I read Seth Speaks, Nature of Personal Reality, and one the Early Sessions books.
I see some are available on YouTube..are there any in particular anybody would recommend or would like me to read so I can share information about them? It seems very few people have read all of Janes books because they are lengthy, very sophisticated, and there are so many. I thought Law of One was lengthy and sophisticated and it can be read for free at lawofone.info but I really think Seth content is at least twice as complex and intricate but at the same time less direct in it's instructions in terms of guiding human actions. There are many exercises but I think fewer general active principles
I'm listening to a part of Oversoul Seven right now...I have some credit for e-books so I have the choice to choose one out of any of them.
It's kind of tough to make a decision because so many are on YouTube but at the same time I think hearing someone speak and keeping up with the way pace at which they read along with the fact it feels like less of a mental exercise/or I might not enjoy hearing voice hours on end...just makes me a bit indecisive which one I should pick yet some aren't available at all on YouTube.
I'd recommend The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. It's very timely for one thing, but it also goes hand in hand with The Nature of Personal Realty. I read both of them years ago, and then recently listened to them again. Amazing.
As far as "wanting to know more about," -- I plan on reading the two Dreams, "Evolution" and Value Fulfillment books as soon as I finish Unknown Reality. People here have quoted from the Dreams books and they sound really interesting.
I felt over whelmed at first because there are so many books but reading in this order was recommended to me. I have read them all and it helped with my understanding by going in this order. Now I'm reading the early sessions.
The Seth Material-(this book introduced me to Seth and how it all came about with Jane and Robert, so helpful before starting Seth speaks)
Seth speaks
The nature of personal reality
The individual and mass events
The nature of the psyche
The unknown reality book 1
The unknown reality book 2
Dreams evolution and value fulfillment book 1
Dreams evolution and value fulfillment booK 2
Then I read The way toward health-I was hesitant on reading this one but I ended up loving it and with my own health problems (Neck injury) it has been invaluable.
Now I'm in the middle of reading the Early sessions 1-9
I'll admit I skim over Roberts notes in the books but if a word pops out or subject that catches my attention I'll read it more thoroughly. Sometime his notes are very helpful in understanding things, other times your bogged down in needless information but I'm glad the notes are there. Sometimes they really help me.
Yes, there are a lot of books and tons of information but I'm an avid reader and once I got started I couldn't stop. I had to know more and more. I highly recommend to everyone, reading them all. Right now though, with the times as they are make sure to read the nature of personal reality and the nature of mass events, then the way toward health. These books have helped me to understand what is happening right now with this virus and world events and why. Because of it I'm staying calm and able to choose my reality in the best way I can.
Take care!
Hi Pyromancy, Hi All,
Regarding which book to read next, it really is up to you and I'm not sure there really is a right or wrong answer here.
In a way, it's kind of like someone saying that they read, Harry Potter Book 3 and want to know which one to read next. They're all great books, and each one is unique in its own way.
If you want to read the "Seth Books" in the order that they were published, then this would be the order to read them.
Seth Speaks
The Nature of Personal Reality
The Unknown Reality, Book 1
The Unknown Reality, Book 2
The Nature of the Psyche
The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Dreams Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Book 1
Dreams Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Book 2
One reason that you may consider reading them in this order is that Seth initially introduces some of his concepts in certain books, and in later books he talks about them. For example, as I recall, he introduces the concept of "counterparts" in Unknown Reality Book 2 and he introduces the concepts of "Framework 1" and "Framework 2" in "Mass Events".
If you opt to read one of the "Value Fulfillment" books before you read Unknown Reality Book 2 or Mass Events, you may find Seth talking about one of these two concepts, and you may not understand what he's talking about. For the most part, however, I don't think that this would be a big issue, because Rob's notes are often helpful with this kind of thing.
If it really doesn't matter to you that much, then I'd second Deb. Given the CV-19 issue that we're dealing with this year, "Mass Events" would be a good one to read.
Hi All,
Hi Pyromancy,
I just wanted to throw in there's an excellent thread on this site that is a compilation of Seth exercises from many of his books.
I sometimes read it as a small book myself. Maybe it will help you decide which one you want to read next.
Thanks for the info everyone. I really plan on reading all of them.
I decided to get "Dreams projections and consciousness" and "How to develop your ESP power" first because they were approximately 6$ and 9$ while the others on Amazon's digital orders were all 10$
When I have more credit I think the next ones I am going to read in order they were published so I understand the concepts like Framework 1 and 2.
I am making it a goal to read every single one of Jane's books and maybe even some of the others like Rick Stack and the book of poems by Barrie who was referred to by Seth as "the poet."
In Rick Stack's interview on Kevin Moore's YouTube channel about channels (lol) Rick says that he thinks Jane's system of psychology is the most intricate he has ever come across.
In my opinion if you're willing to read this much it says a lot about your intellect and level of patience.
In meditation groups I've attended people sometimes narrow the goal of their meetings and leave out sophisticated ideas as to not distract people from their imagined goals of simple silence.
A lot of people my age I feel are all about instant gratification and are quite frankly anti-intellectual. It doesn't feel right to judge people's intelligence too harshly but I really feel like discussing the Seth readings or Law of One with other people in a meaningful way is like the feeling of being able to breathe after having your head held underwater for too long...the water being everyday life which is oftentimes filled people who either don't seem to give much attention to spirituality outside of just trying oversimplify everything, or rigid science-obsessed 'intellectuals' that mock/disregard the concept of a psychic potential in people.
