~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: pyromancy on May 30, 2020, 12:00:27 AM

Title: What kind of objects did Seth think were useful/important for a person to have?
Post by: pyromancy on May 30, 2020, 12:00:27 AM
I am a real world person, and I like to have solid things. I like to keep a balance of my 'psychic' awareness and my material roots. In Lawofone.info, there are few items mentioned but objects such as diamonds, rubies, pyramids or ankh shaped objects of varying sizes, and ambrosia for example all are said to be beneficial for use in correcting a persons vibrational energies. Mostly via meditation and placement in sunlight are these benefits received with the exception of the ambrosia.

I've read about what Seth and Jane have to say about copper, silver, and incense and I am very intrigued. Jane notes experiences with copper, brass, and silver objects on several occasions as being a focus of her dreams or through Seth's instructions because of ionization. This reminds me of ancient American and Mesoamerican cultures that placed a lot of value in sheet mica, a naturally occurring material used to insulate electronic devices. Temple walls throughout these places and some burial mounds in Cahokia [St Louis/East Saint Louis] region have been excavated which have huge deposits of these materials.

Copper and silver conduct electricity and mica interacts with it in some way. People knew back then, but only a handful if any know the real meaning of these deposits. I think people were conducting/focusing their personal static electricity in these places in order to concentrate their energies.


Trying to find info on other objects like diamonds, crystals, azurite, magnets [as objects, not the force of magnetism] draws mostly a blank. I would really like to know about some physical objects/shapes/or elements like the readings about the power of a fireplace. I remember listening to how communities of trees have protective energies. This was pretty interesting to read about firewalkers https://findingseth.com/q/session:'Deleted+Session+November+5+1977'+fire/
but keep in mind I'm mostly interested in things I can hold and carry around with me. Not necessarily a pyramid monument.

There is some mention of incenses alongside the sheet copper.

""(During last Saturday's effort Jane, Bill and I sat in different parts of the room, not holding hands of course. We had been using incense during the evening. This is a habit we have cultivated somewhat since Bill introduced us to incense at the 86th session. We have not used it on session nights however, since.
Your room dividers are even beneficial from this standpoint. Incense is good from two standpoints; of negative ions from smoke, and also because scent, smelling itself, has an electrical reality. Semidarkness merely aids in dissociation and concentration, and the lessening of camouflage data is helpful.
(We tried an impromptu seance with our guests, Judy and Lee Wright, Sunday evening. We burned incense during the evening, and while holding the seance sat at a coffee table and held hands."
—TES3 Session 125 January 25, 1965"

Scientific properties of copper and electrical ions:


Edgar cayce was fascinated in copper stones because of their electrically conductive properties

Title: Re: What kind of objects did Seth think were useful/important for a person to have?
Post by: Deb on May 30, 2020, 09:08:26 AM
I don't recall Seth ever recommending any objects being needed, Seth was always quick to remind us that we make our own reality based on our beliefs, and not to rely on external sources unless of course we believe they are beneficial.

The quote about copper during Session 86 is out of context, the one unfortunate thing that can happen on the search engine because paragraphs are skipped. A person who was a part of the session had brought copper sheeting, incense and a burner because Jane had read somewhere that they were beneficial to psychic abilities, not because Seth asked for them. Oh and when you see text in italics in search engine results, or the books, that's Rob's personal notes or comments. Also, the quotes containing silver and brass have no recommendations by Seth, they are just describing objects. 

Session 86 begins:

Quote from: SethI appreciate the many and varied preparations made this evening for my expected arrival.

Next  you will undoubtedly suggest that I pose, contemplate what might pass for my navel, carve a likeness, and set it up in the middle of your table.

I do not seriously imagine that you would entertain such a ludicrous idea, but the situation certainly contains humorous overtones, and it would not be like me to let anything like this pass without comment.

My welcome to Mark, with his enthusiastic good intentions. Nor indeed is the idea behind all this ridiculousness in any manner. Good intentions are highly important, and what you think will work, will work.
—TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964

As far as I can tell, Seth mentioned the fireplace in the hill house as being advantageous due to the symbolism, and the light and heat from a fire can have a similar beneficial effect on the body as the sun.

The firewalker info was interesting. Seth is saying that here in this existence, fire burns the flesh, it is one of our root assumptions. The firewalker suspends that root assumption:

Quote from: SethHe ignores the evidences of his senses.

For him, the area taken up by the fire becomes "dimensionally neutral." For the time of his walk that space is empty. In a manner of speaking, again, he erases the fire's practicality, so that it can have no effect.

—TPS4 Deleted Session November 5, 1977

I firewalked a few years ago. I was in a group of people that walked, one at a time, repeating our personal mantra while keeping our eyes focused on a star. Me being me, I just had to break my focus and look down at my feet for a split second to verify I was indeed walking on red hot coals. In the time I took to do that, I could feel the heat begin to rise, so I immediately snapped my attention back up to the star and finished the 15-20' foot walk with no problem.