~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Other Speakers/Teachers => Topic started by: Sena on June 27, 2021, 07:25:18 AM

Title: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Sena on June 27, 2021, 07:25:18 AM
I wonder how significant is Monroe's description of the "Gathering":

Quote"Hi, my name is Bruce and I'm here on a tour with a group from earth. We're here to learn about the Gathering. Is that where I am?"

I could feel the little Jell-O ball in front of me working up the courage to begin speaking. When it did, I almost burst out laughing at the sound of its voice. It was a fast, very high pitched, squeaky voice, higher and faster then the Walt Disney's Chip and Dale, cartoon chipmunk voices, but with a similar sound. It spoke in repetitive, fast past sentences.

"Yes, this is the Gathering, you're in the right place, this is where many are gathered to observe the earth school. Sorry it took so long to get started, not used to acting as a separate individual, apart from the main body, took a while to separate this form from the whole to be able to communicate with you, can you understand my communication?"

Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Deb on June 27, 2021, 09:24:43 AM
Boy, that's a weird one. While I'm a Monroe fan and had a couple of his books, the first one was the easiest to follow. He was really way out there, had some bizarre experiences such as this one, with the talking Jello ball. But he never took drugs (I checked), and he seemed normal otherwise. You may remember Tom Campbell was his research assistant, and that Bob and possibly Tom consulted with Jane/Seth. Bob recorded the sessions and had planned to transcribe them and provide a copy to Jane and Rob, but did not. Some think it's because Jane helped Bob design a piece of equipment, and he wanted to keep that to himself.

I have a lot of his hemi-sync recordings, and even part one of the Gateway experience, which didn't do a thing for me. For years I've wanted to go out to TMI for a week-long Gateway experience and still hope to do it some day. If I end up moving to Florida later this summer, I'll be within easy driving distance.

As far as The Gathering being significant, if it's real I'd say very. Great, not only are we an elementary school, but that would mean we're also being watched and making a spectacle of ourselves. :o Really, a lot of Monroe's experiences were so outlandish that I have a hard time processing them.

In the article that you linked, the crystal at TMI is mentioned. Long story short, I won an all expenses paid trip out to Swoop, Virginia in 2014 and while there and with some time on my hands, I realized that TMI was also in Virginia, about an hour's drive away. So I drove out to see the place, explored the buildings a little, bought some more hemi-sync CDs. The crystal is enormous, weighs 23 tons and is at least 7 feet tall. I think he had it shipped from South America, but don't quote me on that. I'm attaching some phone photos I took on the trip.

From FB: "This crystal is behind Bob Monroe's home on Roberts Mountain. One of the world's largest Single quartz crystal at 23 tons Guinness book of world records per Rick Ralston. Bob's home is on an energy vortex at the top of Robert's Mountain (Why do you think he located it there)."

Here's a bit of information regarding the machine that Jane/Seth helped Bob with:

From a Mary Dillman email: "Laurel called me yesterday and mentioned someone told her that Bob Monroe had a dream machine that he used - and she thought that Jane had drawn it for him. This sounds a bit odd to me - does the Monroe Institute use a machine - or did it in the past?"

Response: "Hi Mary As far as I know (from Laurie Monroe ) Bob Monroe visited Jane & Rob and Seth helped Bob draw some sort of machine for his lab. However it was not for dreaming it was for the connections to there Inner Self. With many improvements it is still in the lab today. Been in it myself . Hope this helps."

Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Sena on June 27, 2021, 10:32:09 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19410#msg19410)
In the article that you linked, the crystal at TMI is mentioned. Long story short, I won an all expenses paid trip out to Swoop, Virginia in 2014 and while there and with some time on my hands, I realized that TMI was also in Virginia, about an hour's drive away. So I drove out to see the place, explored the buildings a little, bought some more hemi-sync CDs. The crystal is enormous, weighs 23 tons and is at least 7 feet tall. I think he had it shipped from South America, but don't quote me on that. I'm attaching some phone photos I took on the trip.
Deb, thanks for sharing your interesting experience.
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: dougdi on June 27, 2021, 12:04:55 PM
Finally, I have an idea of what Bob and Jane discussed!

