Greetings, fellow travelers.
I trust many here to be truth seekers of a descerning spirit. I am, or at least I try to be. Seth was actually the one who taught me to rebuild my belief sysyem and to build it well. To make sure it reflects the reality of the situation as accurately as possible and to guard it jealously from false information.
Seth gave us a great model of existence to work with. It's got good bones, but he still left many questions unanswered or at least left them vaguely explained. Sadly the material has been concluded. Seth's work on it is done.
I do not trust ANY other channeler besides Jane. As far as I'm concerned every channeler after her is either a charlatan or a fraud. The works are either derivative or presented to us in such basic terms that Seth/Jane could out shine them even on their worst day. Channeled information, for me, is just not a trustworthy source of metaphysical/nonphysical information. I mean, just look at JZ Knight and Ramtha. Bloody dispicable.
But I have come across a source formation that I think is both trustworthy and adds on beautifully to the model that Seth presented to us all those years ago. Im talking about LBL Regression Hypnotherapy. In particular I'm referring to Dr Micheal Newton's work. It apparently took him 20 years and 6000 hypnosis subjects to build his model, a model outlined so clearly by Seth in the first few pages of his first book.
Still, the information presented by LBL regression paints a very detailed picture of the Framework where our oversouls/higherselves reside. I'd be interested to hear the thoughts of those here regarding this information for I feel that it is the only other information source worth considering that can safely be added to the model of existence that Seth lovingly provided us.
Looking forward to any and all responses.
Journey well.
Quote from: Xeth369 (
Greetings, fellow travelers.
I trust many here to be truth seekers of a descerning spirit. I am, or at least I try to be. Seth was actually the one who taught me to rebuild my belief sysyem and to build it well. To make sure it reflects the reality of the situation as accurately as possible and to guard it jealously from false information.
Seth gave us a great model of existence to work with. It's got good bones, but he still left many questions unanswered or at least left them vaguely explained. Sadly the material has been concluded. Seth's work on it is done.
I do not trust ANY other channeler besides Jane. As far as I'm concerned every channeler after her is either a charlatan or a fraud. The works are either derivative or presented to us in such basic terms that Seth/Jane could out shine them even on their worst day. Channeled information, for me, is just not a trustworthy source of metaphysical/nonphysical information. I mean, just look at JZ Knight and Ramtha. Bloody dispicable.
But I have come across a source formation that I think is both trustworthy and adds on beautifully to the model that Seth presented to us all those years ago. Im talking about LBL Regression Hypnotherapy. In particular I'm referring to Dr Micheal Newton's work. It apparently took him 20 years and 6000 hypnosis subjects to build his model, a model outlined so clearly by Seth in the first few pages of his first book.
Still, the information presented by LBL regression paints a very detailed picture of the Framework where our oversouls/higherselves reside. I'd be interested to hear the thoughts of those here regarding this information for I feel that it is the only other information source worth considering that can safely be added to the model of existence that Seth lovingly provided us.
Looking forward to any and all responses.
Journey well.
Hi. You may be interested in Tom Campbell's CUSAC initiative. He is a physicist, but was centrally involved in experiments at the Monroe Institute.
As far as 'channelled sources' are concerned, I did examine the Bashar materials over years. No major inherent contradiction, Timeframes are usually wrong. A few sessions clearly deviate. They are more 'superficial' and different as far as the underlying philosophy is concerned. This applies at least to two or three sessions, one of them dealing with 'copyright issues'.
Acording to Bashar, every single word that Seth is saying is correct.
In terms of substance, I could not understand Bashar (the 'shifting, shifting, shifting' - mantra) before stumbling over Tom Campbell and his virtual reality theory. Then suddenly everything made sense.
Only if reality is virtual, the teachings of both, Seth and Bashar are comprehensible. Otherwise the nagging question must be answered: 'Where are all these other universes and probable me's to which I have - theoretically - instant access if I belief so?'. If reality is virtual, this question can be answered. Everything is just here and now. Because that's all that is.
Currently I am reading the early sessions. The information provided does actually make sense. And there seems to be a clear underlying structure, the 'skeleton' (Seth), which is to be 'enriched in the future', i.e. in future sessions, if the frame conditions so allow(ed).
I am still skeptical when it comes to this kind of materials and I am still prepared that the whole understanding comes to an end with the next book or even chapter, or that I will stumble over serious inherent contradictions which would then render the rest of the Seth material useless.
According to Seth (NoPR) 'channeling' will be the standard form of communication in the future and we will be able to clearly decide whether the material has been distorted or not. This depends on the future physiological development of mankind which has not yet come to an end (Seth). As far as I understand him we will by then be aware of all our other incarnations even while physically incarnated.
I think, whenever possible, it is recommendable to support these materials by hard science. This is why Tom Campbell's initiative may be so useful.
