that hospital. They put patients on invasive ventilators involving intubation of the windpipe, although the risk of the patients dying are considerably higher. Patients are being sacrificed to assuage the fears of hospital staff.

"As health officials around the world push to get more ventilators to treat coronavirus patients, some doctors are moving away from using the breathing machines when they can. The reason: Some hospitals have reported unusually high death rates for coronavirus patients on ventilators, and some doctors worry that the machines could be harming certain patients."

"Generally speaking, 40% to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress die while on ventilators, experts say. But 80% or more of coronavirus patients placed on the machines in New York City have died, state and city officials say."
"some health professionals have wondered whether ventilators might actually make matters worse in certain patients, perhaps by igniting or worsening a harmful immune system reaction. That's speculation. But experts do say ventilators can be damaging to a patient over time, as high-pressure oxygen is forced into the tiny air sacs in a patient's lungs.

"We know that mechanical ventilation is not benign," said Dr. Eddy Fan, an expert on respiratory treatment at Toronto General Hospital. "One of the most important findings in the last few decades is that medical ventilation can worsen lung injury — so we have to be careful how we use it.""
"But increasingly, physicians are trying other measures first. One is having patients lie in different positions — including on their stomachs — to allow different parts of the lung to aerate better. Another is giving patients more oxygen through nose tubes or other devices."


"Ventilators are being sourced and stockpiled across the world — but some working on the front lines of the coronavirus epidemic are now wondering whether they might do more harm than expected.

A recent report from the NHS shows that over 67 per cent of coronavirus patients put on ventilators go on to die. Normally, around 40 per cent of patients would be expected to die while receiving mechanical ventilation.

This unusually high death rate has also been shown in the US: on Wednesday morning, the Associated Press reported that around 80 per cent of coronavirus patients put on ventilators in New York go on to die, according to state and city officials."

"The numbers are alarming enough that some physicians in the US are now trying to keep their patients away from ventilators for as long as possible."

""If we're able to make them better without intubating them, they are more likely to have a better outcome — we think," Dr Joseph Habboushe, an emergency physician working on coronavirus wards in New York, told Time magazine Wednesday."

"In an letter to the editor published in Intensive Care Medicine, Dr Luciano Gattinoni, an expert in anaesthesiology and intensive care at the Medical University of Gottingen, wrote that coronavirus patients in Italy showed symptoms subtly but significantly different from those of other patients in respiratory distress. So far, doctors have been following standard protocols for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) as their guide on how to treat coronavirus patients, he notes, but those protocols may be doing damage."

"Ventilators force oxygen into the lungs via a tube down the throat while a patient is heavily sedated. Pressure and volume of oxygen, as well as oscillation, can be varied according to need. It may be that standard high-pressure ventilation that works well in patients with ARDS is not well tolerated by people whose lungs have been damaged by coronavirus. Forcing air into the lungs at such high pressures may cause further inflammation or irritate an immune system already in hyperdrive.

"We need to be patient," Gattinoni wrote, noting that aggressive, high-pressure ventilation could lead to bad outcomes in coronavirus-caused pneumonia, where lung damage presents differently to how it might with other types of pneumonia."

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 21, 2020, 10:37:11 AM
I thought I'd add a few interesting articles I've seen recently, just for something "different," although still about the CV.

"Neither 'lab' nor 'wet market'? Covid-19 outbreak started months EARLIER and NOT in Wuhan, ongoing Cambridge study indicates"


- - -

"A French schoolboy who contracted Covid-19 on a skiing holiday in February didn't infect anyone else he came into contact with despite showing symptoms, a new study reports. It sheds new light on children as virus 'vectors.'"


- - -

"China furious as leading German newspaper writes out £130BN bill for 'coronavirus damages'" As if a newspaper has any sway with China, but I thought it was amusing, especially the itemization.

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 21, 2020, 10:42:57 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15278#msg15278)
"Generally speaking, 40% to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress die while on ventilators, experts say. But 80% or more of coronavirus patients placed on the machines in New York City have died, state and city officials say."

