~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on January 09, 2021, 07:06:46 AM

Title: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: Sena on January 09, 2021, 07:06:46 AM
When Seth refers to life-plans, he is referring to individual life-plans:

"Consciousness forms the genes, and not the other way around, and
the about-to-be-born infant is the agency that adds new material through
the chromosomal structure. The child is from birth far more aware of all
kinds of physical events than is realized also. But beside that, the child
uses the early years to explore — particularly in the dream state — other
kinds of material that suit its own fancies and intents, and it constantly
receives a stream of information that is not at all dependent upon its
heredity or environment.
On these other levels the child knows, for example, of its con-
temporaries born at about the same time. Each person's "individual" life
plan fits in somewhere with that of his or her contemporaries. Those
plans are communicated one to the other, and probabilities instantly are
set into motion in Framework 2.
To some degree or another calculations
are made so that, for instance, individual A will meet individual B at a
marketplace 30 years later — if this fits in with the intents of both
parties. There will be certain cornerstone encounters in each person's life
that are set up as strong probabilities, or as plans to be grown into."
(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events)

In other words, if individual A meets individual B, and the two eventually enter a marital relationship, the implication is that the life-plan of A meshed with the life-plan of individual B, and their meeting may well have been planned many years ago before they entered physical reality.

Seth's use of the term "blueprint" is a bit different to the meaning he gives to life-plan. The word blueprint occurs 36 times in The Unknown Reality, Book 1, so it seems to be an important concept.

"Each probability system has its own set of "blueprints," clearly defining its freedoms and boundaries, and setting forth the most favorable structures capable of fulfillment. These are not "inner images of perfection," and to some extent the blueprints themselves change, for the action within any given system of probabilities automatically alters the entire picture, enlarging it. The blueprints are actually more like inner working plans that can be changed with circumstances, but to some extent they are idea-lizations, with a hyphen. As an individual you carry within you such a blueprint, then; it contains all the information you require to bring about the most favorable version of yourself in the probable system that you know. These blueprints exist biologically and at every level — psychically, spiritually, mentally. The information is knit into the genes and chromosomes, but it exists apart, and the physical structures merely represent the carriers of information. In the same fashion the species en masse holds within its vast inner mind such working plans or blueprints. They exist apart from the physical world and in an inner one, and from this you draw those theories, ideas, civilizations, and technologies which you then physically translate" (from "The "Unknown" Reality, Volume One (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts, Session 696)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/dVQLLyo

From the above quote it is apparent that the species as a whole (our human race) operates according to certain blueprints, and each individual also has their own blueprints. Seth also says that blueprints can be changed with circumstances, meaning that they are NOT deterministic.

Seth also makes an interesting connection between one's private blueprint, illnesses, and epidemics:

"The private blueprint, yours at birth, is in certain terms far greater than any one physical materialization of it that could occur in your space and time. This provides you with areas of choice, gives you manipulability, and allows for the myriad of probable activities "possible." You are the judge and the final word in that regard, so that as your ideas change, as you move toward one probable self and decide upon that as your official3 self, you will always have a rich bank of probable actions to choose from. If only one were provided you would have no choice. The same applies to the species. Your current decisions to accept one specific line of consciousness as real, and to ignore others, makes such concepts difficult to understand. You train yourselves — biologically, even — to inhibit certain stimuli, yet often the body itself responds to the very stimuli that you consciously ignore. By opening up your minds to new kinds of significances, however, you can begin to glimpse other orders of events4 with which you are quite intimately concerned. Often, for instance, you handle probabilities very well, while remaining consciously blind to them because of your concepts. Even then, however, on other levels your unconscious reaction will follow your own conscious intents. You may make a move in physical life, for example, seemingly for one reason. You may also be unconsciously reacting to quite pertinent data regarding the probable actions of others. Because you do not really fully accept the fact that you can so react, you may block this unofficial information on the one hand, even while on the other you take it into consideration. You are far more aware than you realize of the probable future in areas with which you are concerned. This is true on all levels. If your purposes do not involve illness, for instance, and yet if you believe in contagion, you will automatically avoid circumstances that can lead to epidemics. In terms of probabilities that particular kind will not enter your experience. Give us a moment ... All of this applies en masse in terms of diseases, for example, that run rampant through a species." (from "The "Unknown" Reality, Volume One (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts, Session 697)

Title: Re: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: jbseth on January 09, 2021, 02:46:38 PM
Hi Sena, Hi All,

Thanks for starting this post.  This is a very interesting topic.  :)

I have a couple of observations.

Between "blue prints" and "life plans", it sure seems like there is a lot of activity that goes on before we are ever born.

Below I've highlighted the last bolded sentence that you highlighted, and the follow on sentence that relates to it.

If your purposes do not involve illness, for instance, and yet if you believe in contagion, you will automatically avoid circumstances that can lead to epidemics. In terms of probabilities that particular kind will not enter your experience.

I've noticed that the very last word of this last bolded sentence, Seth used the word "epidemics" and not the word "illness". I almost didn't catch this, but I think the difference between these 2 words is significant.

I'm curious as to how do you interpret that bolded sentence?


Title: Re: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: Sena on January 10, 2021, 04:01:32 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18013#msg18013)
If your purposes do not involve illness, for instance, and yet if you believe in contagion, you will automatically avoid circumstances that can lead to epidemics. In terms of probabilities that particular kind will not enter your experience.

I've noticed that the very last word of this last bolded sentence, Seth used the word "epidemics" and not the word "illness". I almost didn't catch this, but I think the difference between these 2 words is significant.

