Hi All,
For many years I've been trying to answer the questions of who are we and where are we.
For a few years now I've been listening to Michael Wahn. He's into Synchomsyticism, as well as the connection between the land and people that live on the land, especially in the Susquehanna river area.
In this vid, he talks about the possible differences between 3,4 @5D existences, and trys to show some glitches in his experience of the matrix. The vid is an hour and 10 minutes long. Probably best listened to on a lazy day, or evening. It's just an informal easy going chat.
I'm starting to think that not all areas of planet earth are the same. Some areas have a different make-up, or composition of forces. Making the ability to switch focus or awareness of dimensions very easy, or difficult.
If you listen to David Paulides, missing people and Bigfoot cases, it becomes obvious quickly that disappearances happen statistically higher in some areas, than most other's, as well as Bigfoot sightings. Especially national parks, which are often off the charts, compared to non national parks areas.
The book Forgotten Genesis by Radu Cinamar goes into much more detail about the make-up of the planet in regards to that as well. I really look at most of this as further confirmation of what Seth teaches as well, just said in a different way.
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17926#msg17926)
I'm starting to think that not all areas of planet earth are the same. Some areas have a different make-up, or composition of forces. Making the ability to switch focus or awareness of dimensions very easy, or difficult.
T.M., this is true. I had an experience of precognition at Dormition Abbey, Jerusalem:
Obviously, this is not restricted to the Christian religion. I had an experience of synchronicity at the Hindu/Buddhist shrine of Kataragama in Sri Lanka:
This website has a quote from Fred Alan Wolf:
""Not only is the universe more complex than we ever thought. It is far more mysterious and magical than we ever believed," argues Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, theoretical physicist and author of Parallel Universes: The Search for Other Worlds, adding that "I now see the universe as a gigantic magical mystery tour, far in excess of the Beatles' verses.""
Also, a reference to Carl Jung:
"Lanka's longstanding reputation as a mysterious gateway to other worlds has been testified to in modern times also by the great pioneer of dream-related psychology, Dr. Carl G. Jung. In Memories, Dreams and Reflections, Jung recorded his own experience of an intensely vivid post-anesthesia dream in which he suddenly found himself floating in space hundreds of miles above the earth's surface. He especially recalled seeing the island of Ceylon directly beneath him like a vast emerald in the shimmering blue Indian Ocean."
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17926#msg17926)
I'm starting to think that not all areas of planet earth are the same. Some areas have a different make-up, or composition of forces. Making the ability to switch focus or awareness of dimensions very easy, or difficult.
Hi T.M.
What an interesting topic. Thanks for starting this post. :)
I think that there's something to this idea that not all areas of planet earth are the same.
There's a place in Southern Oregon that's called "The "Vortex", that's noted for some interesting phenomena.
Then there's also places like Marfa, Texas, where the "Marfa Lights" are said to occur.
Then again, there's also the Bermuda Triangle.
There are many Native American's traditions about certain places, some being sacred and some not. I think that a lot of this has to do with the fact that they were tuned into this type of world and for the most part, many of the scientific thinkers of today aren't tuned into that. Which is a big factor that plays into why these scientific thinkers don't recognize these things.
Hi TM. I've been trying with little success to employ Seth's exercise to find local coordination points (SS p378). The major points around the world are focuses of great energy where ideas manifest quickly into physical reality, he says. And perhaps echoing your experience at these religious sites Sena; Seth says that the birth of major religions happen at these points. I do strongly believe in good energy points and bad or draining energy points. Obviously you would site your house if you could at a good energy point so being able to detect these would be of great benefit I think.
Hi All,
Hi Jbseth,
I went to the Oregon Vortex in my early 20's. Bottles rolled uphill, 2 people the same size, say 5'5 measured different when stood back to back in a certain spot. I didn't notice any other psychic phenomenon. Then again, I wasn't in conscious touch with any of them either. Still a neat place to visit. I would love to go there again!
Hi Bora137,
I've tried being sensitive to coordination points also. With no real success either! Still sometimes I wonder if these points can be found via Ley lines, or following a map of Ley lines. From other authors I've read, the 33rd parallel world wide is supposed to be a magical. This is just one of many such type articles that can be found on it.
Quote from: Bora137 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17932#msg17932)
And perhaps echoing your experience at these religious sites Sena; Seth says that the birth of major religions happen at these points. I do strongly believe in good energy points and bad or draining energy points.
Bora, thanks for drawing our attention to this important Seth teaching. Perhaps you had the following paragraphs in mind:
"The symbolism of the gods, the idea of the gods on Olympus, for example, the crossing-over point at the River Styx — that kind of phenomenon was originated by the Speakers.
