Seth said your beliefs create your reality. If you believe life is hard and difficult, then you will get to experience life this way. If you believe life is easy and all rosy, then you will have such a life.
So suppose you want to change your life for the better. You are tired of working lifelessly for long hours in a job you do not like. You dream of living a comfortable life, with plenty of money and all. So everyday you tell yourself that you deserve a better life, the universe loves you and will give you all the money you desire. Then one day, your dream came true. You received a phone call or an email informing you that you had won a million dollars! It was a blessing from the universe, gifted to you because you had successfully changed your belief due to the positive affirmations everyday, until you woke up later from this "dream", realising that you have been scammed. Because you really believed the universe loves you so much to give you a million dollars, you did not doubt it was a scam and so transferred some money to the scammers as requested.
And for the scammer, should he feel guilty of cheating your hard-earned money? Would he get his karma in future? Since beliefs create reality, if the scammer believes that life can be easy and luxurious by scamming people and as long as he remains positive in his belief, does it mean that he can wash away all his sins and karma?
I feel the advice "your beliefs create your reality" is lacking in how it can be used correctly to improve our lives and get the results we prefer. If the advice "your beliefs create your reality" is given just like that, without any supporting elaboration and illustration, many people may use it wrongly like the person above who got scammed or lose a lot of money through gambling after believing the universe loves him and would let him win.
We will say these people are self-delusional, these people who believe they could win a million dollars just by positive affirmations or gambling. But are you yourself not being self-delusional? If you are a believer of Seth, you most likely would be working on certain beliefs of your own. For example, you may want to change a new job or move to a new place, so you tell yourself that the new environment would be better. But how do you know you are not being self-delusional?
Yes, change your belief and you will change your reality. But how do you know you are not being self-delusional?
And some believers of Seth may argue that the reason you got scammed was because you did not continue to believe you will get the million dollars but chose to wake up from your dream. So the way to get the million dollars is to continue to believe in the so-called scammers and transfer more money to them as requested. After transferring $2000 to them for an account-opening fee, you should transfer another $2000 to them for filing fee as requested. And after transferring another $2000 to them for filing fee, you should transfer another $4000 for tax processing fee. The argument is that you should keep transferring money to them if you really wholeheartedly believe the universe will give you the million dollars and to create the reality where you will get the million dollars, you have to believe that belief wholeheartedly. That's how beliefs work. So what do you think? Should you wholeheartedly believe that you will get the million dollars and continue transferring money to them?
Quote from: happiness (
We will say these people are self-delusional, these people who believe they could win a million dollars just by positive affirmations or gambling.
Most people who try to win a million dollars have some degree of self-doubt, so it will not happen.
Quote from: Sena (
Quote from: happiness (
We will say these people are self-delusional, these people who believe they could win a million dollars just by positive affirmations or gambling.
Most people who try to win a million dollars have some degree of self-doubt, so it will not happen.
But many million-dollar winners didn't think they would really win too. It comes as a pleasant surprise for many. Then how do you explain that? The amount of self confidence doesn't seem to correlate well with your chances of winning. There are many people who were really confident after praying to their gods, but didn't win in the end.
Quote from: happiness (
I feel the advice "your beliefs create your reality" is lacking in how it can be used correctly to improve our lives and get the results we prefer. If the advice "your beliefs create your reality" is given just like that, without any supporting elaboration and illustration, many people may use it wrongly like the person above who got scammed or lose a lot of money through gambling after believing the universe loves him and would let him win.
Can I ask how much of the Seth books you've read? I feel there's plenty of information in them on how we create our reality, plenty of explanations given by Seth to people how their beliefs affect their reality. Plus I have an entire binder full of Seth's exercises ( on how to work on all sorts of things, including belief work.
Maybe you'd be happier with Lynda Dahl's Safe Universe books, she also gives plenty of examples from her own personal life.
Quote from: Deb (
Quote from: happiness (
I feel the advice "your beliefs create your reality" is lacking in how it can be used correctly to improve our lives and get the results we prefer. If the advice "your beliefs create your reality" is given just like that, without any supporting elaboration and illustration, many people may use it wrongly like the person above who got scammed or lose a lot of money through gambling after believing the universe loves him and would let him win.