I've felt at times there are very few people I've met that find a balance in having patience to read/meditate, acknowledge spirituality, and have a respect for basic scientific principles all in one. Thanks for showing me like the Law of One crowd that there are other lights out there.
I'll share with you a very beautiful channeling from Q'uo which comes from the same backround as Lawofone:
"The one known as Gaia or the Earth or Terra groans in a despairing labor at this time. She has become somewhat encouraged as more and more entities send light and begin to grieve for the suffering and feeling of fear that is being cast about the surface of your globe like a pall. This is encouraging to Gaia yet she needs ever more reassurance that her children love her and wish her well and assist her in the travail of the birth of her fourth-density self. Entities such as this instrument and its group and other groups like it have begun to become aware of ways to intensify and strengthen the one known as Gaia and especially that fourth-density labor. The tool, as is so often the case, is the human crystal placed in visualization or meditation at a particular time, thus joining wills into a more and more giant and strong will that may bring many others to it by the sheer energy of its light.
There is, inherent in the attempt of Wanderers to, shall we say, infect the Earth with heightened awareness of love, that dependency upon what this instrument would call the One Hundredth Monkey Effect, the hope being that eventually more and more entities are forming lighthouses, light groups, study groups, meditation groups, groups of all shades of devotion and way of expressing devotion to the infinite Creator, yet groups that harmonize in wishing light and love to planet Earth and its people. These goals are moving along with speed and we see many more places of light coming to be where entities may come into small groups and form spiritually oriented friendships, fellowships and families. These possibilities for increased light at this time are great blessings and we encourage those opportunities that come one's way for these are opportunities to add one's light to the light of many others. And these opportunities are occurring with greater and greater frequency for those of your peoples who have awakened.
Know that the Earth will be fine. It is the sadness and the sorrow that shall occur if the Earth must give up upon humankind that is the tragedy here. Therefore love the Earth, express that love by direct relationship with the Earth, spending the time with the nature and the state of nature and simply sharing love with the Earth, experiencing loving and being loved as you breathe the carbon dioxide for the trees to inhale and as the trees exhale their oxygen so that you may have life, rest in the harmony of the one infinite Creator, and be healed."
Hi All,
Hi Pyromancy,
I just started going back through my copy of Dreams and Projections of Consciousness too. Far as I know it's the only one that contains excerpts of Jane's manuscript, The Physical Universe as Idea Construction. Which is really what I wanted to read again.
Someone else I've been listening too has been stressing being in nature and appreciative of mother earth right now too.
I finally found a pair of shoes, leather moccasins, without rubber soles. Helps for purposes of natural grounding.
Hi Pyromancy,
Not that there aren't plenty of great Seth and Jane Roberts books out there, but just in case you didn't know, Sue Watkins, a member of Jane's ESP class and a good friend of Jane's, also wrote several books.
The 2 specifically that come to mind are "Conversations with Seth, Book 1 and Book 2".
These are largely about the ESP class sessions and are a great alternative view of Seth, from an outsiders (neither Jane's nor Rob's) perspective.
They're easy to read and very interesting.
- jbseth
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=16160#msg16160)
Hi All,
Hi Pyromancy,
I just started going back through my copy of Dreams and Projections of Consciousness too. Far as I know it's the only one that contains excerpts of Jane's manuscript, The Physical Universe as Idea Construction. Which is really what I wanted to read again.
Someone else I've been listening too has been stressing being in nature and appreciative of mother earth right now too.
I finally found a pair of shoes, leather moccasins, without rubber soles. Helps for purposes of natural grounding.
There are entire books that detail how going barefoot does a lot to restore the body's connection with the earth. Electrodes enter the body and restore us to a more balanced electrical state. From what I read briefly in an old book and some pages online, it should work on concrete patios too.
It's something that I bet rarely crosses anyone's mind but not only do toxins exit out through our feet and they accumulate when we wear rubber shoes--but just imagine how disconnected we are when we are in such a synthetic environment disconnected from the pulse of the planet by multiple layers of synthetic materials and at times even multiple stories up above the planet in the tall buildings many people live in.
Sometimes I make the joke that humans simply look like they forgot that they live on Earth. For more information it's called "earthing"or 'earthing electrodes' plenty of pages will come up if you search for the terms. Imagine how unnatural it is to be disconnections after evolving for what...millions of years to suddenly be separated. Something like going barefoot for a half hour helps clean the bloodflow is the idea.
I'll get around to those books by Sue when I have time. It seems there are several books written just analyzing what Jane wrote. It's interesting seeing how there are still people alive who went to the classes because give it another 30 or 40 years and there probably won't be any left.
Hi All,
Hi Pyromancy,
I tried barefoot. Didn't really work out for me. Then again I'm in the desert, not very much grass around me. I think I will get more use out of the moccasins :)
I have a swing under a tree, unfortunately there's bugs on that tree. I wind up itching like crazy every time I use it. Have used my moccasins on a few small walks. My feet definitely feel different without the support of my tennis shoes, lol. Not in a bad way, just unusual.