~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on February 20, 2021, 07:05:58 AM

Title: Seth on the psyche, All That Is, and electrons
Post by: Sena on February 20, 2021, 07:05:58 AM
"You are unknowingly immersed in and a part of pure energy, being newly created in each moment, so that the energy of your atoms and molecules and of your physical universal system is being replenished at every conceivable moment. Your psyche is being drawn back into itself, into All That Is, and "out of itself" into your individuation, in psychological pulses of activity that have a correlation with the behavior of electrons in your world. In the dream or sleep state, when you do not meet as directly with physical activity, there is the opportunity to learn more about the psyche by a study of dreams — those events that are so like and so dissimilar to your waking experience. Take your break. (10:44 to 11:10.)

Now: All of the probable events of your life exist at once, at certain levels that are connected to the dream state. Since your activities physically must be fitted into a space-time framework, only a minimum of those probable events will physically occur. Those that do are chosen with great discrimination, dreams serving as one of the methods by which you ascertain the desirability of any given probable act. There is basically no difference at these other levels of existence between waking and dream events. Creatively, then, you organize your experience in such a fashion, with the conscious mind as you think of it also carrying its own responsibility. Those events that you do not accept as physical ones, however, also exist and join their own organizations. They do not simply fall away from your experience, but serve as focus points for events that do not concern you directly, while indirectly they form a definite psychological background. To a certain extent they become the invisible medium of experience from which your own specialized activities emerge, so that their nature is implied in your own life — and so that your life is implied in those other frameworks. To that extent the dream also serves as a drama of interweaving probabilities, a springboard from which events emerge in all directions. Each aspect of a dream, while having personal meaning, is also your version of a symbol that stands for a corresponding kind of event, but in a different level of reality entirely." (from "The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts)