I wonder if there's a way for anyone to know if the greater percentage of death is due to the uniqueness of this virus, i.e. the damage to the lungs is so severe as there is no chance for recovery in some patients, and so the problem is not so much being on a ventilator as much as due to the nature of the virus itself?
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 21, 2020, 10:45:33 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15276#msg15276)
I designed the most widely-used high-end ventilator in the world and worked with respiratory therapists on that design.
Larry, that's great. I am not blaming you for the problems faced by patients with a diagnosis of Covid 19.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 21, 2020, 10:48:47 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15280#msg15280)
I wonder if there's a way for anyone to know if the greater percentage of death is due to the uniqueness of this virus, i.e. the damage to the lungs is so severe as there is no chance for recovery in some patients, and so the problem is not so much being on a ventilator as much as due to the nature of the virus itself?
Deb, I agree that treating patients with a new virus must be very difficult and we should not blame the doctors too much, but the atmosphere of fear and panic is not helping.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 21, 2020, 11:01:57 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15280#msg15280)
I wonder if there's a way for anyone to know if the greater percentage of death is due to the uniqueness of this virus, i.e. the damage to the lungs is so severe as there is no chance for recovery in some patients, and so it's not so much being on a ventilator as much as the virus itself?
That's exactly what I was wondering. What we don't know is whether the ventilated patients would have had a greater or lower mortality rate without ventilation. It would be hard to do a study without potentially sacrificing people. The ventilated population would have to be identical to the non-vented in age, severity, underlying conditions, etc. The only clue I can think of is that in Italy, they had to perform triage due to not enough equipment, so people were left to die in the hallways.

Ventilator pressure settings could be set lower than typical ARDS settings, so it may be the high pressure settings being used, not the ventilator. I know that vent settings are a balancing act, and this is a new illness. So they may be able to fine-tune the settings specific to the illness as they learn more. Sena, good research. I think there's something to it. 
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: jbseth on April 21, 2020, 11:48:17 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15284#msg15284)
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15280#msg15280)
I wonder if there's a way for anyone to know if the greater percentage of death is due to the uniqueness of this virus, i.e. the damage to the lungs is so severe as there is no chance for recovery in some patients, and so it's not so much being on a ventilator as much as the virus itself?
That's exactly what I was wondering. What we don't know is whether the ventilated patients would have had a greater or lower mortality rate without ventilation. It would be hard to do a study without potentially sacrificing people. The ventilated population would have to be identical to the non-vented in age, severity, underlying conditions, etc. The only clue I can think of is that in Italy, they had to perform triage due to not enough equipment, so people were left to die in the hallways.

Ventilator pressure settings could be set lower than typical ARDS settings, so it may be the high pressure settings being used, not the ventilator. I know that vent settings are a balancing act, and this is a new illness. So they may be able to fine-tune the settings specific to the illness as they learn more. Sena, good research. I think there's something to it. 

Hi All,

Or maybe, this has nothing to do with it at all. Maybe it just comes down to what Seth says in NOME. When a person decides to die, they are going to die.

Perhaps it's just that people are choosing to die as a result of this coronavirus, and the way that this is occurring, makes it appear to look like the greater percentage of death is due to the uniqueness of this virus.

- jbseth

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 21, 2020, 12:12:52 PM
Hi All,

I think there's a lot of changes coming at us, and people are aware of this, probably mostly subconsciously, or on other levels of the self, and both Sena and Jbseth are right, or on the right track.

I can't help but wonder if people are literally scaring themselves to death, over the media hype. Seth repeatedly points out the power of strong emotions, and the effect they have.

I'm in my mid 50's. I very easily remember the world without all the technology, and just general problems.
I'm really starting to miss it too. I do like the internet, however, there never used to be such instantaneous world wide communications.
Problems took awhile to get to people's awareness. There wasn't any, or very little emphasis on the damage humans have allegedly done in the world. Shows like Leave it to Beaver and the Brady Bunch were the norm, vs. something like Married with Children becoming closer to the norm.
I remember my parents telling me about starving children elsewhere. They didn't know that closer to the truth, they were stuck doing slave manual labor for life and starving.

It's a whole overall value fulfillment atmospheric change, is what I'm trying to say, essentially

Perhaps with these kind of world changes, I wonder if people are using this "event" as an excuse to check out, as Jbseth mentions.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 21, 2020, 01:01:51 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15285#msg15285)
Or maybe, this has nothing to do with it at all. Maybe it just comes down to what Seth says in NOME. When a person decides to die, they are going to die.

Perhaps it's just that people are choosing to die as a result of this coronavirus, and the way that this is occurring, makes it appear to look like the greater percentage of death is due to the uniqueness of this virus.
jbseth, that is the most likely explanation, but we also need to consider the science.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 21, 2020, 01:16:50 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15285#msg15285)
Perhaps it's just that people are choosing to die as a result of this coronavirus...
I would put it a little differently: People are not dying "as a result" of the virus. They are choosing to die, and this is how they are doing it.