Quote from: Xeth369 (
Im talking about LBL Regression Hypnotherapy. In particular I'm referring to Dr Micheal Newton's work. It apparently took him 20 years and 6000 hypnosis subjects to build his model, a model outlined so clearly by Seth in the first few pages of his first book.
Xeth, welcome to the forum. How I see it is that the information obtained by Michael Newton from his subjects is as reliable as that of Jane Roberts and Seth. It will be interesting to look at actual examples from Newton's books.
The following is an extract from Newton's book "Destiny of Souls", on the topics of free will, karma, and reincarnation:
QuoteAt one of my lectures in Vancouver, B.C., a distraught woman rose and cried out loudly, "You New Age gurus tell us on one hand we have free will to make choices in our life and on the other that we are predestined to follow a certain plan because of past life karma. Which is it? I have no free will in my life because I am at the mercy of forces over which I have no control. My life is one of sorrow." After my talk I sat down next to this woman for a few minutes and learned that her nineteen-year-old son had recently been killed on a motorcycle.
People have the idea that free will and destiny are opposing forces. They do not realize that destiny represents the sum of our deeds over thousands of years in a multitude of incarnations. In all these lives we had freedom of choice. Our current life represents all past experiences both pleasant and unpleasant, and so we are the product of all our former choices. Add to this the fact that we may have deliberately placed ourselves in situations that test how we will react to events in our current life, which are not perceived by the conscious mind. This too involves personal choices. We occupy a particular body for many reasons. The young motorcycle rider, by his mother's own admission, lived for speed and essentially got a high from the dangers of his obsession.
Because my last section on time opened the door to future probabilities and possibilities, it is appropriate to examine the ramifications of free will a little further. Reincarnation would mean nothing if all life was predetermined. In my remarks about timelines, I suggested that the future may exist in many realities. People who have premonitions about the future may be right or wrong. If someone saw themselves being killed in a certain place and time and it didn't happen, this potential causality could mean it was only the most dire of alternative possibilities.
An argument for determinism, as opposed to free will, is that one Source, or a collective group of lesser divinities, is responsible for planet Earth being populated with humans who suffer from disease, pain, hunger and fear. We live in a world of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, and other natural disasters over which we have no control. I have often said that Earth is considered by souls to be a very difficult school. The great lesson of Earth is to overcome both planetary and private destructive forces in life, grow strong from the effort, and move on.
To a great extent we come equipped with what we need to take care of ourselves. Karma may at times seem punitive, but there is justice and balance which we may not recognize in our sorrow. Fear arises when we separate ourselves from our spiritual power. We knew many of the challenges in advance of our life and chose them for good reasons. Accidents involving our bodies are not considered to be accidental by the soul, as I have tried to show in many cases, such as case 62 with the woman from Amarillo who was shot to death. The sheer will of our true Self has the power to rise in opposition to our weakness in character, especially during adversity. We have the freedom to remake our lives after any catastrophe if we are willing to take the responsibility to do so.
Newton mentions "Case 62" in the above extract. I have prepared a pdf which gives details of Case 62, and may be downloaded from this link:
Quote from: Xeth369 (
Sadly the material has been concluded. Seth's work on it is done.
Hi Xeth369, welcome to Speaking of Seth. My feeling here is that while Seth stopped speaking through Jane when she died, it's not yet totally concluded. I can tell you with certainty there are still many unpublished sessions, plus a lot of great information in the Deleted Sessions, Early Class and ESP Class Sessions.
I tend to share your feelings about other channelers. I can't explain why, but compared to Seth/Jane, none of them really feel genuine to me the way the Seth materials do, but I can only speak for myself. I'm open to listening to other channelers because I want to keep an open mind, but tend to move away from anything that does not feel right (resonate).
I've read a few of Michael Newton's books. They mostly feel right to me and I would love to personally experience past life regression. I've tried to be hypnotized twice, by a pro, and apparently I'm not easily hypnotized. Considering the cost of the sessions, I gave up after the two.
Thank you all for the kind welcome and thank you to all those involved for making this forum possible.
Quote from: Tob (
You may be interested in Tom Campbell's CUSAC initiative. He is a physicist, but was centrally involved in experiments at the Monroe Institute.
I have read a fair portion of the tome that is Tom Campbell's "My Big Toe". It's a very interesting read even when knowing that trying to explain the actions and evolution of All That Is in terms we can understand is wishful thinking at best.
Quote from: Tob (
Only if reality is virtual, the teachings of both, Seth and Bashar are comprehensible.
Agreed. If this reality were an objective one then nothing in the Seth material would make any sense or be applicable to us. Seth therefore made it abundantly clear that this reality system isn't real in the way it appears or how we observe it to be.
