Physicist and out-of-body explorer for decades has written a trilogy of books where he does his best to create a grand Theory of Everything that includes the "little picture" (materialist life on Earth) and the "big picture" (materialist life on earth AND all the non-physical realms).
I love these books, but warn you. These are not easy reads. He is a physicist. Although he tries to keep the discussion proper for regular people, it still takes real concentration to get all the new terms he created, such as "Larger Consciousness Unit" = God or All that IS. Or IUOC = Individual Unit of Consciousness = You as an incarnate being on earth.
This is heavy stuff. Of course, Seth isn't easy either. I offer you all Tom because he really works hard to make his experiences and overall theory understandable. He starts off slow and gradually builds the theory, repeating essential pieces so you can get a refresher as you read.
But it takes a real commitment. This isn't a trilogy you read while watching THE BIG BANG THEORY reruns or doing your nails or whatever. LOL
Quote from: DylansDad (
Physicist and out-of-body explorer for decades has written a trilogy of books where he does his best to create a grand Theory of Everything that includes the "little picture" (materialist life on Earth) and the "big picture" (materialist life on earth AND all the non-physical realms).
I love these books, but warn you. These are not easy reads. He is a physicist. Although he tries to keep the discussion proper for regular people, it still takes real concentration to get all the new terms he created, such as "Larger Consciousness Unit" = God or All that IS. Or IUOC = Individual Unit of Consciousness = You as an incarnate being on earth.
This is heavy stuff. Of course, Seth isn't easy either. I offer you all Tom because he really works hard to make his experiences and overall theory understandable. He starts off slow and gradually builds the theory, repeating essential pieces so you can get a refresher as you read.
But it takes a real commitment. This isn't a trilogy you read while watching THE BIG BANG THEORY reruns or doing your nails or whatever. LOL
I think, Tom Campbell, Seth and Bashar should be read/approached together. Only then the esoteric statements can be understood, such as the 'shifting, shifting, shifting'- mantra of Bashar or Seth's statements that the universe is 'blinking', and that there is no 'cause and effect'.
Tom Campbell is a physicist, certainly not an ordinary one, but in the end he is a physicist. He is asking everybody to develop one's own 'TOE', the individual 'Theory of Everything". He is not expecting everybody to follow his trilogy in its entirety. For Tom Campbell everything starts with consciousness. This is why his work is outstanding. According to him results achieved at CERN are only explainable if reality is virtual - and constantly being reproduced at the rate of Planck time, similar to an interactive video game on a computer screen. We are the 3D players, fully immersed in the game.
There is 'no cause and effect' (Seth), because we are constantly in a newly created universe. However, as players in the game, we experience what we call 'cause and effect' and 'time'. According to Bashar, every new frame, every new universe, is static. Movement and time are side-effects of the constant recreation of new universes. Thus, our life does unfold 'in time' and we have experiences. Reality is thus not physically 'real'. Only the experiences are real. They are experienced by us as being real. That is our very purpose for being 'here'. The experiences are what creation is all about (Bashar). The rest is camouflage (Seth).
I've bought this book twice. The first time, I started reading it and then got distracted, and eventually donated the book thinking it was way too ambitious for me.
Then something (probably a post here) encouraged me to buy the book again, which I did. Later, an attempt to de-clutter my life prompted me to donate the book again. But I soon had second thoughts, retrieved it from the donate pile, and so here I am. A HUGE book on my to-read list. And I've been working on my own big ToE.
I've watched YouTube videos of Thomas Campbell, and Bruce Lipton, and they made a lot of sense to me.
Quote from: Deb (
I've bought this book twice. The first time, I started reading it and then got distracted, and eventually donated the book thinking it was way too ambitious for me.
Then something (probably a post here) encouraged me to buy the book again, which I did. Later, an attempt to de-clutter my life prompted me to donate the book again. But I soon had second thoughts, retrieved it from the donate pile, and so here I am. A HUGE book on my to-read list. And I've been working on my own big ToE.
I've watched YouTube videos of Thomas Campbell, and Bruce Lipton, and they made a lot of sense to me.
Using the following link Campbell's book is downloadable.
There are also youtube videos provided by Campbell where it is documented that kids the age of 14, 15 are playing table tennis while their eyes are covered. They can 'see' the ball coming. They believe firmly in their ability to play table tennis blindfolded, and so they do. No one had told them that this is impossible. (The Stuttgart initiative). If the videos hadn't been posted in the context of Campbell's regular visits to Stuttgart, it would be obvious that it must be fake. It is the belief systems based on which we create our reality (Campbell, Seth, Bashar). This is why some could see the moon in ancient Greece while others could not (the Proselenes), why the indigenous people in America were allegedly unable to see the ships of the Spaniards, and why the Spaniards were allegedly standing next to Machu Piccu, without seeing it.
We get that specific universe which corresponds to the vibration of our belief systems (Seth and Bashar). And we recreate the universe constantly (Seth and Bashar) at the rate of Planck time (Campbell and Bashar) and are thus able to direct ourselves into the specific reality framework/timeline we say we want to experience (Seth and Bashar). Thus, we all avoided WWIII, without knowing it.
Thank you for the downloadable book link.
The blindfolded kids playing table tennis is pretty amazing. I wish I could do that myself. I'm pretty intuitive, have been labeled by others as having "ninja" physical responses, so maybe I'm almost there.
I'm also all for avoiding WWIII. Hopefully we have learned some things at this point.