Hi All,
The first time that I ever came across Seth's concept of "EE units" was in reading Chapter 5 of "Seth Speaks" where he talks about "coordinate points". In the spoiler below, I've captured some of what he says in this book about these EE units.
Seth also talks about these EE units in several other of his later books but his discussion about this specific topic always seemed a little incomplete to me. I always wished that he would have given us a little more information about them.
Well, it turns out that actually he did. Seth talks about these EE units quite a bit in TES9, S504, S505 and S506. What he says about these EE units in these 3 session is quite interesting.
In the posts that follow, I'll capture some of what he said about EE units, in these early sessions.
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Hi All,
In the last part of TES9, S504, Seth begins to talk about EE units.
Apparently this discussion was something that Rob wanted to pursue and has to do with a comment that Seth had made some years before that all ESP perceptions have an electromagnetic basis.
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Hi All,
In the last part of TES9, S504, Seth says the following:
It is not that you cannot devise instruments to perceive these. Your scientists are simply asking the wrong questions, and do not think in terms of such free-wheeling structures. I bid you a good evening, then. Do you have questions?
In the TES9, S505, Seth tells us that one of the reasons why theses EE units have not been discovered is because they are so cleverly camouflaged within all structures.
Then a little further on, he also tell us that another reason why they haven't been discovered is because they combine qualities of a "unit" and a "field".
Following this, Seth has some interesting thing to say about both EE unit and "air" and EE units and a "rock".
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jbseth, thanks for the above quotes about EE units. The only thing I would like to add is the role of the physical brain in the formation of EE units:
"The invisible EE units form your physical matter and represent the essential and basic units from which any physical particle appears. (9:52.) It will not be physically perceived. You see only its results. Since consciousness can travel faster than the speed of light, then when it is not imprisoned by the slower particles of the body it can become aware of some of these other realities. Without training, however, it will not know how to interpret what it sees. The physical brain is the mechanism by which thought or emotion is automatically formed into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism." (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18699#msg18699)
The physical brain is the mechanism by which thought or emotion is automatically formed into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism."
Hi Sena, Hi All,
Thanks for that quote above. :)
This very interesting quote comes from "Seth Speaks" Chapter 20, Session 581. This is the chapter in "Seth Speaks" where Seth response to "Questions" with his "Answers". In the first part of this session, Seth is responding to a question about EE units.
After completely rereading this first part of this session, I was really thrown off by this statement, your quote above, since it doesn't seem to fit into the rest of what Seth had been talking about. In this session, he talks about EE units. He talks about how they are emanations from consciousness. He talks about how it's the intensity of the thought or emotion that determines the characteristics of the EE units. He talks about how, as certain ranges are reached, they are propelled into physical actualization and how at other ranges they aren't. He also talks about how in the creation and maintenance of our normal reality, we focus our daily waking consciousness so that it becomes effective within the ranges necessary. All of this has to do with EE units and consciousness.
Then suddenly he says, "The physical brain is the mechanism by which thought or emotion is automatically formed into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism." Following this, he tells us that the EE units are the psychic building blocks of matter.
Prior to Seth stating the quote that you mentioned above, he does appear to indicate that various parts of our consciousness would use the EE units to create and build the human body. However, he doesn't seem to indicate that the human body itself, or any part of it, would be involved in the formation of EE units.
As a result of this, I wasn't quite sure what to make of this statement by Seth. Was this really true? Did Seth really mean this? Was it a typo or perhaps a distortion? Since I wasn't really sure, I decided to look into other areas of the Seth information where he talks about similar concepts.
In TES3, S115, Seth talks about the nature of "realities". In this session he says the following:
Even within the experience of men there are realities that are entirely different from the realities of physical objects. Psychological experience is one such indisputable reality. Ideas are another, and dreams are still another. Secondary effects of such realities may appear in material form, but the original reality of such experiences cannot be captured within physical matter.
In this book, Seth talks about these realities in a way that is similar to how the human body might be discussed in a book on physiology. There's the skeletal system, the muscular system, the digestive system, the brain and nerve system, and the heart and blood system. While all of these systems can be studied by just the components that make them up, they are also all a part of the complete human body.
In as similar manner, all of these realities can be looked at and viewed individually, they also all make up some part, of what we are.
In TES3, S122, Seth talks about the "electric" reality and in this and some following sessions, he has a lot to say about this electric reality. He tells us that while the mind does not exist physically, it does exist in the electric reality. He also says that both thoughts and emotions exist in this electric reality. He tells us that our human body also exists in this electric reality but that if we were to see it, we wouldn't recognize it for what it was. He says that it does have a type of mass, but no weight. He says that its characteristic are not in shapes but rather in varying intensities of electric force. He tells us that matter has little effect within the electrical system, but the effects of the electric system upon physical matter are great.
He also says the following in this session:
The mind, which is not physically represented in the material body, does exist electrically. The brain, which exists physically, is a part of the mind in the electric structure.
Then, in TES3, S123, where Seth has more to say about the "electric" reality, he also says this:
[...] The mind, as separate from the brain, the mind exists purely and simply in the electric system or field, and does not project itself directly into the physical field although its effects appear within it.
Each thought or emotion exists then as electric action within the mind.
The action is transformed and translated, and is sent to the brain where its effects directly are felt, and the brain then initiates reactions. Thoughts and emotions then, being independent however, are not bounded by or held within the physical body.
Given all of this then, here's what I think that Seth was actually saying in your quote above.
Thoughts and emotions exists as electric "actions" within the mind. These actions are transformed and translated by the mind and then sent to the brain where their effects are felt directly. In response to this, the brain then initiates reactions which automatically form these actions into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism."