Regardless of how effective or ineffective our medical system is, we create our own reality.
Regardless of whether the "deep state", the Clintons, and Bill and Melinda Gates are creating a virus that will control us and kill the religious fanaticism part of our brains, we create our own reality.
Regardless of whether 9/11 was an inside job or the moon landing was faked, we create our own reality.
I've heard that somewhere before.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 21, 2020, 02:48:17 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15285#msg15285)
Perhaps it's just that people are choosing to die as a result of this coronavirus,

~Smack!~ Thanks, we needed that! :D

Really, of everything I hear every day, I prefer Seth's explanations.

I had a thought today: the 5 "Ws" -- Who, What, When, Where and Why. All the medical experts, scientists, economists, media, public are focused on all of them, the Why being more about escaped viruses, world domination, deep state, etc.

Seth pretty much just presents the Why in a way none of the above does: mass events are a mass statement. With that in mind, I sure hope in the end the Why of this becomes clear to at least some people, and we don't all miss the point.

Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15288#msg15288)
I would put it a little differently: People are not dying "as a result" of the virus. They are choosing to die, and this is how they are doing it.

Regardless of how effective or ineffective our medical system is, we create our own reality.
Regardless of whether the "deep state", the Clintons, and Bill and Melinda Gates are creating a virus that will control us and kill the religious fanaticism part of our brains, we create our own reality.
Regardless of whether 9/11 was an inside job or the moon landing was faked, we create our own reality.
I've heard that somewhere before.

Well said, thank you!
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 22, 2020, 01:57:14 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15288#msg15288)
Regardless of how effective or ineffective our medical system is, we create our own reality.
Larry, yes we have created mass hysteria, leading to mass unemployment and death by starvation. 1.5 million people died of tuberculosis in 2018, and that will increase due to mass malnutrition.

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Deb on April 22, 2020, 10:43:04 AM
The long quote (below) was sent to me by Rich Kendall this week, and I also saw it on Facebook, so I guess I'm meant to share it here.

It would also do us all some good to read from Mass Events again. It's very calming. What we think and do on an individual basis can change a mass event's outcome, since all probabilities are there, and are valid. First, from NoPR "Which you? Which world?" (Chapter 14: Session 655):

"The overall private experience that you perceive forms your world, period. But which world do you inhabit? For if you altered your beliefs and therefore your private sensations of reality, then that world, seemingly the only one, would also change. You do go through transformations of beliefs all the time, and your perception of the world is different. You seem to be, no longer, the person that you were. You are quite correct you are not the person that you were, and your world has changed, and not just symbolically."

From Session 801, NoME:

"What is the relationship between the individual and the gigantic mass motions of nature, of government, or even of religion? What about mass conversions? Mass hysteria? Mass healings, mass murder, and the individual? Those are the questions we will devote ourselves to in this book. It will be called: "The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events."

So here's the long quote. The bolded text is mine, points that meant more to me:

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: jbseth on April 22, 2020, 12:26:51 PM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

That spoiler was an interesting commentary from Seth on both how we go about "getting" the flu and ideas on whether we should or shouldn't read the newspapers.

Thanks for sharing that with us.  :)

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: LarryH on April 22, 2020, 02:38:21 PM
The spoiler is one of the best regarding the topic. I forwarded it to the rest of my family.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Marianna on April 27, 2020, 09:16:42 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15239#msg15239)
Our scientists have been developing their own A.I., they are also working with the ancient one, and have been for a long time.
Hi Sena, Hi All,
This is very interesting what you say. And sad. A.I. is Artificial Intelligence?
I only recently listened again to Mass Events, and Seth mentioned vaccines there - saying they are not helpful, but on the contrary - are an unnecessary stress for the system. So, naturally I would prefer my body to be left alone and not interfered with without my concent.

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 27, 2020, 10:17:11 AM
Hi All,

Hi Marianna,

Yes A.I. is artificial Intelligence.

I'm not into vaccines either :)
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Marianna on April 28, 2020, 01:03:52 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15254#msg15254)
the vaccination/ chip issue.
Hi T.M. and All,
I was certainly appalled by an idea of sticking chips inside people. And it took away for a few minutes my blissful peace of mind of the last several months. I felt driven into a corner without a choice.
But soon reminded myself that I was behaving like one in a dream - seeing a crocodile and right away thinking he's going to eat me. And he eats me.
When awake, we do the same. If I think the government omnipotent, then it is. So, I started telling myself, "there will be a way to keep my freedom". And it is not "fighting against" or "for" but creating expectation of reality where there is a choice.