I'm very lucky to have met him during a Gateway Voyage week in 1994. Before I left he told me to call him, he had some kind of idea to discuss with me involving my audio background. I tried but was never let through to him! He died a year later, less than a month before my return visit unfortunately, and I know I heard him reply to me when I had spoken to my self in my car, sounded as if he was sitting next to me.

He was a brilliant man who discovered a lot through years of research. We were told a few amazing things about some of the experiments, and contacting other beings as well as those who've left the physical. There was much talk of the coming earth/climate changes and also that there was a growing collection of extraterrestrial "watchers", who were hovering around us and, well, watching because of their curiosity in what's going to happen. I don't recall there was an intent to be of service as in Law of One, at the time the whole idea was a bit out there. Now I'm not quite sure  :-\
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Deb on June 27, 2021, 06:04:06 PM
Monroe's experiences seemed over the top to me, hard for me to relate since I'm so dense.

What were your impressions of him, beyond what you wrote... as far as his believe-ability?

Also, I can't remember if you told us about your personal experience at TMI, such as did it help you achieve an OBE experience?

The "watchers" could explain our experiences with UFOs... sometimes seen, but no interaction or interference. Yikes, I'm not good with the idea that we are nothing more than paramecium under a microscope.
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: dougdi on June 27, 2021, 07:45:27 PM
He seemed very together and believable, I was also impressed by Joe McMoneagle who seemed real straight arrow. Bob was down to earth even when being mobbed at breakfast, very graciously signed copies of his final  book for each in the class. To me he was a scientist/inventor interested in reality and approaching his research methodically.

I only had a quick obe as a child, but not since. My original intent with TMI was obe achievement but I realized there are an infinite variety of consciousness states and I should go with the flow so to speak. When I returned home I used the Focus 10 - 15 states for meditation, very useful places to be. The whole experience was wonderful, great people, not new age-y or spiritual. They don't tell you what to expect, some people have some intense experiences, some leave their body, some fall asleep.

I still don't know what to believe with UFOs but I'm open. Monroe told us he had once seen a group of them off the California coast yet other people nearby could not.
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Sena on June 28, 2021, 02:57:31 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19410#msg19410)
From FB: "This crystal is behind Bob Monroe's home on Roberts Mountain. One of the world's largest Single quartz crystal at 23 tons Guinness book of world records per Rick Ralston. Bob's home is on an energy vortex at the top of Robert's Mountain (Why do you think he located it there)."
Deb, I found more information on the Gathering, and there seems to be a connection to the "core crystal of our planet":

QuoteWe started moving backwards and the planet quickly became a pin point of light in the distance and then disappeared. My impression was that we came back along the same route we'd taken to get to the little guy's home world. We flew backwards the entire time, again at a speed beyond the meaning of the word. Along with the sensation of moving backwards, I could feel the bumps each time the Tube changed direction. Visually, I could see star fields that were stable images for a few milliseconds, and then with each bump I could see a different field with stars in different positions. When we came to a stop, we were back where we'd started, floating next to the giant puffball shape. My impression was that the entire trip took two, maybe two and a half seconds at the outside. I know in physical world terms such a trip, traveling millions of light years in seconds, is impossible. I also know I experienced it. It was very long trip, we moved very fast, and we did not travel in a straight line. I floated quietly for five or six seconds, reviewing images of our trip and trying to restabilize my thinking. The trip left me with a feeling of mental shock like being hit with a baseball bat in the psyche.

"You okay?" the little guy squeaked, with a feeling of concern carried on his voice.

"Yeah, that trip seems to have jumbled me a little, but it feels like I'm coming back around. Yeah, I'm okay, no harm done." I still needed a few seconds before my head cleared and I remembered where I was and what I was supposed to be doing.

