This is a Seth quote on karma:
"Nor does karma say anything about an eye for an eye, nor is there in karma any suggestion of punishment. Karma is merely in the physical plane, the result of personal development, and represents the maturing realization that we are all psychically and physically part of All There Is, and that when we wound, it is not another that we wound but ourselves. We do not have to bear such scars forever. There is a time when we must subconsciously forget where we have trespassed." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)
The Richard Grossinger book, "Bottoming Out the Universe: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing" quotes from another book "Angel of Auschwitz: A Spiritual Memoir of Forgiveness and Healing" by Tarra Light. In the latter book, Tarra Light recalls a past life as Natasza Pelinski. (Please note that the movie The Angel of Auschwitz is NOT based on this book). Natasza Pelinski, at the age of fourteen becomes a prisoner in Auschwitz.
Natasza is contacted by a spirit guide named Boris. When the she asked Boris for an explanation of the death camps, wondering why, if a soul has a choice, it would select such a life and fate, he told her, "Before a soul incarnates on Earth, it makes many choices about the nature and circumstances of its new life. . . . The soul has karma, debts to pay off before it can be free. . . . It. . . . chooses the lesson to be learned that can resolve the karma. . . . Decades ago, a clarion call was sounded in the heavens. Millions of souls heard and answered the call. They lined up at the Karmic Gates, volunteering for this mission. They said, 'We will sacrifice our lives so the world will choose a higher way to live.'"
Does this fit with Seth's interpretation of karma? I think it does.
The Amazon page for the Angel of Auschwitz book says of the author,
"Author Tarra Light was raised in an East Coast Jewish family but had little knowledge of the Holocaust while growing up. During past-life regression therapy in 1996, she began to access a previous life as an inmate at Auschwitz. Her newly unlocked memories form the basis of this eloquent testimony to the power of the spirit in the most dire circumstances."
Seth's quote on karma sits well with me, "it is not another we wound but ourselves" is a great message as opposed to believing that karma is automatic divine retribution. Also from the perspective of simultaneous time, he's said there is no cause and effect (karma's kinder cousin). That's harder for me to comprehend since I see cause and effect every day.
While the quote from the book fits in with Seth saying that we choose our life circumstances before we incarnate and are here to learn specific things and set up situations to do so, the part about the soul having karmic debts to pay off before it can be free does not. That feels too much like original sin to me. Unless lessons and debts can be thought of as similar. Seth did say that we are bound to return until reincarnational cycle is complete. I can also see personalities choosing to incarnate into a mass event like the Holocaust with the intention of dying for the greater good, they would have had to. The Holocaust certainly was a big lesson for the world, hopefully it will continue to be so.
Thanks for sharing this Sena.
Quote from: Deb (
The Holocaust certainly was a big lesson for the world, hopefully it will continue to be so.
For some, it's a lesson in "I can ignore a horror show and pretend that it didn't happen." Holocaust deniers are among the lowest of the low, IMO.
Quote from: usmaak (
Quote from: Deb (
The Holocaust certainly was a big lesson for the world, hopefully it will continue to be so.
For some, it's a lesson in "I can ignore a horror show and pretend that it didn't happen." Holocaust deniers are among the lowest of the low, IMO.
Yep, I hear ya. I don't understand people that think that way, but then there's a whole group of people that insist Earth is flat. It's like they are living in another reality altogether. Thankfully, they are the minority.
Quote from: Deb (
While the quote from the book fits in with Seth saying that we choose our life circumstances before we incarnate and are here to learn specific things and set up situations to do so, the part about the soul having karmic debits to pay off before it can be free does not. That feels too much like original sin to me. Unless lessons and debts can be thought of as similar. Seth did say that we are bound to return until reincarnational cycle is complete.
Deb, yes, I can see that the idea of "karmic debt" is not clearly stated by Seth. I certainly don't agree with original sin, but I am fairly comfortable with the idea of karmic debt. How I see it is that the Universe or All That Is has given me certain skills or assets. If I don't make good use of those skills and assets, I may have to come back in another incarnation.
The following Seth quote may be relevant:
"If you realize that you create your physical reality through your own thoughts and desires, then you have learned the most important aspects of reality. This is what you have been setting out to do in your other lives, in your past existences.
The realization of these truths nullifies any so-called debts from other lives. When you realize this and act upon it, there is no reason for you to come back here again unless you want to. Any of your difficulties in past lives were caused because you did not realize these basic truths. Your reincarnational pasts can help you if you know of them—only if they make these truths evident to you, only if you learn from them. Otherwise, they exist within you subconsciously and unconsciously in any case."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970
Hi All,
Hi Sena,
Thank you for this quote!
Quote from: Sena (
"If you realize that you create your physical reality through your own thoughts and desires, then you have learned the most important aspects of reality. This is what you have been setting out to do in your other lives, in your past existences. The realization of these truths nullifies any so-called debts from other lives. When you realize this and act upon it, there is no reason for you to come back here again unless you want to. Any of your difficulties in past lives were caused because you did not realize these basic truths. Your reincarnational pasts can help you if you know of them—only if they make these truths evident to you, only if you learn from them. Otherwise, they exist within you subconsciously and unconsciously in any case."
—TECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970
Quote from: Seth (
The realization of these truths nullifies any so-called debts from other lives. When you realize this and act upon it, there is no reason for you to come back here again unless you want to.
Well that quote certainly changes things, thanks Sena! It seems Jane and Rob had trouble with the idea of karmic debt too. ;D
"And we object to the notion that "nature," in those terms of linear time, has so arranged things that the individual has to pay a karmic debt in one life as the result of actions in a previous one. Why should nature punish any
one if it doesn't punish any
thing? The realities of nirvana and karma are not ones that Jane and I want to create."
—UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts
If you believe you must sacrifice yourself to others then you distort the truth within you. For there is no sacrifice involved but the fulfillment of your being, that brings out in each of the people that you know, the fulfillment of their being.
cd 31 track 8
I do not believe in karma. I believe "What is coming at you is coming from within you."
If you believe others should be punished for whatever reason, then you yourself will be punished in whatever way you deem fit. IF you believe there are punishers and executioners then you believe in victim and perpetrator.
If you believe in karma you have not forgiven yourself or others for whatever enslavement you hold in your mind and heart.
When Seth says, "you create your reality and the understanding of this sets you free: The realization of these truths nullifies any so-called debts from other lives."... to me what I understand fits perfectly with that now.
There isnt a thing like the wake up call lol not to me.
I had an experience that forever changed me. I got a good dose of what it takes to be a god. What is takes to be free. What it takes to free myself from the prison of my mind.
The word "YOUR" includes OUR.