Thus, I do think that his comment, your quote above, in Seth Speaks, Chapter 20, Session 581 is valid.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18705#msg18705)
Prior to Seth stating the quote that you mentioned above, he does appear to indicate that various parts of our consciousness would use the EE units to create and build the human body. However, he doesn't seem to indicate that the human body itself, or any part of it, would be involved in the formation of EE units.
jbseth, yes, I can see the problem. Seth says that ALL physical reality is produced by EE units. Then he makes an apparently contradictory statement - "The physical brain is the mechanism by which thought or emotion is automatically formed into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism." The emphasis on thought or emotion as the source of EE units is correct, but what is puzzling is the involvement of the physical brain. I'll have to think about that.
There is quite a lot in "Nature of the Psyche" about the brain. For instance:
The brain is primarily an event-forming psycho-mechanism through which consciousness operates. Its propensity for event-forming is obvious even in young children. By obvious, I mean active, when fantasies occur involving activities far beyond the physical abilities as they are thus far developed." (from "The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts, Chapter 10, Session 793)
What Seth says about young children brings to mind some memories from the age of 6 or 7.
Hi Sena, Hi All,
In SS, Ch 20, S581, Seth says the following:
The physical brain is the mechanism by which thought or emotion is automatically formed into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism.
The problem that I have with this statement is that it seems to imply that it's the brain that creates the EE units. In other places, including this specific session itself, Seth seems to be telling us that it's "consciousness" itself, and not the brain or any physical object that creates these EE units.
However, this statement seems to be somewhat ambiguous. It's also possible that what Seth was really trying to say here is that it is the brain that selects the EE units "of the proper range and intensity" to be used by the physical organism.
That statement would be consistent with what Seth says in TES3, S123, where he says:
"Each thought or emotion exists then as electric action within the mind. The action is transformed and translated, and is sent to the brain where its effects directly are felt, and the brain then initiates reactions."
It seems to me that what Seth may be saying here in both S123 and S581 is this.
Both thoughts and emotion exist as electric action within the mind. This action is transformed and translated. The mind (consciousness) transforms and translates this action into EE units. Then it is sent to the brain where its effects directly are felt and as a result of this, the brain then initiates reactions. Next, in terms of the brains reactions it chooses or selects those EE units "of the proper range and intensity", so that they can be used by the physical organism, in the creation of physical objects and events.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18707#msg18707)
However, this statement seems to be somewhat ambiguous. It's also possible that what Seth was really trying to say here is that it is the brain that selects the EE units "of the proper range and intensity" to be used by the physical organism.
This is how I would have read it. But I can see how it could be taken either way.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18707#msg18707)
The problem that I have with this statement is that it seems to imply that it's the brain that creates the EE units. In other places, including this specific session itself, Seth seems to be telling us that it's "consciousness" itself, and not the brain or any physical object that creates these EE units.
However, this statement seems to be somewhat ambiguous. It's also possible that what Seth was really trying to say here is that it is the brain that selects the EE units "of the proper range and intensity" to be used by the physical organism.
I was going to start a new topic but now I found this one. Here's another source to add to the mix:
—DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979
(Long pause at 9:23.) "In the deepest terms, again, your physical world is beginning at each point at which these units of consciousness assert themselves to form physical reality. Otherwise, life would not be "handed down" through the generations. Each unit of consciousness (or CU) intensifies, magnifies its own intent to be—and, you might say, works up from within itself an explosive spark of primal desire that "explodes" into a process that causes physical materialization. It turns into what I have called [an] EE unit, in which case it is embarked upon its own kind of physical experience."
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(9:48.) "Units of consciousness (CU's), transforming themselves into EE units, formed the environment and all of its inhabitants in the same process, in what you might call a circular manner rather than a serial one..."
The brain is made of these same units, like all other matter. So, if all EE units are transformed CU's, this implies to me that we can say "all matter is conscious" from this alone. Unless, that is, a CU loses consciousness when it becomes an EE unit. Which just seems wrong.
Here's my (current) take on it... we divide the world into subject and object, resulting in our subjective experience of an objective world. So far, so good. The CU's turn into EE units, and as Seth has told us, "formed the environment and all of its inhabitants." This sounds like a third-person, objective treatment of these inhabitants.
In contrast, the CU's are the building blocks of a first-person conscious subject. The CU's correspond to the subject's awareness of itself and that external environment.
This suggests that somewhere along the way, EE units must give rise to the camouflage reality itself. It also implies that there are CU's that do not transform, and these CU's correspond to the subject's awareness. There must be some distinction between the stuff of objective matter and the subjective world of consciousness. Mustn't there? Even though we know it's all "One" ultimately. :)
For instance, Seth states somewhere that dream images are composed of particles, and that these are invisible to our outer senses (but see my next reply). But to the inner senses, such as in dreams, they are quite visible. I hope to find a reference for this (I just read it recently).
I have no idea if this is correct, so since there seems to be some ambiguity about Seth's statements, it's a chance to revive this topic.
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18696#msg18696)
It is not that you cannot devise instruments to perceive these. Your scientists are simply asking the wrong questions, and do not think in terms of such free-wheeling structures.
Well, I need to add to my statement about outer senses, that Seth says it's not impossible to perceive these through instruments.
Quote from: KylePierce (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19319#msg19319)
(9:48.) "Units of consciousness (CU's), transforming themselves into EE units, formed the environment and all of its inhabitants in the same process, in what you might call a circular manner rather than a serial one..."
"It is of the utmost and supreme importance, of course, that these CU's are literally indestructible."
—UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974
It makes more sense if CU's don't just get replaced by EE units, since CU's are never destroyed. In effect, it's like Seth said, that EE units are emanated by CU's. Elsewhere he also said that EE units are quite transitory.