The symbolisms and frameworks of religion, therefore, had to exist not only in the physical world but also in the unconscious one. Outside of your own framework, houses as such or dwellings as such are not needed, and yet in trance encounters or dream encounters with other realities, such structures are frequently seen. They are transformations of data into terms that will be meaningful to you." (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book), Chapter 17" by Jane Roberts)
"There is something like a chart mapping many of the nearby systems of reality, and I hope some day in your terms to make this available. In order to do so, Ruburt must be trained somewhat more intensely. There are points of coincidence where under certain conditions entry may be made from one of these systems to the other. They need not exist separately in space as you know it, of course. (10:19.) These are called coordination points, where one camouflage merges into the other. Some of these are geographical in your system, but in all cases, a tuning-in of consciousness is a necessary preliminary. Such entries can only be made in an out-of-body condition. Each individual in his dreams has access to the information possessed by the Speakers. There are adjacent states of consciousness that occur within the sleep pattern, that cannot be picked up by your EEG's — adjacent "corridors" through which your consciousness travels. (An EEG, or electroencephalograph machine, traces brain wave patterns on graph paper.)
The higher centers of intuition are activated while physically oriented portions of consciousness remain with the body. The "absent" portion of the self cannot be traced through brain patterns, though the point of its departure and the point of its return may show a particular pattern." (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)
Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/dauvWSc
Seth makes an interesting link between coordination points on the Earth and a particular kind of brain activity which CANNOT be picked up on the electroencephalograph.
Hi All,
I put Oregon vortex into YouTube search this morning and came up with 2 other places as well. Montana and Santa Cruz California.
The only thing in common I can think of is volcanic fields. Perhaps they are all sharing in the Yellowstone volcanic field?
Perhaps reversing magnetic fields for pushing magma up? Just a guess on my part. Perhaps Seth's coordination points center around volcanic fields?
Short Yt vid on the Montana vortex where the guide trys to explain the phenomenon in somewhat modern day scientific terms, quantum mechanics
Short Yt vid showing similar vortex type activities worldwide
QuoteThese are called coordination points, where one camouflage merges into the other. Some of these are geographical in your system, but in all cases, a tuning-in of consciousness is a necessary preliminary. Such entries can only be made in an out-of-body condition
Hi Sena indeed I had this mind and as I say also the exercise on p378 of SS.
QuoteThere is something like a chart mapping many of the nearby systems of reality, and I hope some day in your terms to make this available.
The chart Seth mentions does anyone know if it ever got made?
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17926#msg17926)
In this vid, he talks about the possible differences between 3,4 @5D existences, and trys to show some glitches in his experience of the matrix. The vid is an hour and 10 minutes long. Probably best listened to on a lazy day, or evening. It's just an informal easy going chat.
Hi T.M., Hi All,
I noticed in the video that Michael Wahn showed us where he lives. I also noticed that he made a point that he didn't want people showing up at his doorstep. I had to chuckle at that one. :)
I'm sure that Jane and Rob both probably had similar sentiments.
Quote from: Bora137 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=17939#msg17939)
The chart Seth mentions does anyone know if it ever got made?
Hi Bora137, Hi All,
While I've read a lot of the Seth information, there is a lot in the ESP class books and the Personal Sessions, that I've never read.
I'm not aware of Seth ever generating this chart, but he may have. Perhaps you might want to try doing a search on "chart" in the Seth Search Engine.
Hi Jbseth, I have tried the search engine but nothing comes up related to an actual chart. Which is a shame because who doesn't get excited by mysterious lost charts and maps :D
T.M. I agree with your ley line hypothesis but this area is so vast it's a real rabbit hole and just where do you start with it. My brain sometimes feels just not up to the job.
I did visit what I regard to be a negative energy area in some woods a few miles from my house the other day. I stood in this gloomy dark place with my hands on a tree and closed my eyes. Visually I had the sense I was stationary inside a dark tunnel going down that moved passed me all around - like a snake moving by but I was inside the snake. I'm am not pyschic, I don't have visions. So this makes me really think this might be coordination point albeit negative. So even though I have had no success detecting them using Seth's methods perhaps just following the instinct that such a place is 'creepy' or such a place is 'good' might prove fruitful.
Hi All,
Hi Bora137,
I agree about the Ley lines. I can find charts online. I can't drive to and visit those places. Let alone stay at those places to see if I can sense a difference between those places and any other place.
I think we all have psychic senses. I don't have mine tuned in enough to be able to functionality use them to any degree.
" So even though I have had no success detecting them using Seth's methods perhaps just following the instinct that such a place is 'creepy' or such a place is 'good' might prove fruitful"
I agree!! I was thinking after posting about those places: if normal physical laws seem not to apply in those places, perhaps it's a good indication of a coordinate point.
I've been to the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot and it's just a tourist trap, the whole thing is an illusion based on the odd angles that the property has. And there are structures built at strange angles to magnify the effect. It was still a fun visit.