~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Books/Articles by Other Authors => Topic started by: Sena on May 25, 2021, 03:42:06 AM

Title: Another book referring to Seth!
Post by: Sena on May 25, 2021, 03:42:06 AM
The book is "The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil" by David Wilcock. This book goes way beyond Seth, and many would regard it as fantasy, but there is a reference to Seth and Jane Roberts:

"My mother began teaching piano students at the Yamaha School of Music, and I remember
her taking me there when I was very young. I reached out and touched a thick black pipe on the
wall there and was badly burned. Scalding-hot water was rushing through the pipe, and Mom had to
cancel the class and take me home. This was one of my first experiences that taught me that I was
fragile, I could easily be injured, and sometimes seemingly innocent-looking things could be very
dangerous. Shortly after this injury, Mom began reading a book called The Nature of Personal
Reality. She explained that a woman named Jane Roberts had learned how to talk to an advanced,
ghostlike being named Seth, using nothing but the power of her own mind. She was able to speak
the words that Seth wanted her to say, and her husband, Robert, wrote them down. The entire book
was allegedly written by Seth. The main message it conveyed could be summarized in a single
sentence: You create your own reality. My mother was very excited about this, as it was causing her
to have a powerful awakening and see her life in a completely new way.

If anyone is interested I have an epub of the book and if you would like a copy, P.M. me.
Title: Re: Another book referring to Seth!
Post by: Deb on May 25, 2021, 04:28:37 PM
Very cool, thanks. Nice to know a lot more people have written about Jane and Seth books than we realize. At some point I'm going to track down papers written about them and put them all in one place here. I've found a few dissertations, and papers such as the Paul Cunningham one, and Paul Helfrich, a few others, saved on my computer.
Title: Re: Another book referring to Seth!
Post by: DylansDad on June 28, 2021, 07:13:18 PM
In my humble opinion, you need to use extreme caution with anything David Wilcock has written. He tends to pull things out of the air and align himself with movements that really view him with a jaundiced eye. For example, David Wilcock, in ONE PHOTO, looks like Edgar Cayce, the spiritual trance medium in the 40's, in ONE PHOTO.  David even went to the Edgar Cayce organization in Virginia Beach, Virginia and claimed to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, who died in 1945.  His proof was that he looked like Edgar Cayce in a photo.  Edgar Cayce's descendants actually met with him but found his "proof" absurd.  So David is no longer the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Then David aligned himself with the RA LAW OF ONE channelings. Yes, he did know the original channelers and even lived with them for a short while. But then after their death he took their readings and distorted them for his own purposes. You do not take channeled information and just change it for your own agenda!  Then David promoted some guy Corey Goode who claims that we have Star Trek technology in space and have a space force that moves from galaxy to galaxy. David had a show on GAIA TV where he promoted this guy. It became absurd yet again. Now perhaps David is trying SETH?
Title: Re: Another book referring to Seth!
Post by: Deb on June 28, 2021, 10:04:52 PM
Quote from: DylansDad (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19423#msg19423)
In my humble opinion, you need to use extreme caution with anything David Wilcock has written.

Well thanks for the additional information. Personally, I'd not heard of him before. There are so many people out there these days that profess to be psychics and channelers etc. I'm always willing to take a look at their stuff to see if it makes any sense to me, I don't want to go through life with my head down or blinders. But I have to admit the older I get, the stronger my BS meter becomes. Wilcock sounds, from your accountings, like quite the character and maybe trying to "work the crowd."  ;D

Title: Re: Another book referring to Seth!
Post by: Sena on June 29, 2021, 02:30:13 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19430#msg19430)
Wilcock sounds, from your accountings, like quite the character and maybe trying to "work the crowd." 
Deb, I think the 5% rule needs to be applied to Wilcock as well. I can accept 5% of what is in his books.

"Synchronicity is fickle. It doesn't always work. It's not there to pleasure your ego on demand. Once you become aware of the possibilities that exist and have had your first taste, you can beg, cry, long for it, and beseech the great forces of the universe to give you another chance—but synchronicity makes its own rules. Time is irrelevant. The next event could be ten years or ten minutes away. I had very few experiences of synchronicity until after I completely stopped using any and all mind-​altering chemicals—including caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol—and started cleaning up my diet. I also came to learn that the greater meaning of a synchronicity may not always be apparent when it first happens." (from "The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You" by David Wilcock)


"Synchronicity often emerges from the depths of despair as a hidden connection between seemingly unrelated events. We all have to go through what people in twelve-​step support groups would call "the bottom" at various times. Psychoanalysts who follow the work of Dr. Carl Jung call it the "dark night of the soul." When we go through this experience, it seems like it's the end of the world, but we can learn to see it as only one part of a much greater series of events in our own evolution. This experience also happens on a collective, planetary level as we go through the great, repeating cycles of wars, disasters, and epic changes. Seemingly random thoughts, decisions, and actions, throughout history, are actually following a hidden script." (from "The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You" by David Wilcock)

These statements do resonate with my personal experience.