~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on October 25, 2020, 10:29:17 AM

Title: Seth on the “woman from Big Flats”
Post by: Sena on October 25, 2020, 10:29:17 AM
Thanks to jbseth for drawing my attention to this chapter from "The God of Jane":


This little story gives us a good insight into the nature of Framework 2. "The woman from Big Flats" had read some of the Seth books and was keen to meet Jane, but she did not want to intrude by trying to discover Jane's phone number or address. Instead, her wish and desire to meet Jane was  successful in "arranging" a meeting via Framework 2, perhaps telepathically. Here is the story in Seth's words:


"I want to discuss your meeting with the woman from
Big Flats, and Ruburt's immediately prior knowledge of the event;
the nature of time in connection with Frameworks 1 and 2, and
mostly to emphasize the importance of beliefs.
"We will call the woman from Big Flats Mrs. X for
convenience's sake. She has wanted to meet Ruburt for some time.
This intent was very strong and relatively steady. Mrs. X, however, is
not a pushy person. She would not intrude by trying to discover
your address or phone number. Her desire, however, was vivid: It
was clear, simple, direct. It was implanted, of course, in Framework
2, and it waited for its time of physical fulfillment. However, there
were obstacles. . . ."
"The woman's desire had to wait for Ruburt's change of
mind, then. Ruburt began precisely a month ago dealing with
impulses once again. This indeed created a new creative impetus,
and certain acts were set into motion. Whenever Mrs. X knows that
a new book of ours is out, her impulse is rekindled and intensified
in Framework 2; as if a bell were set ringing. This time, Ruburt had
the impulse to go out in the middle of the working day, and the
woman's desire helped kindle Ruburt's own impulse
; so that even
when he was tempted to stay home, he kept returning to that
impulse once again."
Referring to the friend who visited us just before we
went to the supermarket, Seth said: "Your friend always has your
best interests at heart. He came in response to Framework 2
impulses, precisely so that the timing in Framework 1 could be
synchronized. Otherwise, of course, you would have been at the
proper location, but ahead of time.
"Ruburt was free enough of official dogma to become
consciously aware of the event as he sat in the car, before he actually
met Mrs. X. You (to Rob) were speaking to Mrs. X at the time, in the
store. Ruburt was almost consciously aware of the fact that there
was another reason for the trip downtown. He recognized the fact
that the impulse to go with you was unusually strong.
"Had he not believed in, say, telepathy, he never would
have been aware of his impression that someone was going to come
over to the car and recognize him—a stranger. The woman [Mrs. X]
also believed that in one way or another it was at least possible that
her intent could somehow find fulfillment despite the obstacles.

"Now your unfortunate scientist of the letter can have no
evidence of anything but official behavior, because he cannot allow
his consciousness that much freedom. It is not merely that he has
too much invested, but that the investment is in a closed system of
"Mrs. X's clear intent in Framework 2 was to everyone's
benefit. However, for some time it was blocked because the other
person involved made certain decisions that made the meeting
unlikely. The moment Ruburt changed, the way was clear and the
action took place almost immediately. The scientist, however, has
placed so many impediments for himself in Framework 1 that he
cannot open the door for the impulses that would lead him toward
the kind of evidence he thinks he wants.
"Framework 2 is a multidimensional medium of creativity and value fulfillment, in
which desires from the most simple to the most complex become
actualized events—if those desires are for your own good and for
the good of others; not, for example, to be actualized at someone
else's expense
, and if you, yourselves, do not place impediments in
Framework 1.. . ."
Title: Re: Seth on the “woman from Big Flats”
Post by: Deb on October 25, 2020, 12:38:51 PM
Great explanation from Seth on the inner workings of Framework 2! There's actually more to the story, which Rich included in his book Creative Journey, Seth Inspired. An amazing chain of connections and synchronicity:

Quote from: Rich Kendall's book A Creative JourneyThe Woman From Big Flats, Revisited

About a year ago I received a complimentary comment from a woman named Anette in response to something I had posted on Facebook. This led to a friendship between Anette and myself, though it had to be conducted online since Anette lives in Germany.

In the course of my communications with Anette, I learned that Anette's family, and the family of Elsbeth (a friend of Anette's), had both lived in a small town in Germany called Schwaebisch Hall. The families became very close, as did Elsbeth and Anette. While there is nothing exceptional about that, what is exceptional is that I further learned that Elsbeth and her husband Heinz, who had moved to America in the 1950s, became good friends with Jane Roberts. Elsbeth met Jane in a rather serendipitous fashion as described in Chapter 11 of Jane's book, The God of Jane. In the book, Jane didn't mention Elsbeth by name, but referred to her as "The Woman From Big Flats."

Big Flats is a small town in Chemung County, New York, about ten miles from Elmira. And while Elsbeth and her husband Heinz were both avid Seth readers, they never witnessed nor asked to attend a Seth session. They were content to simply be friends with Jane and Rob, which I have a feeling Jane in particular greatly appreciated.

In August of 2017 I finally got to meet Anette when she and her sister Marlies traveled from Germany to the United States to visit with Elsbeth at her home in Big Flats, New York. It was also the first time I had the opportunity to meet Elsbeth. Due to Elsbeth's generous hospitality and the good conversations we all shared, I had a wonderful time. One of those conversations had to do with Kordula, Anette's older sister, and how she discovered the Seth material. Here are Kordula's own words, and with English not being her native language, there were a few words here and there I was tempted to change, but decided to leave it exactly as Kordula wrote it:

Quote from: Kordula's letterIn the 1970s, I found a flyer on the windshield of my car. On the flyer was a large advertisement made for Jane Roberts' book Talks with Seth. It interested me immediately, but in Germany the book could not be bought. It had to be ordered through a Swiss publisher. I put the flyer between my cookbooks and forgot about it. If I could have bought it in a bookstore, I would have bought it immediately.

