Hi All,
Seth didn't say a lot about Framework 3 and Framework 4, but when he did talk about them, what he had to say about them is really quite interesting.
For example, Seth tells us that when Jane went into her trance during the time that she came up with, "Idea Construction", she was propelled into FW4. He also tells us that the dead awaken in FW2 and then move through it into FW3 where they can be aware of their reincarnational identities and connections with time, while being apart from a concentration upon earth realities. In addition to this, he also tells us that some other may wind up in FW4 and then he tells us a little bit about this framework.
Check out what he has to say about these two frameworks below.
TPS4 Deleted Session September 19, 1977:
There is, incidentally, a Framework 3 and a Framework 4, in the terms of our discussion—but all such labels are, again, only for the sake of explanation. The realities are merged. [...]
By way of comment, and in reference to this discussion only, without taking other issues into consideration, your own parents for example operated largely in Framework 1 for their entire lives. In portions of our work and your own, you have sometimes operated in Framework 3. Ruburt's initial Idea Construction experience momentarily propelled him into Framework 4, where indeed enough energy, creativity, and power was generated to change his life beneficially, and open his mind to higher levels of understanding and knowledge.
NOME, Ch 3, S818, February 6, 1978:
[...] You do not understand or perceive the ways in which your reality contributes to the foundation of the mass-world reality that you experience. Unconsciously, each individual participates in forming that world. In my case, however, I am aware of the same kind of activities, only in regard to many realities rather than one.2
As I try to increase your capacity for understanding, and to expand the scopes of your abilities, so in other kinds of worlds I do the same thing. While our meetings take place in your time, and in the physical space of your house, say, the primary encounter must be a subjective inner one, an intersection of consciousnesses that is then physically experienced.
The encounters themselves occur in a Framework 3 environment. That framework of course, again in terms of an analogy, exists another step away from your own Framework 2.3 I do not want to get into a higher-or-lower hierarchy here, but the frameworks represent spheres of action. Our encounters initially take place, then, beyond the sphere that deals exclusively with either your physical world or the inner mental and psychic realm from which your present experience springs.
The God of Jane, Ch 13, from Seth Session 864, July 2, 1979:
In Seth's dream material for Rob earlier in the session, Seth had mentioned a Framework 3, so Rob took the opportunity to ask Seth to say more on the subject. Seth replied:
"You picked that up, I see. I told you that there was a Framework 3 and mentioned a Framework 4 some time ago. You must understand that I am making distinctions for your benefit.
"Framework 2 is connected with the creativity and vitality of your world. In your terms, the dead awaken in Framework 2 and move through it to Framework 3, where they can be aware of their reincarnational identities and connections with time, while being apart from a concentration upon earth realities. In those terms, the so-called dead dip in and out of earth probabilities by travelling through Framework 2, and into those probabilities connected with earth realities.
Some others may wind up in Framework 4, which is somewhat like Framework 2, except that it is a creative source for other kinds of realities not physically oriented at all and outside of, say, time concepts as you are used to thinking of them. In a way impossible to describe verbally, some portion of each identity also resides in Framework 4, and in all other frameworks.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18386#msg18386)
In your terms, the dead awaken in Framework 2 and move through it to Framework 3, where they can be aware of their reincarnational identities and connections with time, while being apart from a concentration upon earth realities.
jbseth, that is an interesting fact I was not aware of.
Hi Sena,
Yeah, me too. Although I have read "The God of Jane" on more than one occasion and I have this comment in my copy of this book highlighted and marked up, between it and the information I found recently in regards to FW 4 and Janes "Idea Construction" event comment that Seth made in TPS4, I hadn't really put all of this together before.
For me, this comment makes a lot of sense, given the many of the other interesting things that Seth has said about both: 1) death and dying and 2) in TES3, where Seth tells us that the mind exists in an electric reality that is independent of this physical world reality.