~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: usmaak on July 26, 2021, 10:29:55 PM

Title: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: usmaak on July 26, 2021, 10:29:55 PM
It seems to me that perhaps Seth should have stayed out of the prediction game.  Just from memory, it seems like he had some misses.  This is one that I just came across while reading TES2.

Hypnotism will become more and more a tool of scientific investigation. Telepathy will be proven without a doubt, and utilized, sadly enough in the beginning, for purposes of war and intrigue. Nevertheless telepathy will enable your race to make its first contact with alien intelligence. It will not at first be recognized as such.

(Here, Jane laughed as she paced back and forth.)

There is nothing any more strange in such contact than there is in my contact with you. But because you are so involved with camouflage apparent reality, contact with such intelligence will be a startling discovery. The contact made will be from one male to another, although the alien male, from another camouflage galaxy, will be more involved than you consider possible.

The actual telepathy contact with this alien intelligence will occur, your time I believe, not too far distant, perhaps by the year 2001. However, for reasons that I will not go into, a hitch will develop of which your scientists will not be aware, at least in your terms. The intelligence that you contact will no longer inhabit that same universe by the time that the contact is made.

Roberts, Jane. The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material . New Awareness Network, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: Sena on July 27, 2021, 02:10:08 AM
Quote from: usmaak (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19543#msg19543)
However, for reasons that I will not go into, a hitch will develop of which your scientists will not be aware, at least in your terms. The intelligence that you contact will no longer inhabit that same universe by the time that the contact is made.
usmaak, thanks for the quote. What Seth said seems to be true. If alien intelligences inhabit a different universe, that would explain why there is no obvious contact.

QuoteBut the universe is such a paltry thing. Hordes of physicists are telling us that our reality, our cosmos, may not be the only one – rather that we exist inside a multiverse.

This could be structured in a variety of forms: from pocket universes produced by cosmic inflation, to quantum mechanical diversions and 'many-worlds', to 'branes' in higher dimensional M-theory, and so on. Furthermore, all of these variants may not really be variants at all, they could all be mushed together into one stupendous array of realities. So many realities, in fact, that anything that can happen will (and must) happen, and will happen an enormous (dare I say, infinite) number of times.


Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: Deb on July 27, 2021, 07:36:02 AM
To answer your question in the title, IDK, I'd have to research that.

Seth did say that making predictions was basically a waste of time because the "future" is fluid. I could also use the typical cop outs: We have made telepathic contact with aliens but the government is not telling us, or there's an alternate Earth where we've made contact but not in this one, or we have made contact but don't recognize it for what it is... or ? I wish Seth HAD gone more into this: "However, for reasons that I will not go into, a hitch will develop of which your scientists will not be aware, at least in your terms." Could he possibly convey less information in one sentence? The parts about telepathy and hypnosis... hard to say. I know Russia and the US were experimenting with telepathy (https://www.nytimes.com/1977/06/19/archives/emigre-tells-of-research-in-soviet-in-parapsychology-for-military.html) during the cold war, to be used for spying and warfare, among other things.

Then of course there are new age channelers who insist they ARE in contact with alien beings, such as Blossom Goodchild (Federation of Light, "an off world conscious energy"), Daryl Anka (Bashar), the Pleiadian Collective (multiple channelers), countless others. Are they for real? I don't know. Since Seth didn't occupy our physical universe while he was speaking through Jane, I suppose he could be considered alien intelligence too.   ;D

Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: usmaak on July 27, 2021, 07:45:00 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19545#msg19545)
However, for reasons that I will not go into, a hitch will develop of which your scientists will not be aware, at least in your terms. The intelligence that you contact will no longer inhabit that same universe by the time that the contact is made.
usmaak, thanks for the quote. What Seth said seems to be true. If alien intelligences inhabit a different universe, that would explain why there is no obvious contact.
By saying this, you completely skipped the section before it about psychic alien contact by around the year 2001.
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19546#msg19546)
Then of course there are new age channelers who insist they ARE in contact with alien beings, such as Blossom Goodchild (Federation of Light, "an off world conscious energy"), Daryl Anka (Bashar), the Pleiadian Collective (multiple channelers), countless others. Are they for real?

I have my doubts. ;D
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: LarryH on July 27, 2021, 09:16:01 AM
Quote from: usmaak (quoting Seth) (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19543#msg19543)
Nevertheless telepathy will enable your race to make its first contact with alien intelligence. It will not at first be recognized as such.

(Here, Jane laughed as she paced back and forth.)

