Hi Deb, Hi All,
Here is a question for everyone here with more success in lucid dreaming and OBE.
There is no way I can turn our bed so that my head points to the north. Now it points to the east. So far I had only 1-2 lucid dreams in this place and no OBE I remember consciously. This is over the last 3-4 years I have been paying attention to this and keeping dream journal after I started reading Seth books.
I know I am scared of OBE, but not of lucid dreams. Can you say from your experience and knowledge that east facing bed is an obstacle? Or rather - something else?
I also have a daybed with head pointing south-west. Taking day naps in this bed and sleeping in it half the night produced no lucid dream success either. I can move this bed to point north, but I only started doing this recently. The only result was my sleeping like 10 lazy logs and it became difficult to make myself get out of bed after my naps.
I would appreciate any input. I would really like to make some progress in this most interesting practical science.
Hi Marianna,
Every place that I've every lived, my bed has always been oriented in some direction other than the north.
I've also only had maybe 2 or 3 lucid dreams during my entire life, and no OBE's and so unfortunately, I can't help much with that.
I read something similar recently in the Lawofone.info which makes a mention of Seth I think lawofone was in part inspired by the books. Jane didn't even copy the suggestion according to a youtube video I saw because the way the bed would fit in the room wasn't an effective use of space.
The idea elaborated in Lawofone is that the north pole is the planet's crown chakra. For humans we have 6 physical energy centers and the 7th is always balanced and pure--it is where we draw the energy from like a vacuum entering our bodies from the head and downward. So the idea is that it's important to face northward during meditation in the Lawofone. I've read some other things that the Egyptians thought about the poles like using Pharoah cylinders [Egyptian healing rods] one for north the other south.
If you want you can get a bowl of water and a piece of wood, then get a sizable lodestone. put the lodestone on the wood and it will eventually point northward. this is how Neolithic Olmec and Chinese people discovered magnetism. A regular compass would work but I think lodestone have power to absorb hostile energies.
The crown of your head facing that way is more important that the way you bed is positioned.
Quote from: pyromancy (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15989#msg15989)
The crown of your head facing that way is more important that the way you bed is positioned.
But certainly, my pillow is where the headboard is. Taking naps on my daybed I can move my pillow to face north with the crown of my head. But in the bedroom...
As for Jane, I can only rely on my memory. And I was under the impression - from what I read - that not right away, but finally, they moved the bed the way Seth suggested.
I wasn't assuming you had enough space but some people have king sized beds so it wouldn't matter which way the bed is facing.
It'd look funny if you were laying sideways on a very large one but I'm just making the point it has more to do with your head/spine facing north than the bed itself
Hi guys, I've been camping in a place that had unreliable wifi and cell service, so I'm a bit behind here. Gotta catch the fleeting internet opportunities when they come up, so here I am at the moment.
Great question!
My bed lies east-west. There was a time when I spent at least a week or more sleeping cross-ways on the bed because of Seth's recommendation, and I can't say it made a difference at all. I had several lucid dreams a few years back, at one point regularly enough that I was able to experiment with my senses and make observations. Plus two near-OBEs. Those all occurred with my head facing West.
I think it's like Seth suggesting that if you don't eat meat, you're more apt to have psychic experiences because meat tends to "ground" us (or something like that, search this forum from the home page for "To meat or not to meat," it was one of our original topics). I realized that despite what Seth suggested, Jane was not a vegetarian and look at what she accomplished! As far as sleeping with her head facing north, quite true that she ignored that suggestion. If you see the size of their bedroom in the Water Street apartment you'll understand why. The new occupants do have a bed facing North now, but that room was originally a closet when the mansion was originally built so little room for a bed. And again, despite Jane and Rob not having the bed facing North—Jane was able to have amazing adventures in conscious while in other places in the house, them not being restricted to the bedroom or sleep.
While I don't know for sure whether it's helpful sleeping in the North position, I bet Seth would say if you believe it will help, it will.
https://www.thesethhouse.com/before-after-pics/ See "Jane and Rob's bedroom."
Thanks for stopping by! I was sure you would have something to say. I have been for a few years on raw diet and my health got worse (it was before I read Seth). Then I gradually moved back to steamed/baked food, and now I do eat chicken (no red meat) and fish, apart from all possible seeds and nuts. I see what you mean about meat and experiments and I remember Seth advice to Jane.
But like you say - it is what you believe in. I just got tired of not making progress with lucid dreaming. And thought - maybe 'facing' is the problem.
But it must be something else. :) I'll read more what people say about their experience and some more books. I've kept trying "I'll see my hands and understand I am dreaming" for months with no success.
Quote from: pyromancy (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=16006#msg16006)
It'd look funny if you were laying sideways on a very large one but I'm just making the point it has more to do with your head/spine facing north than the bed itself
I wouldn't mind funny, :) but my husband will mind my feet close to his face. :) Certainly I can try all directions for experiments during the day, but so far I had little success. During the day I often nap without dreams altogether. Or fall asleep before I make proper suggestions.
If you're really that concerned with your magnetic direction get a lodestone.
There are all kinds of superstitions about these. Anything from Olmec and Caribbean uses to Chinese and Hindu.
A spell to keep romantic attraction is to have a sharply pointed one for a man and a round one for a woman.