Can I ask how much of the Seth books you've read? I feel there's plenty of information in them on how we create our reality, plenty of explanations given by Seth explaining to people how their beliefs affect their reality. Plus I have an entire binder full of Seth's exercises ( on how to work on all sorts of things, including belief work.
Maybe you'd be happier with Lynda Dahl's Safe Universe books, she also gives plenty of examples from her own personal life.
Thanks for sharing Dahl's book!
I've read Nature of Personal Reality and Seth Speaks, but I'm still confused on how to correctly use Seth's technique.
"Pretend a particular event happened that greatly disturbed you. In your mind imagine it not simply wiped out, but replaced by another event of more beneficial nature. Now this must be done with great vividness and emotional validity, and many times. It is not a self-deception. The event that you choose will automatically be a probable event, which did in fact happen, though it is not the event you chose to perceive in your given probable past." -- page 1 of Dahl's book
This is a nice technique to help me win a million dollars from gambling and to get away with murder. But many people commented that I am being self-delusional. But what makes them so sure that I am being self-delusional if I am planning to use it to get a million dollars or to get away with murder but at the same time being so sure that I am not being self-delusional if I am planning to use it to get a better job or to heal myself from a certain illness such as cancer?
How do they know I am being self-delusional or not? Please teach me so that I can assess myself whether I am being self-delusional, so that I won't be wasting time trying to change things that can't be changed.
I'd recommend also reading the Mass Events book, that goes hand in hand with NoPR.
Creating personal reality goes beyond pretending, it requires belief. There are also other things that may be involved, such goals set before entering physical existence, and goals of the entity (see some quotes in the topic on Free Will ( here). There are also certain root assumptions we have adopted in this existence. Losing a limb and then pretending it will grow back is not going to work. Lynda's suggestion of remembering a past traumatic event in a different light could over time theoretically change line of probability as she says, or at the very least help a person get over the strong emotional feelings associated with a certain event in the past.
I can't teach anyone in a few short steps how to win the lottery or kill a person and get away with it, no one can. First off with murder, there are moral issues to consider. I'm hoping you're just using that hypothetically and don't actually have plans.
But for the most part, reality creation has to do with your beliefs and expectations. That's not something I can teach you—you need to do your homework and look at your belief system. If someone feels they need to win a lottery or gamble in order to have money, that makes me think they believe they are not able to support themselves or have some other conflicting beliefs about money.
I'd recommend doing some of Seth's belief exercises. I think even Lynda Dahl may have something in one of her books. If you're really serious about this, there's a old book A Seth Workbook Create Your Own Reality by Nancy Ashley. The Seth Center and Amazon have the new edition (Kindle too), but you can probably buy an old used copy elsewhere for next to nothing.
This quote just turned up and it fits right in here about winning the lottery, getting away with murder, etc. A little late, but certainly NOT a dollar short, lol.
"What you are learning is a technique for self-development. You cannot use it, therefore, to attain those things that do not pertain to your own self-development and the techniques will not help you get something that you were not meant to have nor that you have before decided as an entity that you should not have.
"Nevertheless, the facts remain that your own inner self and your own entity have given you challenges that you have accepted. Now you know these challenges; subconsciously you are aware of them. ...
"There must be an open-minded, an openhearted attitude here. You must not try to use what you have learned in a narrow, limiting way. This hampers your own development. It closes your eyes to many possibilities that will be important to you.
"It is natural, perhaps, to want to use what you have learned, this information, as a technique to achieve what you at any particular time think desirable, a particular person, a particular thing. But what is important is the inner development. If this is taken care of, it will automatically lead you to the person that is best for you and to the circumstances that will help you develop.
"To insist that a specific individual or a specific goal be attained through these methods is limiting. There must always be the acknowledgement that you do not consciously as yet realize the depths of yourself, the goals you have set and the challenges, and this material should be used to open up your inner horizons and to lead you in those directions toward which your inner self has already set you.
"If you then egotistically, say—No—this particular situation is what I want, then you may be blocking the inner direction which has been meant for you."
The Early Sessions, Book 8, Session 403
Hi All,
Hello and Welcome SpiceMerchant42
I really like the way you explain things!
Great explanation on reality creation SpiceMerchant42! Thanks for a great post, you really know your Seth!