There is nothing any more strange in such contact than there is in my contact with you. But because you are so involved with camouflage apparent reality, contact with such intelligence will be a startling discovery. The contact made will be from one male to another, although the alien male, from another camouflage galaxy, will be more involved than you consider possible.

The actual telepathy contact with this alien intelligence will occur, your time I believe, not too far distant, perhaps by the year 2001.
The government-funded remote viewing program started around 1971. Some of the leading participants claim to have been in contact with alien intelligence. None of the predictions mentioned can be verified beyond such claims, but that does not mean they were not accurate. Seth rarely made predictions for reasons mentioned above by Deb. Among those predictions: Ruburt will not die of cancer (true), Ruburt will recover from the joint problems (false). In the latter, Seth was likely focusing on the probability that he wanted to emphasize, possibly motivating Jane to focus more on - and thus increasing - that probability. The probability in which we find ourselves may be a rare one in which Jane never recovered. The biggest prediction from Seth regards the return of the Christ entity, and we have some decades to go before our children and grandchildren can assess its accuracy.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: usmaak on July 27, 2021, 09:31:38 AM
And, of course, Jane will quit smoking.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: Sena on July 27, 2021, 10:06:18 AM
Quote from: usmaak (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19549#msg19549)
And, of course, Jane will quit smoking.
Deb, I think Seth was clear that no prediction will hold true if it involves contravening someone else's free will. Seth definitely respected Jane's free will.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: Bora137 on July 29, 2021, 05:31:10 PM
Hi Usmaak and all. As you say Sena, Seth would not contravene someone else's free will, I would go further and say he's not allowed to break the law of free will so he's not allowed to say X will happen even if he did know. Say he said in 2001 the World Trade Center will be hit by two planes and collapse. What would the impact of this be on society? Well it would be the biggest or only piece of incontrovertible evidence in the world that the future can be predicted. The cult of Seth (I use the word cult in its best sense - small and underground and kooky) would become a world religion which might not be a bad thing for the world and humankind, however the law of free will has been broken. Because of this evidence Seth left of his godlike powers he would become our god. We would no longer have free will because we have the proof of eternal life.  Why is freewill so important? The universe wants you to be you, be that good bad or whatever without any outside influences - the choice needs to be yours. Seth's incursion into our reality is only allowed to plant a seed of the truth if that seed grows depends on us, what we are, if proof is given us the curtain comes down the lights come up and the show is over.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: Sena on July 30, 2021, 01:37:17 AM
Quote from: Bora137 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19573#msg19573)
Why is freewill so important? The universe wants you to be you, be that good bad or whatever without any outside influences - the choice needs to be yours. Seth's incursion into our reality is only allowed to plant a seed of the truth if that seed grows depends on us, what we are, if proof is given us the curtain comes down the lights come up and the show is over.
Bora, thanks for your amazing summary of the Seth teachings. I am not being sarcastic; I really mean it.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: usmaak on July 30, 2021, 07:53:53 AM
Seth made several predictions, stated as fact, or at least mostly fact.  One of them is listed in the OP.  Another one that I can think of is the second coming of Christ.
Seth stated that Jane would stop smoking.  He also pressured her to quit.  Jane apparently wanted to continue smoking in spite of it.  Though I am going through some books that I have never read before and others that I haven't read in a long time, I remember this being a recurring theme.
Seth strongly suggested ways in which Jane and Rob should arrange their house.  Another recurring theme through my readings.  He was almost nagging about it.

I am not suggesting that that he was trying to supplant their free will.  But he did go on about it when Jane and Rob chose not to follow the suggestions.

Seth does not have godlike powers.  He told us that we all are the same, though his position as he came through to Jane and Rob was farther along than ours.  He said that we already know everything that he taught, but that we have largely forgotten, by choice, to be here.

I do not understand how having proof of eternal life takes away from our free will.  Seth spent a lot of time telling us that we have both free will and that we go on after we leave this plane.  We might return or, if we've completed what it is that brought us here, we might move on to something else.  If anything, at least for me, proof of eternal life would open the world up to me.  I could get past the BS of going back and forth about what might be real and get on with it all.

Quote from: Bora137 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19573#msg19573)
Seth's incursion into our reality is only allowed to plant a seed of the truth if that seed grows depends on us, what we are...
I love this.  Seth does say this in so many different ways.  A true teacher, in any discipline, does exactly this.  Learning is only the very beginning of growth.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: usmaak on August 12, 2021, 09:34:38 AM
Here's another one that I came across in TES2

The psychological situations that give cause to Ruburt's mother's arthritis condition are not present in Ruburt, and once and for all, he does not have to fear such a dilemma. Quite simply arthritis, despite its being in his family, is not one of the diseases which will ever bother him.