I used to have a large one that was strong enough to attract objects like nails but I rusted it with water and discarded it after it had absorbed so much hostility from me releasing a lot of past misery in to it
Well, this is something very unusual - with the stones.
I want to turn the next page in my dream experiments, that's all. :)
I remembering reading that two spiritual teachers Edgar Cayce and Shri Mataji both thought that being near enormous bodies of water enhanced their psychic ability.
It is why Edgar Cayce chose the location for A.R.E. as the headquarters for his group at Virginia Beach.
It is also why Shri Mataji chose Cabella Ligure in northern Italy as her headquarters for Sahaja Yoga International. There are rivers nearby that are said to have tremendous mystical energy in them.
I think there is truth to it. Reading about hydromancy the practice of scrying or meditating upon bodies of water is interesting but there's only so much information about it online. The Greek witch Circe and Nostradamus are said to have practiced it.
Quote from: pyromancy (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=16045#msg16045)
I remembering reading that two spiritual teachers Edgar Cayce and Shri Mataji both thought that being near enormous bodies of water enhanced their psychic ability.
Interesting. I know when I walk on a saltwater beach, it sort of charges my "batteries" in that I feel cleansed, calm, refreshed and energized. It must be the negative ions. Or my imagination. Fresh water doesn't seem to have the same effect.
Quote from: Marianna (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=16034#msg16034)
I want to turn the next page in my dream experiments, that's all.
I'm with you, I'm ready to get back into lucid dreaming and I REALLY also want to have an OBE.
Marianna, you'll get a kick out of this. Last night, back home finally, I did sleep with my head to the north because... I could. I had a lot of very vivid dreams, and spent some time visiting with you! We met up at a shopping mall of some sort, were going to get lunch somewhere but I just couldn't find my shoes. What I remember most clearly was us talking about stuff and although we've never met in person, it seemed like we'd known each other for a long time. I woke up, and then briefly went back into the dream. Autosuggestion?
Also, have you ever seen the movie Inception? It's about lucid dreaming and while a complete fabrication, it did prompt me to have my first lucid dream.
There are several websites devoted to lucid dreaming. When I had my first one I went to this website http://www.lucidity.com/, which is where I got the idea to experiment during lucid dreams.
I thought it was interesting to discover that aquamarine crystals have a long storied history of Mediterranean cultures and sailors valuing them as talismans of Poseidon and mermaids.
Now with technology we can look at aquamarine and have discovered that they are beryl, similar to emeralds/morganite and a few others.
I was curious one day to see if beryllium had anything to do with sea water in particular and it turns out ocean water contains beryllium. I suppose emeralds and morganite for example have the same thing in common but then of course there is the color. It makes me wonder if someone noticed through dreams and meditation that aquamarine resonated with ocean water and amplified the healing effect. That is what the superstition is that they will make the ocean heal you more.
I did a kick out of this! Thanks for the story and wow! Though I have never met you, I do feel very close connection. Congratulations on a memorable dream experience. As for me, I don't remember ever getting back into the dream.
I should try sleeping with my head to the north when I spend the night in my day bed. I added Inception to my Netflix list. I can even stream it.
Thanks for the info on lucidity site. I always prefer book/kindle format, but I can still stop by for a few pointers. I have read some books on lucidity, I should just get back to more consistent and focused training. Resume doing 'reality check' during the day, for example.
On the bright side, I already have quite good dream recall. Not that I use any recall techniques. Only suggestions before going to sleep.
Do you mean - autosuggestion - about creating the "meeting dream"?
I did read about experiments in lucid dreams, I would love to try these, but I also have health related questions that puzzle me. And I want answers. Looks like I am the only one able to help myself here.
I am under the impression that dreams I've had were most intense around 3-6am. Seth tells people to sleep for around 5=6 hours at a time maybe more than once a day rather than 8 or more hours, reasoning that it will make a person lethargic in the same way that if you exercise consistently for a period of months and quit, you will feel lazy due to inactivity. Excessive sleep like 10 hours will make a person lazy.
With my dreams I for years had an oddly consistent one where I for hours felt like I was sleeping in the house I grew up in. I know I will never live in it again, but miss how secure it would have been if I had kept it. I am independent but for years I regretted not having the place because of its size and the safe area it was in.
I would be in this strange purgatory where halfway through my dreams I would recognize that I wasn't actually in the house but then would not be able to understand where I was. I would think "Hey wait a minute I don't live in that house...where am I?" and would be confused in my sleep not knowing where I was until I woke up and then even sometimes I'd have to be fully fully awake to even recognize where I was.
It doesn't happen anymore but it was getting irritating to have the same dream frequently for years. Just imagine feeling like you're floating in purgatory for hours and having your home disappear and feeling like you're floating in some unrecognizable incoherent void.
You are right about Seth suggestion. I have switched to this schedule a few years back - and I am a happier and more efficient person for that. I sleep during the night never more than 7-8 hours, but try to keep closer to 6 or so.
Also, I take a short nap during the day.
The dreams I remember are usually the ones from the early morning. That's why - easiest to write down in the morning.
Yes, your dream does sound unpleasant. I don't think you enjoyed a recurring unpleasant dream. Good that it doesn't come back. It means you've changed something for the better in your life. Since awake and dream state are so connected.