This is just a quick message, but I was so shocked by this situation I couldn't wait. Yesterday on FB Ron Card and Laurel got into a discussion about boxes and boxes of "orphaned" materials have surfaced.
When Laurel sold the "Hill House," she left behind all these boxes of books, unpublished Seth material, cassettes, original paintings and god knows what else. The woman sold the house a few months later, but took the materials with her and they've been in storage ever since. Through the woman who are renting the Water Street house (The Seth House), she was put in contact with Ron, who has a big collection of All Things Seth. He's bought the boxes and will drive out to get them at some point. Here are some photos he posted of just some of the contents. I'll keep this updated as new info becomes available.
Hi Deb,
Thanks for sharing this information.
I wonder if there's any new unpublished "Seth" information in any of this.
How interesting that this unknown material from Jane and Rob should appear now, many years after both had transitioned.
- jbseth
Quote from: jbseth (
I wonder if there's any new unpublished "Seth" information in any of this.
I would feel safe saying a big YES. Laurel has wanted me to help her get Jane's "This Rich Bed" into print, and also her handwritten and hand typed "The Physical Universe as Idea Construction" with notes and marginalia. With each one, when we'd get close to getting started (with no financial investment or labor on her part), she would say that someone had broken into her current house and stolen the manuscripts. She also had that happen with a painting she was selling to Dr. Hsu.
Considering she left boxes and boxes of materials behind when she moved, I have a feeling that those manuscripts could be in those boxes.
I just wonder about the copyright aspect of Ron having all of that, I don't think he'd be able to publish anything without Laurel's consent.
While I've pretty much withdrawn from Facebook, I'm still hanging on by a thread because I want to keep up with Ron's reporting of what he is finding in the cases of Seth/Jane/Rob materials he purchased. Here are a few photos of items. First is unpublished wisdom from the 7 series, 2nd and 3rd are family photos, the last is a painting by Rob.
Some never-before-seen art of Jane's.
More of Jane's art.
Deb, that top quote from Seven is excellent--I should frame that baby and hang it on the wall. :D It is so easy to become perpetually absorbed in finding and practicing methods (methods to overcome fear, to change my reality, to feel peace and joy, to feel my union with All That Is) yet the method is only standing in the way! Methods are always tied to belief systems, which explains the value of the no-mind approach practiced in many Eastern philosophies. I suppose someone could argue the no-method approach is just another method, but trying to describe ultimate truths in language always leads to paradoxes, it seems. Many thanks.
Dear Deb,
Jane's art is awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)
Quote from: leidl (
Deb, that top quote from Seven is excellent--I should frame that baby and hang it on the wall.
I thought it was really good too. And I do love Jane's paintings. My favorite is the cityscape, the colors are so rich.
Here's something I thought was interesting. When Jane was very ill and Rob could not keep up with personally answering all the letters and other requests they were receiving, Prentice-Hall helped them out by printing a letter Rob wrote, so he could just send it out. There's a long version and short version. I've also included the two letters from Seth that were mentioned.
Had I written Jane, I don't think I would have been disappointed to get one of these letters. Seth's words are penetrating and feel personal, and his warmth (and Rob's) are palpable. Thanks for sharing!
I like the cityscape too, but my favorite is the one with the two figures in the blue orb in the sky. It put me in mind of Chagall. :)
Hi Deb, Hi All,
Thank you very much for posting these wonderful paintings by Jane and these documents as well. I really enjoy them. :)
I particularly like the last painting, 11-20-05.jpg, the painting of the evergreen tree with the blue bark. This painting looks very "real" to me.
I also like the painting that leidl mentioned, 11-20-01.jpg, the one with the 2 people in the blue orb in the sky, with what appears to be maybe the earth below it. For this one, I'm really attracted to it due to the implications suggested by the subject matter of the painting itself. Our consciousness is capable of flight that's completely independent of our earthbound reality. :)
However, I'm also really attracted to the painting, 11-19-03.jpg, also due to the subject matter of the painting itself. In this painting, Jane seems to be playing with the nature of reality itself. This painting kind of reminds me of one of "Escher's" paintings.
In this image, it appears that Jane is sitting on a chair at a table. This table appears to contain a vase, with perhaps a rose in it and a mirror on her right side and two smaller glass type objects on her left side. While sitting that this table. Jane is facing a large oval shaped mirror and we see this entire view from the back of Jane who's facing this mirror.
In the reflection of this mirror, we see Jane's face while she's sitting on a chair at a table. However, in this reflected image, the vase with the rose in it, is on the wrong side of the image.
To see what I mean, let's say that you're in a room, you're facing south and you're looking directly into a large mirror. Now, while in this room if you raise your right hand, your right hand is oriented such that it is located to the west of your head. Now, with your right hand raised, the image that is reflected back to you from the mirror, indicates that you raised the hand that is to the west side of your head. This however would not be your right hand. It would be your left hand instead. If you lowered your right hand and turned around facing north, the same direction as your image reflected in the mirror and then raised the hand that was to the west of your head, it would be your left hand, not your right hand. This is the weird reality of reflected images. In reflected mirror images, the objects typically stay on the same side, the west in my example.
In Jane's painting however, the reflected image of the vase and the other objects on the table aren't on the same side. They're on the other side instead. Now here's a million dollar question. Did Jane do this on purpose? What do you think?
In addition to this, I also noticed that she has what appears to be another image of the large oval mirror in the painting. This kind of thing happens whenever we have a large mirror directly in front of us and large mirror directly behind us. When this occurs we often see an endless repetition of images going on forever, of for example both our face and of the back of our heads. In Jane's painting however, this repetition of images going on forever doesn't seem to occur. Instead, it only seems to happen just once, which I'm not sure is possible in our 3D physical world reality.
True to form, like much of Jane's writings, this painting of hers gives us a lot to think about in regards to the true nature of reality.
Quote from: jbseth (
Thank you very much for posting these wonderful paintings by Jane and these documents as well. I really enjoy them.
You're so welcome. What a treasure, I envy Ron but I'm glad he's sharing.
That mirror picture of Jane's is VERY interesting, I agree. There are a couple of inconsistencies, such as the blue bottle with the red cap on the left appears upside down and very distorted in the first reflection. The darker blue vase to the right could be hidden by Jane's right shoulder in the first version and then shows up in the first and second reflections. And if you look at the blue and yellow areas to the left and right of her head, they almost look like human profiles. This is probably one of the most interesting paintings of her's that I've seen, most of the other ones are more straight-forward. Almost makes me wonder if she'd done some mind-expanding drugs. Considering how sharp and perceptive she was, I kinda doubt these were accidental.
Some more photos of more Jane-related stuff attached here, and I'll do a second post with more of Rob's things.
Here are some things of Rob's. Recently I learned that Rob wanted his art collection (3,000 paintings! I need to double-check that) to be part of the Yale Library Archives as well, but they wouldn't take them because he was not a well-known artist. That must have been a blow to his ego, since the reason he wanted his artwork to be archived was so his "legend" would not be forgotten. It's mind-boggling to me the amount of art and writing both Rob and Jane produced. They truly created for the pure pleasure and fulfillment they got from it, rather than creating for income or obligation. Seth materials aside, I admire both of them for living their lives their way.