I've noticed for many years that some of my dreams take place in large public settings. Like huge campuses where large groups gather for whatever events are going on there (about which I have no clue). In the dreams, I'm always alone even though I'm surrounded by lots of people. They don't seem all that real, come to think of it. Until recently I had thought of these as work dreams since I do have obvious work dreams sometimes and I used to go to annual conferences for my work.
It may have been something I read in Seth land, but the idea of educational institutions in the afterlife came to me recently. Now I really wonder if those mega-conference dreams are visions of something like that. These have become probably my most common dreams, although my dream discipline is minimal and I don't often record a dream description.
Do others have dreams that you might interpret as afterlife scenarios? Or do you know if and where Seth discusses this?
I don't usually remember my dreams, but the ones that I do remember tend to reflect whatever is going on in my life. When I worked in restaurants, I had dreams about restaurants. When I was in college, I had a lot of dreams about attending classes. I have dreams about my chosen profession now and I've even had a few where I've woken up with an answer to a problem that I went to bed with.
Persistent dreams for me:
- I'm a waiter and I'm waiting on tables. But I can't get orders straight. I feel like I'm walking through mud and I deliver incorrect drinks to tables. I can't work the register to put in guest tickets.
- I'm a college student. I have a test but it turns out that I haven't gone to class all semester and am not ready for the test. I try to drop the class but I am too late for the drop period.
I haven't been a college student, except for a couple of classes I took last year to finish a pending degree, since the early 90s. I still have dreams like that. Same with the waiting tables dreams. I haven't worked in a restaurant since 1991. I still have dreams about waiting tables every so often.
I do have one dream that I remember that might be closer to what could be considered an end of life dream. In the dream, the world was ending. I can't remember why, but we have minutes left. Everyone in the room that I was hiding in died. The death was kind of like walking through a wall and on the other side of it, we were all still alive and fully aware of what was going on. I had this dream five or six years ago and I still remember it.
Quote from: KylePierce (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=18880#msg18880)
It may have been something I read in Seth land, but the idea of educational institutions in the afterlife came to me recently.
Kyle, I have occasionally had dreams in which I was back at College. Until you mentioned the possibility, I did not associate this with the afterlife, but you may well be correct. My Inner Self telling me that I have a lot to learn!!
I don't recall having a classroom dream, but once I had a dream where I was in a large round auditorium. No seats, many of us were standing around and looking up at huge movie screens on the walls. Each one of us had our own viewing area, and my sense was more that it was a life review. So I guess that could be an afterlife/nonphysical type scenario.
Ron Card on Facebook swears that he attends Seth University every night and reports what he's learned from (We Are) Seth. :)
Seth said a few times that he would communicate with some of the esp class members or Jane in their dream state, often on a one-on-one basis, but I can't find a specific quote at the moment. There's some mention of dream classes in TES4, here's a short quote.
"Our regular students have been experiencing an extra bonus. You are beginning your own dream classes as you know. Some of you already know the evenings in which will you will and the area in which you will be involved. As you learn to live spontaneously on a physical level, so automatically you will be able to build up [dream classes]... You are all multidimensional realities. You are learning to use your own consciousness to become conscious co-creators of your own reality. And some of you... after [physical] class will be involved in some adventures that I hope you will remember!"
—TECS4 ESP Class Session, August 31, 1971
Did you read Conversations with Seth? Sue Watkins writes, in chapter 14, Togetherness in Space, about the class members having what she called "class dreams," which began almost as soon as the classes began. "...sets of remarkable coincidences in which we dreamed about one another in class settings, usually with Jane or Jane-as-Seth at it's head." She mentions that quote above from TECS4, and describes other class members' experiences with class dreams and connections. Some were in sessions with Jane channeling Seth.
If you don't have the book, I may be able to get my hands on an electronic version of that chapter.