~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on May 13, 2020, 08:01:55 AM

Title: How to stay safe from the coronavirus
Post by: Sena on May 13, 2020, 08:01:55 AM
Fear of the coronavirus is due to a belief in cause-and-effect. Many people believe that the coronavirus (cause) could result in death (effect). Seth's teaching is that there is no cause-and effect in the moment point:

"There is no cause and effect in the terms in which you understand the words. Nor is there a succession of moments that follow one after the other; and without a succession of moments following one after the other you can see that the idea of cause and effect becomes meaningless. An action of the present in your terms cannot be based or caused by an action in the past, and neither action can be the cause of a future action in a basic reality where neither past nor future exist."
—The Early Sessions Book 1 Session 41 April 6, 1964

Lynda Madden Dahl clarifies:

"When we consciously use the moment point in complete awareness then, we harness the safety that is our birthright, because we've stepped outside the psychological limits of linear time/cause and effect and instead into a full belief in simultaneous time and our conscious participation within it. And conscious choice leads to constant safety because of the nature of the constant conscious choices made. So we must do whatever it takes, use whatever assists we find helpful to our personal frame of reference. In essence, we need to figure out what works for us and make it happen-commit to making it happen. And if we don't initially stay continually conscious in the moment point, we should at a minimum stay in awareness of its existence. We cannot allow our self to drop fully back into linear time thinking without remembering we can, and will, soon move solidly back to our moment point thinking once more. None of this is to say a complete overhaul of our thinking of such life-changing magnitude is a cake walk. It is to say, however, that it is worth every single ounce of energy and focus we give it. Because eventually what becomes so obvious, so apparent, is that, wow, there we are, consciously and with great pride in our accomplishment, living a safe Universe." (from "Living a Safe Universe, Vol. 3: A Book for Seth Readers (Living a Safe Universe: A Book for Seth Readers)" by Lynda Madden Dahl)

From the Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/2KmiEkw
Title: Re: How to stay safe from the coronavirus
Post by: LarryH on May 13, 2020, 09:33:35 AM
I get that in some perspective outside this reality, there is no cause and effect, but we are in a reality in which swinging the bat still hits the ball. I get that in some perspective, there is no time, but I cannot use that argument with my boss when I am late to work. We are in a reality where the "illusion" of time is real, where what we do or don't do has consequences. I love Lynda Dahl, but even as she writes about no cause and effect, she cannot avoid cause and effect: "constant choice..." (cause) "...leads to constant safety" (effect). I get the idea of living in the moment, and yet Lynda's words like "because", "eventually", and "accomplishment" have no meaning in a reality in which there is no cause and effect.
Title: Re: How to stay safe from the coronavirus
Post by: jbseth on May 13, 2020, 11:18:23 AM
Hi LarryH, Hi All,

I think that the problem with "cause and effect" in our reality is that sometimes, the "belief" in it is so strong that it can completely blind us to other scenarios that may explain what's really going on.

Sometimes you swing the bat and you hit a home run, sometimes you swing the bat and you hit a foul ball and sometimes you swing the bat, completely miss the ball and get a strike.

You chose to swing the bat.

Whenever you swing the bat, is the result of your swing, the result of some arbitrary cause and effect scenario that you have no control over and was something that happened to you, or is it perhaps the result of a conscious (or otherwise) choice that "you" made in creating your reality?

- jbseth

Title: Re: How to stay safe from the coronavirus
Post by: LarryH on May 13, 2020, 12:37:04 PM
I am not denying the idea that there is no such thing as cause and effect. I have said in the past that it is just as reasonable to say that an event creates a cause. The challenge is to use words that were created in the context of our space/time reality to describe realities that are not limited by space/time. Seth repeatedly has to use the phrase, "In your terms" as a qualifier of his message and a reminder of the limits of our language. I find it entertaining that we have to use language that contradicts the very concept that we are attempting to convey.
Title: Re: How to stay safe from the coronavirus
Post by: jbseth on May 14, 2020, 12:11:51 PM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15629#msg15629)
Seth repeatedly has to use the phrase, "In your terms" as a qualifier of his message and a reminder of the limits of our language. I find it entertaining that we have to use language that contradicts the very concept that we are attempting to convey.