Roberts, Jane. The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material . New Awareness Network, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Hey Google!  How did Jane Roberts die?

Roberts had spent 504 consecutive days in a hospital in Elmira, N.Y. The immediate causes of her death were a combination of protein depletion, osteomyelitis, and soft-tissue infections. These conditions arose out of her long-standing rheumatoid arthritis.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: Deb on August 12, 2021, 05:27:19 PM
Quote from: usmaak (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19778#msg19778)
Roberts had spent 504 consecutive days in a hospital in Elmira, N.Y. The immediate causes of her death were a combination of protein depletion, osteomyelitis, and soft-tissue infections. These conditions arose out of her long-standing rheumatoid arthritis.

Yeah, that's always been a puzzle to me. Seth said over and over again that Jane did not have RA. Around the same time Jane was dealing with her symptoms, my maternal grandmother was too so I'm a little familiar with it. My grandmother died from something unrelated, when she was about 80. From what I understand people don't die directly from RA, it's usually from other complications.

No question, Jane was a complicated person, she had a horrendous childhood and loads of baggage from it. I don't know what to believe. I've only read the first of her journals (1965-1971), but I can say from what I read most of them are about her physical symptoms. She would use a pendulum to ask her inner self questions why she brought that on herself. She wrote such things as "Symptoms intensify significantly when I feel I'm not doing well enough" and "Keeping them as reminder. No one, including self, perfect – to keep me from getting big head – going off half-cocked. Because in past had no compassion for illness, etc." I imagine she had a lot of strong mixed feelings about her mother... resentment, anger, love, hate, suffered depression. RA is autoimmune, some symbolism there? Was she punishing herself? She was a good Catholic when young, (we were) taught to feel guilt and then self-punish.

She was very young to be showing signs of RA, typically it occurs in the 60s. The first mention of it was in 1968 in the journal, offhand I don't know when it started but she was in her 30s. Did she believe she had it even if she didn't? I've read enough about the nocebo effect, where someone thinks they have some illness, usually diagnosed by a doctor, and they die. Autopsy shows they did not have the illness, despite having had symptoms. The power of the mind. Or beliefs.

Of course there are Seth folks that will say that in at least one probable reality, Jane stopped smoking, did not have RA, did not die young and continued to write the rest of the books Seth was counting on. BTW she was smoking in the hospital too.  :o

PS I also have Rob's hospital journals, will read them when I can. Hopefully that will provide some answers.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: usmaak on August 12, 2021, 06:06:55 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19783#msg19783)
She would use a pendulum to ask her inner self questions why she brought that on herself.
Guilt?  The whole "create your own reality" really is a double edged sword.  Depending on the personality, it foments more guilt, than anything else.

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19783#msg19783)
Of course there are Seth folks that will say that in at least one probable reality, Jane stopped smoking, did not have RA, did not die young and continued to write the rest of the books Seth was counting on.
I see that kind of answer as a cop out.  Sure, the Seth material could support that, but if that were the case, then the Seth in this probably reality would know that Jane had RA, as opposed to saying time and again that she didn't.

But there is always some way to use the material to work around this, I suppose.
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: strangerthings on August 12, 2021, 06:38:43 PM
Predicting the return of Christ we discuss it here:

The remote viewing and "other" things going on is definitely going on behind the scenes. Like what was mentioned already. Also, "they" have all the money in the world to experiment and why wouldn't they? They have all our monetary tithings by force in this world of "Caesar".

Lots of tv shows and movies show us what they have done and ARE doing.
Plus, there are govt documents released by our freedom of information act that are ASTOUNDING to say the least.

True space travel and time travel is MENTAL.  Seth was clear in this and I believe it. Why? Experience! 🤷🏼‍♀️

2001 Space Odyseey is quite synchronistic yes?
Seen Banshee Chapter yet? 😳

There is also CERN.....👀
DARPA, AI (daleks and cyborgs oh my), secret labs and experimentations,  Hunter Thompson LOL, hypnotizing purposefullycreated fragmenting minds, heck they have even experimented on making psychic assassins., and also the Philadelphia experiment .Then there is also noetic science, dream labs, telepathy experiments....this list is so long that ..... I just do not seem to be able to not believe Seth 🙃

Ok thats about all I am going to say about the dark stuff BUT!