Approximately three months later, Elsbeth came to visit me and brought me exactly this book. At first I did not even know that it was the book from the flyer, but said to Elsbeth, somewhere I've encountered this before. She said I should read it absolutely, it was incredibly interesting. She ordered the book for me at a Swiss publishing house. A short time later, the flyer had fallen to my feet as I pulled out a cookbook, and I saw it was exactly this book which Elsbeth gave me as a gift.

As I read this account from Kordula, I thought about how sometimes a simple event (such as a flyer being left on someone's windshield) can later tie in to other events in ways that we cannot foresee at the time. And if somehow one were able to find the person who left that flyer on Kordula's windshield, no doubt the story would acquire more interesting connections.

At one point during my visit with Elsbeth I mentioned that I grew up in Queens, New York, a borough of New York City. Elsbeth then told me that when her cousins' family moved from Germany to The United States in the 1930s they also settled in Queens, in an area called Astoria. I found that bit of information quite intriguing considering the fact that when my grandparents came to the United States, also in the 1930s, they too settled in Astoria. I also happened to have spent the first two years of my life living in Astoria with my grandparents until my parents moved to a different part of Queens. I asked Elsbeth if she could try to find the address of where in Astoria her cousins had lived. After looking through some old letters, she found out they had lived on 45th Street near Astoria Boulevard, which ended up being only a couple of miles from my grandparents' house which was on 26th Street and 24th Avenue.

As Elsbeth continued to speak about her cousins she remembered that they had opened up a bakery close to their home, which subsequently became very popular. The thought then came to me that some of those freshly baked breads and muffins produced in that bakery had most likely made their way to my grandparents' table at some point, and probably more than once. The connections involving my family, Elsbeth, her cousins, Anette, and Jane Roberts, just seemed to keep growing.

One of those connections had to do with Maria Callas, the renowned opera singer. After watching some of her live performances on YouTube, I became curious to learn more about her life. Further research revealed that while her mother, Evangelia Demetriadou, was pregnant with Maria in 1923, the family decided to move from Athens, Greece to the United States. After doing so, one of the first apartments they rented after arriving in the states was (where else) but Astoria, Queens. 

Another connection magically appeared when I was speaking with my friend Sheryl Mandel. I was telling her about all these synchronicities when she informed me that her father-in-law, who is an opera aficionado, had rented his Paris apartment many years ago to none other than...  Maria Callas! And Sheryl's daughter for the past few years has been living in... Astoria, Queens. 
My mind started reeling with all these connections as one just seemed to seamlessly lead into another. Seth once said that nothing exists in isolation and in light of all these connections that comment from Seth took on new significance.

Another connection that sprang out of my visit with Elsbeth had to do with The Monastery of Mount Saviour, which describes itself as "A community of monks striving to live a simple, genuine and full monastic life according to the Scriptures and the Rule of St. Benedict."

The monastery was close to where Elsbeth lived and we decided to visit it one day and even attended a service. During our visit I was drawn to this beautiful life-size sculpture of the Virgin Mary and child Jesus. I then learned that this sculpture was created in France in the 16th century and then sent to the United States. The relevance here has to do with my reincarnational connections to 16th century France as detailed in my book, The Road To Elmira.

I began to feel as I have at other times, that all things are somehow related, alive in some kind of multidimensional webwork that we can only glimpse, but which makes itself known through connections and coincidences such as those I outlined above. I think the more we learn to pay attention to such connections and "coincidences," the more we begin to learn about the nature of reality and the mechanics behind the creation of events that are constantly being formed behind the scenes.

Reflecting upon my visit with Elsbeth, I think in its own way it was part of a larger event that began with Jane first meeting Elsbeth over thirty years ago. It leads me to believe that once a thread is established, it continues to weave its way through the fabric of time as new patterns emerge in a picture that is never-ending, always evolving, and constantly changing.

I want to thank Anette, Marlies, Kordula, and Elsbeth for choosing to be a part of this thread, and in the process, greatly enriching the tapestry of my life.

Danke schön to all.
Title: Re: Seth on the “woman from Big Flats”
Post by: Sena on October 25, 2020, 02:06:21 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17227#msg17227)
In the course of my communications with Anette, I learned that Anette's family, and the family of Elsbeth (a friend of Anette's), had both lived in a small town in Germany called Schwaebisch Hall. The families became very close, as did Elsbeth and Anette. While there is nothing exceptional about that, what is exceptional is that I further learned that Elsbeth and her husband Heinz, who had moved to America in the 1950s, became good friends with Jane Roberts. Elsbeth met Jane in a rather serendipitous fashion as described in Chapter 11 of Jane's book, The God of Jane. In the book, Jane didn't mention Elsbeth by name, but referred to her as "The Woman From Big Flats."
Deb, thanks for filling in the rest of the story.
QuoteThe monastery was close to where Elsbeth lived and we decided to visit it one day and even attended a service. During our visit I was drawn to this beautiful life-size sculpture of the Virgin Mary and child Jesus. I then learned that this sculpture was created in France in the 16th century and then sent to the United States. The relevance here has to do with my reincarnational connections to 16th century France as detailed in my book, The Road To Elmira.
And the reincarnational connection!