Hi LarryH, Hi All,

I don't think that language is the only issue here.

Seth was always trying to give us insights into the larger picture of how realities work.

SS, Ch1, S511:
I am an energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical matter. As such, I am aware of some truths that many of you seem to have forgotten.


I hope to give you clues that will enable you to study the nature of reality for yourself as you have never studied it before.

He also talked about the limitations of language.

SS, Ch1, S513:
In the first place, language as you know it is a slow affair: letter by letter strung out to make a word, and words to make a sentence, the result of a linear thought pattern. Language, as you know it, is partially and grammatically the end product of your physical time sequences. You can only focus upon so many things at one time, and your language structure is not given to the communication of intricate, simultaneous experience.

I am aware of a different kind of experience, not linear, and can focus upon and react to an infinite variety of simultaneous events. Ruburt could not express them, and so they must be leveled out into linear expression if they are to be communicated. This ability to perceive and react to unlimited simultaneous events is a basic characteristic of each whole self or entity. Therefore, I do not claim it as some feat that is exclusively my own.

However, I don't think that the issue here "only" has to do with language or the limitations of our language. I believe that it also has to do with the limitations of the focus that we choose to put ourselves into, when we choose to have an existence in physical reality. In physical reality, I don't believe we have the capacity to grasp some ideas (such as perhaps what it must be like to have / experience a non-linear focus such as Seth's) and this occurs as a result of the limitations of our focus.

I see this is similar to trying to explain calculus to a bunch of typical 5 year old children. The children don't have the capacity, at their particular level to understand the profound mathematical concepts behind, differential calculus, integral calculus or the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. This is not to say that at some point, they won't have this capacity, but at this point in their development, they don't.

And so, in talking to a bunch of typical 5 year olds about calculus, you would be limited to explaining this subject using ideas and concepts that they could understand. You might be inclined present to them, ideas in their own terms and thus you might use statements that start with, "In your terms". You might also opt to use many analogies in order to get your ideas across.

- jbseth


Title: Re: How to stay safe from the coronavirus
Post by: Sena on May 15, 2020, 04:12:40 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15635#msg15635)
However, I don't think that the issue here "only" has to do with language or the limitations of our language.
jbseth, I'll try to summarize Seth's teaching in two sentences:

"If a person believes the virus will kill him, he WILL die.
If a person believes the virus will not kill him, he will NOT die of the virus."
Title: Re: How to stay safe from the coronavirus
Post by: Tob on May 18, 2020, 02:32:46 AM
When asked directly about the Corona virus, Bashar explains that it may have been actually manipulated through human intervention to a certain extent - based on fearful beliefs - but he refuses to elaborate further on what he calls the 'side-effect' of this event, as the point to concentrate on is the question of WHY the virus 'made itself available' for being used in that way.

Bashar: 'I am not saying that it has not been in some ways manipulated by humanity, but it began as a natural virus, and that is what we are focusing on so that you can understand why it wound up the way it wound up, even if someone has been manipulating it, it started to be manipulated because of its tendency to cross barriers to the destruction of the natural environment on your planet' (Parallel Reality Wheel).

The 'point not to be missed' over concomitant conspiracy aspects he does not want to delve into, is for us to understand and take on the responsibility for why the world is out of balance, and why these things occur, i.e: the destruction and the imbalance that exists on our planet through fear-based beliefs.

He describes a method of eliminating 'the expression of the virus' in our reality altogether by using resonant frequencies to mitigate the detrimental aspects of this organisms. We should find the frequency of the organism itself, and while embedding it in its own frequency, integrate it in 'a harmonic of another frequency eleven times greater', and the virus would actually cease to thrive in our reality. This approach is applicable to any disease.