"We make light from the darkness." - Seth cd ( forgot which 😬)


As far as Jane quitting smoking 🤣
(And funnily enough that wasn't her ailment as a side effect)
It is the reason why she smoked I think that Seth was so adamant she let go of its vice crutch. To help her become more leaning upon her Inner Self and transforming inner conversations and energy versus what convinced her that ciggies are the answer to "calming nerves" instead.


My 2 cents 🤷🏼‍♀️

[Edited to add : I just thought of a positive resource for hypnosis! DOLORES CANNON she has helped so many people with UFO experiences. There are others too who use a light hypnosis to quit smoking lol just thought I'd toss this into the mix teehee] oh and Nikola Tesla]

Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: strangerthings on August 12, 2021, 06:45:32 PM
Seth says ask him. So ask him about Jane's R.A. For real he said we could reach out anytime.

Go to the horses mouth so-to-speak.

Ask for clarification if it is bothering you so.

We can only add our 2 cents which propbably is not going to be satisfying to you lol which I totally understand. ☺️

I could type and type and type in giving examples of this and that about Jane's health. Heck ask her! I have seen her before in dream state and talked a little. She wont bite ❤️ She also teaches classes there 🙃
Title: Re: Did Seth ever nail any predictions?
Post by: Deb on August 18, 2021, 03:32:27 PM
Quote from: usmaak (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19785#msg19785)
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19783#msg19783)
Of course there are Seth folks that will say that in at least one probable reality, Jane stopped smoking, did not have RA, did not die young and continued to write the rest of the books Seth was counting on.
I see that kind of answer as a cop out.  Sure, the Seth material could support that, but if that were the case, then the Seth in this probably reality would know that Jane had RA, as opposed to saying time and again that she didn't.

But there is always some way to use the material to work around this, I suppose.

I wanted to post something from Rob here a few days ago, then got busy, but it's okay because when I was walking this morning and listening to Seth Speaks, I came across this (maybe because I was asking him, lol):

Quote from: Chapter 20, answer to question 9I perceive people in a room in a far different manner than they perceive themselves; their various past and future reincarnated personalities, but not their probable selves, are perceivable to me. I "see" the reincarnated aspects, the various manifestations taken in that regard. In your terms it would be as if you saw a series of quickly moving pictures, all representing various poses of one personality. I must remember, in all communications with those in the room, to limit my remarks and focus to the specific reincarnated "present self." I see this composite image myself. It is not registered by Ruburt's eyes (pause), which do not have the multidimensional depth perception necessary. I see the composite image clearly, whether or not I am looking through Ruburt's eyes. I use his eyes because they narrow down the focus for me, to the one "present" self of which the individual is aware. Communicating with your system in such a manner demands great diligence and greater discrimination, according to the "distance" of the communicator from the physical system. I am not based within the physical system, for example. The discrimination comes to bear upon the precision needed to enter your reality at the precise time, the precise point in time and space, upon which you are concentrated. Present and future experience of those in the room are available to me, and as real as their present experience. Therefore I must remember what they think has already happened, or not yet occurred, for to me it is one. These patterns of activity, however, are also constantly changing. I say for example that I am aware of their past and future actions and thoughts; and yet what I am aware of, actually, are ever-shifting and changing patterns, both in the future and in the past. (11:00.) Some of the events that I see connected very clearly with these persons in the future may not, in your physical system, occur. They exist as probabilities, as potentials, actualized in thoughts but not turned into definite physical form. I told you that no events were predetermined. I would have to tune into a future date, in your terms, and probe it with all of its ramifications in order to ascertain which of the probable actions I saw in your earlier would be actualized in your later."

Roberts, Jane. Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book) . Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.

This (below) is originally what I wanted to add. Jane and Rob apparently were as disappointed with Seth's insistence, and in the dark as to what was going on, as the rest of us.

From Rob's letter to readers who donated to medical expenses – 2/19/1984: 

"When Jane went into the hospital last year, her illness was diagnosed as severe rheumatoid arthritis, complicated by a certain amount of osteoporosis, or bone mineral loss. She was in great pain for many months. She had a broken arm, then a broken leg as she began to recover from the osteoporosis; her arm has healed itself remarkably well, and her leg is on its way. For some time Seth has insisted that she has no disease, and can fully recover. So great was our stress that at first we couldn't agree, but we do now. Involved in Jane's case are innumerable questions that we hope to explore."