"You said earlier you're here to observe the Big Event, can you tell me what it is?"

"Sure, the core crystal of your planet is moving into alignment with a very distant object. It's an alignment at an intergalactic level," the little guy said, flatly.

"What's the object the core crystal is aligning with?" I asked, curious.

"The Big Guy, head honcho, mister big, the main man, center of the universe, the beginning, the grandfather of all grandfathers, get it?" he replied.


The "Big Guy" might be All That Is?

The following is from Monroe's book "Far Journeys":

Quote(It is what we call the gathering. These have manifested from other nearby energy systems only to witness the big show, as you call it, just as those within the physical spacecraft and your final-process humans. This big show which is about to occur is actually a very rare event—the conflux of several different and intense energy fields arriving at the same point in your time-space. It is this rarity that has attracted so much attention. In terms that you can perceive, it may occur once every eighty-seven million of your earth years.)

Very long odds, and a long time to wait.

(This does not warrant that it will be produced at that frequency. There are random elements and variables in the format which cannot be predicted.)

So random that the event might not take place, perhaps. There would be a lot of disappointed ...

(It is long past such point. It will occur. The interest lies in the result. It is best symbolized to you as a convergence of a great number of possibilities which emerge as several probabilities and few possibilities. One of such probabilities may alter not only your time-space but all adjoining energy systems as well. Therefore the wide interest. In human terms, still symbolized, the gathering is here to observe the possible birth of a new energy. Will it survive the birth process, and if so, what are the potentials inherent in such energy that will predict accurately the same at maturity? Or will the energy arrive stillborn, and all the possibilities remain no more than that—weak uncoordinated possibilities?)

Did Monroe use the term "probablilities" in the Sethian sense?
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Deb on June 28, 2021, 11:09:36 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19419#msg19419)
The "Big Guy" might be All That Is?

"The Big Guy, head honcho, mister big, the main man, center of the universe, the beginning, the grandfather of all grandfathers, get it?" he replied.

Yep, sounds like ATI to me. Also, there were some things that stood out to me in Part 2 and 3 that remind me of the Seth materials. Such as the "beings" Monroe communicated with appeared to be collections of personalities, as an entity would be, but yet they are in our physical universe, which is why time and space are treated as real.

"We in the earth school perceive ourselves to be individuals, separate from the rest of our group," I responded. "Most people here operate as if their thoughts can be held in complete privacy. I don't personally believe that myth myself, but that's what most earth people believe and live by."

Earth is constantly referred to as Earth as "earth school" by Monroe.

The Big Event sounds like the shift others talk about, a raising of our vibration, and that also reminded me of the return of Saul/Paul, maybe because of the timing (I skipped around a bit with these quotes.)

"Sure, the core crystal of your planet is moving into alignment with a very distant object. It's an alignment at an intergalactic level," the little guy said, flatly.

"How soon before this Big Event takes place?" I asked.

"It has already begun. Complete alignment will occur very soon," the little blob replied.

"What happens at complete alignment?" I asked.

"Then something grabbed my attention, to say it was a vibration doesn't really describe it, but that's as close as I can get. I began to feel a definite sense of acceleration within the vibration. It kept moving faster and faster carrying a feeling of hyper alertness into my awareness. Then the feeling faded.

"Well, I felt something. And it had a definite sense of acceleration of something, but that's all I got," I responded.

And the beings called themselves a Federation... and that we'd be joining them after the shift:

"As a network of Aliens, or Other Home Worlders if you prefer. We each have our own home world in the physical universe. Each home world has sent a contingent here to observe the earth changes as you call them. We are located here where you've found us, in relatively close proximity to the earth. But we are just a small group of astronauts here on a mission from our home world. It's our understanding that one of the potential results of the earth changes, as you call them, is that earth will be joining our federation."

Monroe's books are just so strange to me.

Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19419#msg19419)
Did Monroe use the term "probablilities" in the Sethian sense?