But if it is a common experience I subconsciously decided to be a part of, I'll make the best of it.

And here is a Seth quote from my bathroom wall "The individual is stronger than the system and the individual always comes first".

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on April 28, 2020, 02:20:25 PM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15437#msg15437)
If I think the government omnipotent, then it is.
Governments are scared stiff at the moment. We need to hold our nerve.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: T.M. on April 29, 2020, 09:46:25 AM
Hi All,

Hi Marianna,

Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15437#msg15437)
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15254#msg15254)
the vaccination/ chip issue.
Hi T.M. and All,
I was certainly appalled by an idea of sticking chips inside people. And it took away for a few minutes my blissful peace of mind of the last several months. I felt driven into a corner without a choice.
But soon reminded myself that I was behaving like one in a dream - seeing a crocodile and right away thinking he's going to eat me. And he eats me.
When awake, we do the same. If I think the government omnipotent, then it is. So, I started telling myself, "there will be a way to keep my freedom". And it is not "fighting against" or "for" but creating expectation of reality where there is a choice.

But if it is a common experience I subconsciously decided to be a part of, I'll make the best of it.

And here is a Seth quote from my bathroom wall "The individual is stronger than the system and the individual always comes first".

I like that, Thank you. :)
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: zoonie29 on April 30, 2020, 09:08:06 AM
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15437#msg15437)
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15254#msg15254)
the vaccination/ chip issue.
Hi T.M. and All,
I was certainly appalled by an idea of sticking chips inside people. And it took away for a few minutes my blissful peace of mind of the last several months. I felt driven into a corner without a choice.
But soon reminded myself that I was behaving like one in a dream - seeing a crocodile and right away thinking he's going to eat me. And he eats me.
When awake, we do the same. If I think the government omnipotent, then it is. So, I started telling myself, "there will be a way to keep my freedom". And it is not "fighting against" or "for" but creating expectation of reality where there is a choice.

But if it is a common experience I subconsciously decided to be a part of, I'll make the best of it.

And here is a Seth quote from my bathroom wall "The individual is stronger than the system and the individual always comes first".

Hi everyone!

I have enjoyed the threads on the forum so much lately. Great reminders and excellent comments. I went through these exact emotions and came to the same conclusion. I really liked what you said here. I also choose to keep my freedom. I also loved Debs comment "It doesn't matter, if I end up a zombie it's been a beautiful life". This is how I feel. If we buy into conspiracy theories, whether true or not, we only invite the probability and reality. I choose another reality but what happens happens. I can't control everything. I can only go with my gut and heart and lead a good life.

I've gone back and read parts of Mass Events and also reading The Way Toward Health. Corona definitely is here for several reasons. Humanity is working through some things. We know our system is broken and corrupt and can no longer sustain itself. We're trying to figure out how to fix it. I know I'm safe because, for someone as anxious as I usually am, I have been completely calm and level headed through every bit of this. I haven't had one panic attack, which is incredible. I feel better than I ever have.

I have seen a lot of good and our corruption is transparent. I've also seen the bad but won't concentrate on it or give it power. Corona is a wake up and a way for scared people living in chaos to express their fears. Some have given their lives for change, just as Seth talks about. I see a lot of people not taking things for granted anymore. I certainly don't. I wish you all the best and stay safe.  :)
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Marianna on April 30, 2020, 01:20:15 PM
Quote from: zoonie29 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15459#msg15459)
I see a lot of people not taking things for granted anymore. I certainly don't.
Hi zoonie29, Hi All
I feel the same about most of the things you mentioned. About taking things for granted - I only yesterday wrote in my journal about it. The other day we didn't have hot water - and it was another convenience that I had stopped appreciating long ago. Along with trips to the city, my dance classes ans seeing friends.
You are right - some have given life for change, but I choose to live for change. Some difficult times might be ahead. Not the gloomy ones, but those leading us to the light.
Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: strangerthings on October 26, 2021, 06:19:54 PM
Well since we are not going to ignore this black magic technology I might as well post this here. In some post around here I mentioned Seth talking about what black magic is and I remembered it is not in the books. It is in one of the CDs *S* When I find it I will post it!

Light em up!!!

Title: Re: Seth Gave Inside Knowledge to the World Wide Cult
Post by: Sena on October 26, 2021, 09:48:41 PM
Quote from: James Sidaway on April 18, 2020, 06:35:23 PMAt the lower ends of thUgtopia's pyramid-of-hierarchy,
Why has the thugtopia thread been revived?