I'm curious as to how do you interpret that bolded sentence?
jbseth, yes that part is a bit difficult to interpret. Seth's statement uses a negative: "If your purposes do NOT involve illness". It seems to me that our situation is the opposite. We have all been affected by the Covid 19 epidemic, economically and in other ways, even if we have not fallen ill due to the virus. That means that each of our life plans DID involve Covid 19, unless we live in New Zealand where the impact has been much less.
Title: Re: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: leidl on January 10, 2021, 11:26:16 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18018#msg18018)
That means that each of our life plans DID involve Covid 19, unless we live in New Zealand where the impact has been much less.

Hey guys,

Wish I'd been aware that my life plan involved living through a pandemic...I would have stocked up on toilet paper.   :D

Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18018#msg18018)
If your purposes do not involve illness, for instance, and yet if you believe in contagion, you will automatically avoid circumstances that can lead to epidemics.

My sense is that Seth is making the point that despite the fact that our beliefs shape our reality, a life plan, while not deterministic, can limit the impact of negative beliefs.  Even if we "believe in contagion," if our larger purposes do not involve illness, we will not suffer illness, even in the extreme event of an epidemic.

This is a comfort, actually.  This means that I can, for example, live with a fear of betrayal, yet never suffer betrayal if it was not in my life plan.  Seth seems to be telling us that we do not need to sanitize our thought-lives in order to be safe.  We do not need to be terrified of our own minds, because the impacts of our negative beliefs will be curtailed by our life plans.  But we will suffer less psychologically if we examine our minds, and choose our thoughts more consciously.

I've got a worrier in my family who seems to be protected from her negative beliefs in this way.  She spends much of her time fretting about what could go wrong, yet her life in the physical sense is one of absolute comfort and ease.  Seth's comments here help explain this.
Title: Re: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: Sena on January 11, 2021, 05:14:01 AM
Quote from: leidl (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18024#msg18024)
Seth seems to be telling us that we do not need to sanitize our thought-lives in order to be safe.  We do not need to be terrified of our own minds, because the impacts of our negative beliefs will be curtailed by our life plans.  But we will suffer less psychologically if we examine our minds, and choose our thoughts more consciously.
leidl, this is exactly correct. One method of "sanitizing our thought-lives" is meditation. I think Seth says that meditation is fine but not really essential. This is in contrast to Buddhism where meditation is "part of the path toward liberation, awakening and Nirvana" (Wikipedia). Seth's teaching is that our deep-seated beliefs are important, not the silly thoughts which may flit through our minds. Reading, or listening to, the Seth books can change our beliefs. On another thread, jbseth has suggested that we read NOME carefully.

Title: Re: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: raz on April 14, 2022, 06:42:15 PM
Quote from: leidl on January 10, 2021, 11:26:16 PMThis is a comfort, actually.  This means that I can, for example, live with a fear of betrayal, yet never suffer betrayal if it was not in my life plan.  Seth seems to be telling us that we do not need to sanitize our thought-lives in order to be safe.  We do not need to be terrified of our own minds, because the impacts of our negative beliefs will be curtailed by our life plans
This could work 2 ways though, what if in your plans or development it involves dark places or situations for learning ? Like say for example your learning involved losing some limbs or something. Though the way i have understood it , not only through Seth , but other channels , like say , Kryon , it is said that the incarnational agreement or blueprint are more of a starting framework and can be changed along the way. I suppose more so if you are aware of the possibility that it can be changed.
Title: Re: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: strangerthings on April 20, 2022, 03:32:52 PM
Quote from: raz on April 14, 2022, 06:42:15 PM
Quote from: leidl on January 10, 2021, 11:26:16 PMThis is a comfort, actually.  This means that I can, for example, live with a fear of betrayal, yet never suffer betrayal if it was not in my life plan.  Seth seems to be telling us that we do not need to sanitize our thought-lives in order to be safe.  We do not need to be terrified of our own minds, because the impacts of our negative beliefs will be curtailed by our life plans
This could work 2 ways though, what if in your plans or development it involves dark places or situations for learning ? Like say for example your learning involved losing some limbs or something. Though the way i have understood it , not only through Seth , but other channels , like say , Kryon , it is said that the incarnational agreement or blueprint are more of a starting framework and can be changed along the way. I suppose more so if you are aware of the possibility that it can be changed.

Challenges we set for ourselves?
Title: Re: Seth on life-plans and blueprints
Post by: raz on April 20, 2022, 05:03:58 PM
Quote from: strangerthings on April 20, 2022, 03:32:52 PM
Quote from: raz on April 14, 2022, 06:42:15 PM
Quote from: leidl on January 10, 2021, 11:26:16 PMThis is a comfort, actually.  This means that I can, for example, live with a fear of betrayal, yet never suffer betrayal if it was not in my life plan.  Seth seems to be telling us that we do not need to sanitize our thought-lives in order to be safe.  We do not need to be terrified of our own minds, because the impacts of our negative beliefs will be curtailed by our life plans
This could work 2 ways though, what if in your plans or development it involves dark places or situations for learning ? Like say for example your learning involved losing some limbs or something. Though the way i have understood it , not only through Seth , but other channels , like say , Kryon , it is said that the incarnational agreement or blueprint are more of a starting framework and can be changed along the way. I suppose more so if you are aware of the possibility that it can be changed.

Challenges we set for ourselves?
Right , for certain learning experiences. Something that we may have designed in our framework before incarnating here.