~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Sena on August 01, 2021, 04:06:13 AM

Title: Have you ever been in two places at once?
Post by: Sena on August 01, 2021, 04:06:13 AM
According to Chapter 7 of "Seth Speaks", it seems to be a fairly common occurrence to be in two places at once:

"You may suddenly strongly wish that you were standing by a beloved but distant, familiar seashore, for example. This intense desire would then act something like a core of energy projected outward from your own mind, given a form, your form. The place that you had envisioned would then attract the form, and it would instantaneously stand there. This happens with great frequency. It would not be seen under usual circumstances. On the other hand, if the desire were still more intense, the energy core would be greater, and a portion of your own flow of consciousness would be imparted to the form, so that for a moment you in your room might suddenly smell the salt air, or in some other way perceive the environment in which this pseudoimage stands. (9:44.) The extent of perception will vary here to a great degree. To begin with, your physical form is the result of great emotional focus." (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/7nTVA9t
Title: Re: Have you ever been in two places at once?
Post by: usmaak on August 01, 2021, 12:57:57 PM
Not to my knowledge.  That would be cool, though.
Title: Re: Have you ever been in two places at once?
Post by: Deb on August 01, 2021, 06:06:46 PM
Yes in a way, but I don't know how to tell whether it was real or a dream. I don't recall it happening during the day.

One morning about a year ago I had woken up and then thought I'd close my eyes for a little longer. I slipped into a dream, I was aware of being in a dream somewhere, but I was simultaneously aware that I was in bed. It was a strange feeling to have such clear double awareness.

I'd had something similar happen before that, staying at a friend's cabin in the mountains. Short version, I kept waking up all night because I "heard" someone walking in the living room, just in one spot, in one direction, over and over. I would alternate between being aware of being asleep in bed, but also aware of waking up, and ended up having a dream within a dream—waking up into a dream. Worst night ever.

More of the story is here (just search for Bob, it's only a paragraph). https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1434.msg11513#msg11513

Ha ha, I'm in a motel room in Kansas at the moment, writing this as I finally have internet, and an entire family just walked into the room. Well, the kids came charging in. They were given an electronic key by the front desk. That's the third time that's happened to me in the past 10 years. It's going to be a weird night.
Title: Re: Have you ever been in two places at once?
Post by: strangerthings on August 07, 2021, 07:25:02 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19610#msg19610)
According to Chapter 7 of "Seth Speaks", it seems to be a fairly common occurrence to be in two places at once:

"You may suddenly strongly wish that you were standing by a beloved but distant, familiar seashore, for example. This intense desire would then act something like a core of energy projected outward from your own mind, given a form, your form. The place that you had envisioned would then attract the form, and it would instantaneously stand there. This happens with great frequency. It would not be seen under usual circumstances. On the other hand, if the desire were still more intense, the energy core would be greater, and a portion of your own flow of consciousness would be imparted to the form, so that for a moment you in your room might suddenly smell the salt air, or in some other way perceive the environment in which this pseudoimage stands. (9:44.) The extent of perception will vary here to a great degree. To begin with, your physical form is the result of great emotional focus." (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/7nTVA9t

Yes yes yes yes yes!

What would it be like if it were real?

What do you hear, touch, taste, see, feel? Who is with you? What are you experiencing? Is anything happening? 😀

Title: Re: Have you ever been in two places at once?
Post by: strangerthings on August 07, 2021, 07:27:16 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19622#msg19622)
Yes in a way, but I don't know how to tell whether it was real or a dream. I don't recall it happening during the day.

One morning about a year ago I had woken up and then thought I'd close my eyes for a little longer. I slipped into a dream, I was aware of being in a dream somewhere, but I was simultaneously aware that I was in bed. It was a strange feeling to have such clear double awareness.

I'd had something similar happen before that, staying at a friend's cabin in the mountains. Short version, I kept waking up all night because I "heard" someone walking in the living room, just in one spot, in one direction, over and over. I would alternate between being aware of being asleep in bed, but also aware of waking up, and ended up having a dream within a dream—waking up into a dream. Worst night ever.

More of the story is here (just search for Bob, it's only a paragraph). https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=1434.msg11513#msg11513

Ha ha, I'm in a motel room in Kansas at the moment, writing this as I finally have internet, and an entire family just walked into the room. Well, the kids came charging in. They were given an electronic key by the front desk. That's the third time that's happened to me in the past 10 years. It's going to be a weird night.

Who says ... dreams are not real?

To the electronic key...🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Dreams within dreams..... truly amazing!!!
They are quite something else....."strangerthings"

When I have those, my dream journal gets filled with pages after pages. Its quite something LOL

Title: Re: Have you ever been in two places at once?
Post by: strangerthings on August 07, 2021, 07:32:42 PM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19610#msg19610)
According to Chapter 7 of "Seth Speaks", it seems to be a fairly common occurrence to be in two places at once:

"You may suddenly strongly wish that you were standing by a beloved but distant, familiar seashore, for example. This intense desire would then act something like a core of energy projected outward from your own mind, given a form, your form. The place that you had envisioned would then attract the form, and it would instantaneously stand there. This happens with great frequency. It would not be seen under usual circumstances. On the other hand, if the desire were still more intense, the energy core would be greater, and a portion of your own flow of consciousness would be imparted to the form, so that for a moment you in your room might suddenly smell the salt air, or in some other way perceive the environment in which this pseudoimage stands. (9:44.) The extent of perception will vary here to a great degree. To begin with, your physical form is the result of great emotional focus." (from "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)" by Jane Roberts)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/7nTVA9t

Yes I have but I am not discussing them in public hahahahaha
