Well that is not totally accurate, but it made for a good title.
I was a slave to my printer today, printing tipped-in inserts for another book I'm finishing up. Killing time, I somehow came across a story of a young man in Russia (born 1996), who was an extraordinary infant according to the article. He says he's from Mars. As the story goes, he lived on Mars in a different incarnation and has come to Earth, along with others like him, to save Earth from the fate Mars brought upon itself. That of course made me think of Seth's second coming prophecy. I decided to go down the rabbit hole in between sending documents to the printer.
It's a pretty extraordinary story, and apparently he's known around the world. His name is Boris (affectionately known as Borishka). According to his mother, by two weeks he was able to hold his head erect. He said his first words when just four months old, and able to read at 18 months. He was drawing and painting by 2-1/2 years, in kindergarten at 2 years. He's supposedly an empath. In the video of an interview of him at age 11 (below), it was mentioned that he had written an article for the Russian news outlet Pravda. In my search for that, I found this article (https://zen.yandex.ru/media/pravdareport/boriska-boy-from-mars-5bb33a6c7ff96e00aa385c06) and this quote gave me truth bumps due to Seth's descriptions of Lumanians and Sumarians:
"The boy also says that, he used to fly to Earth for research purposes when he was a Martian. Moreover, he piloted a spaceship himself. It took place in the time of the Lemurian civilization. He speaks about the fall of Lemuria as if it occurred yesterday. He says that Lemurians died because they ceased to develop themselves spiritually and broke the unity of their planet."
Another good article: https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/science/boy-who-claims-to-be-from-mars-boriska-kipriyanovich-martian-boy.html :
"'The giant boy from Mars' as dubbed by netizens is seven-feet tall. Boriska Kipriyanovich claims that he has been sent by the Martian race to save humans from succumbing to a nuclear war and destroying their race. He claims that his own race, which is the Martian race was virtually wiped out thousands of years ago due to nuclear warfare. The alleged genius boy from Mars has warned that if humans do not change the situation relating to the nuclear power struggle, they will soon meet the same fate as the Martians."
Here's the video interview of Boris from when he was 11. I've only watched some of it. I saw numerous articles about him, in many different languages. Not sure what to think of all of this, but it was fun. Cute kid.
I have never heard of this. I've been watching the video and digging into this. Very interesting! From what I've read, I understand he and his mother have pretty much disappeared and journalists have tried to find him but can't. Word is he's in a remote village somewhere being "protected" by their government and claims he's fine. Fine, however can mean something else lol