I think so, that's what I got from it. Monroe apparently was a Seth reader, otherwise I don't think he'd know about Jane. 

Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Deb on June 28, 2021, 11:11:42 AM
Quote from: dougdi (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19418#msg19418)
I still don't know what to believe with UFOs but I'm open. Monroe told us he had once seen a group of them off the California coast yet other people nearby could not.

Maybe because they didn't believe in them.  ;D
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Sena on June 28, 2021, 11:53:19 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19420#msg19420)
"Sure, the core crystal of your planet is moving into alignment with a very distant object. It's an alignment at an intergalactic level," the little guy said, flatly.

"How soon before this Big Event takes place?" I asked.

"It has already begun. Complete alignment will occur very soon," the little blob replied.

Deb, I think this is significant, although we can only guess at the exact meaning.
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: strangerthings on September 30, 2021, 05:43:49 AM
Quote from: Deb on June 27, 2021, 09:24:43 AMSome think it's because Jane helped Bob design a piece of equipment, and he wanted to keep that to himself.
Quote from: Deb on June 27, 2021, 09:24:43 AMFrom a Mary Dillman email: "Laurel called me yesterday and mentioned someone told her that Bob Monroe had a dream machine that he used - and she thought that Jane had drawn it for him. This sounds a bit odd to me - does the Monroe Institute use a machine - or did it in the past?"

Response: "Hi Mary As far as I know (from Laurie Monroe ) Bob Monroe visited Jane & Rob and Seth helped Bob draw some sort of machine for his lab. However it was not for dreaming it was for the connections to there Inner Self. With many improvements it is still in the lab today. Been in it myself . Hope this helps."

Wow! This is news to me.
Would be interesting to know more about it.
Would be interesting to sit in it too!
Hey Robert Monroe INstitute, What say you?


I have the hemi sync too. Loads of them.
Mentor turned me on to them.

I had the trickiest of times trying to remember the saying you memorize LOL

Quote from: Deb on June 28, 2021, 11:09:36 AMEarth is constantly referred to as Earth as "earth school" by Monroe.

Its a great term. Its what I call it too.

@Deb (oh no drop down for mentions.... lol anyway..... You could check out Dolores Cannon.... it might be helpful in regards to others watching.

Seth says in a CD that there are others who watch us and make sure we have enough blocks to play with. That they do not judge etc... that is not something they do but they are watching. If you want cd number let me know I also have transcript. I will need to collect it from my files.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: strangerthings on September 30, 2021, 05:47:08 AM
Quote from: dougdi on June 27, 2021, 12:04:55 PMFinally, I have an idea of what Bob and Jane discussed!

I'm very lucky to have met him during a Gateway Voyage week in 1994. Before I left he told me to call him, he had some kind of idea to discuss with me involving my audio background. I tried but was never let through to him! He died a year later, less than a month before my return visit unfortunately, and I know I heard him reply to me when I had spoken to my self in my car, sounded as if he was sitting next to me.

He was a brilliant man who discovered a lot through years of research. We were told a few amazing things about some of the experiments, and contacting other beings as well as those who've left the physical. There was much talk of the coming earth/climate changes and also that there was a growing collection of extraterrestrial "watchers", who were hovering around us and, well, watching because of their curiosity in what's going to happen. I don't recall there was an intent to be of service as in Law of One, at the time the whole idea was a bit out there. Now I'm not quite sure  :-\

I think yall would really enjoy Delores Cannon. She is no longer with our Earth School but she is so cool.

Check out Convoluted Universe video. Project Camelot has her transcript too.
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Deb on February 09, 2022, 07:12:16 PM
Thanks to member @Mark M for sharing his blog post about the US Army and their study of Monroe's Gateway Program (https://markmgiese.blogspot.com/2021/04/page-25-of-cias-gateway-report.html) "Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process" from June 1983.  It seems some US Army personnel were "required to take the Gateway training or work with Gateway materials."

There's a cover letter and a 28 page report. You can either download the 30 page PDF (https://www.dropbox.com/s/jfgxk2ei0osue02/GatewayRpt.pdf?dl=0) (full document scan, so a larger 7.7 MB file), or there's a wiki page (https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Analysis_and_Assessment_of_Gateway_Process) that has the report scanned to text (can be downloaded as a smaller file, 1 MB) but it's missing page 25—Mark's blog post explains what that was about.

I read most of the PDF, skimmed the rest because towards the end it was TMI (too much information) for me to process, but I found it very interesting and informative. The cover letter explains how the author, Wayne McDonnell, was asked to provide an assessment of the Gateway Experience and explain how it works in scientific terms. Imagine the task of explaining how human consciousness functions. He did a great job, BTW. You'll need to take a look at it yourself, but he touches on brain wave frequency, Hemi-Sync, achieving resonance with the Earth's energy field, time-space, holograms, consciousness and energy, OBEs, travel into the past and future, and a whole lot more. Some charts as well.

Here's a quote from page 4:

"Fundamentally, the Gateway Experience is a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside of the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers." [My bolding.]

I had no idea the US Army was using Monroe's facility and methods.

@dougdi did you know about this? I hope some day you share your TMI experience with us!

Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: dougdi on February 10, 2022, 04:37:19 PM
When I was attending the Gateway Voyage, Joe McMoneagle conducted a class in Remote Viewing. He was involved in the military program attempting to find targets in Russia, I believe. And there was a famous successful discovery too. I don't recall all the details, he did write a book on the whole string of events. Hemi-sync was used to help facilitate the remote viewing, during the class we all tried and were very successful. I did well the first try, then my esp went south after that.
I have some great photos taken during the week and on a short visit the next year, I need to scan them all so I can share. I'll just add it to my ever growing list of photos, CDs and audio to digitize!
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: dougdi on March 03, 2022, 01:47:53 PM
Reflecting on the "machine" discussed, I now feel it was to create his Hemisync tones, synthesizing and combining them into sessions. During my visits, I met and talked with Mark Certo who was the TMI audio person. I believe they were using, in 1994-5, an Atari PC, but I wasn't shown how it worked.

There was a device, a Hemisync generator, that was available before that period. My recollection is that it was fairly basic in what it could create. I can't find it online now, I swear I saw a photo of it.  :)
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: dougdi on March 03, 2022, 01:50:19 PM
Aha, found it.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Deb on March 03, 2022, 10:06:46 PM
Quote from: dougdi on March 03, 2022, 01:50:19 PMAha, found it.

Very cool, great detective work! For some reason when I first read about the machine, I was picturing a large device a person would be isolated in (like those bunks at TMI), rather than what you found, which is more like electronics. For the price (about $150), and since it ships from Oakland, it would be an affordable acquisition for a collector.

For some reason (maybe because it looks similar) it reminds me of a device used by ghost hunters called a "Frank's Box" (I see his wife wrote a book (https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Outside-Box-Sumption-Creator/dp/1641112832) about it/him).

Frank lived near me, invented his own version of Edison's "telephone to the dead." I actually met up with him when I tried to convert a digital camera to infrared and botched it. He tried to fix it for me, to no avail. Frank was a school janitor by day, mad scientist by night. I think Frank and Bob Monroe would have had some interesting conversations, had they met.

BTW I was able to make my own Frank's Box, what became known as a Shack Hack (Radio Shack radio alteration). I've since sold all my equipment. It was a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: dougdi on March 04, 2022, 10:40:57 AM
We still don't know exactly what they talked about, so it's an educated guess. A phone to speak with the dead? Did it charge for long distance? ;)
Title: Re: Robert Monroe on the Gathering
Post by: Deb on March 04, 2022, 07:28:43 PM
Actually Edison was certain his dead mother-in-law communicated with him. No long distance charges, in this case he WAS the phone company. As they say, membership has its privileges.  ;D