Quote from: Tob (
According to Seth (NoPR) 'channeling' will be the standard form of communication in the future and we will be able to clearly decide whether the material has been distorted or not.
But until that time, we can never be sure if the channeler or the information being channeled is authentic or not. Unless they are tested in the same way Seth was tested. Sealed envelopes, phantom hands, personal sessions, etc
Quote from: Sena (
How I see it is that the information obtained by Michael Newton from his subjects is as reliable as that of Jane Roberts and Seth. It will be interesting to look at actual examples from Newton's books.
Thank you. I feel the same way. I feel that Dr Newton's case studies have completely validated the Seth Material as being authentic and accurate.
I will open another thread to discuss the implications of this discovery.
Thank you for your replies.
Quote from: Xeth369 (
Thank you all for the kind welcome and thank you to all those involved for making this forum possible.
Quote from: Tob (
You may be interested in Tom Campbell's CUSAC initiative. He is a physicist, but was centrally involved in experiments at the Monroe Institute.
I have read a fair portion of the tome that is Tom Campbell's "My Big Toe". It's a very interesting read even when knowing that trying to explain the actions and evolution of All That Is in terms we can understand is wishful thinking at best.
Quote from: Tob (
Only if reality is virtual, the teachings of both, Seth and Bashar are comprehensible.
Agreed. If this reality were an objective one then nothing in the Seth material would make any sense or be applicable to us. Seth therefore made it abundantly clear that this reality system isn't real in the way it appears or how we observe it to be.
Quote from: Tob (
According to Seth (NoPR) 'channeling' will be the standard form of communication in the future and we will be able to clearly decide whether the material has been distorted or not.
But until that time, we can never be sure if the channeler or the information being channeled is authentic or not. Unless they are tested in the same way Seth was tested. Sealed envelopes, phantom hands, personal sessions, etc
Quote from: Sena (
How I see it is that the information obtained by Michael Newton from his subjects is as reliable as that of Jane Roberts and Seth. It will be interesting to look at actual examples from Newton's books.
Thank you. I feel the same way. I feel that Dr Newton's case studies have completely validated the Seth Material as being authentic and accurate.
I will open another thread to discuss the implications of this discovery.
Thank you for your replies.
Thanks. Yes that's the prudential approach
Hi, I'm Jenny a member coming out of lurking status to share that I experienced a past life regression session this week. The therapist asks that you do a past life session before doing a life between lives, which is want I want to do next. I was skeptical, not that it's a valid thing but that I would be able to do it. I was, and it was amazing! I experienced two different lives and each time met with my soul group afterward to process. I've had quite a few experiences that I think of as Seth's inner senses type experiences but this really took it up a level for me. :)
Quote from: Jenny on September 24, 2021, 03:10:35 PMI was, and it was amazing! I experienced two different lives and each time met with my soul group afterward to process.
Jenny, welcome to the forum. You are lucky to have regressed to past lives so easily. I had two sessions a few years ago, with no result. I have only had a glimmer of a past life in a dream.
Hi Jenny, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.
I'd love to be able to do what you're doing. How does one find a reliable hypnotherapist for something like that? Several years ago I went to one, twice, and wasn't able to be hypnotized regardless of how relaxed and open I was. I think being able to do what you did, meet with your soul group, would pave the way to eventually tap into that on your own, without the need of hypnosis.
Hi Deb, I found the therapist through the Newton Institute website. You can search for someone in your area. The person I saw trained with Michael Newton before he ( Newton) passed on.
I have had other experiences, I think, of meeting my guide and 'playing' with my soul group, but this was far more powerful. I do feel I might be able to connect to some other lives on my own now. I hope to do a life between lives session eventually.
I know the experience varies for everyone but don't give up if it's something you want :) Maybe you just haven't found the right therapist yet. It took me two years from the time I first started thinking about it to actually make the call!
Thanks Jenny, I've read at least a couple of Michael Newton's books, it figures he'd have a resource for that. Thanks for the tip, I'm headed over to the website now.
Hi I'm returning to report that I did have a Life Between Lives session as a follow up to the past life regression I did last fall. It was with the same therapist.
I came in with a list of questions and only some of them were answered. I was told gently by my guide that it would be best to wait knowing some things. I felt that if I had insisted I could have known but I agreed to wait.
The most intriguing part was the time I spent discussing my current physical life with my soul family in the spirit world. It was odd and yet made sense. Most of my soul family is or was in my current Earth life with me. Those who are no longer living physically were more willing to talk then those still alive. It was as if we were discussing the progress of a play we were all in.
The other piece that was interesting was communicating with my guide. I have met her before (she generally has a female essence :-). I have been hesitant to connect with her, feeling that I shouldn't bother her and that she has other more important tasks. But then I have that 'duh' moment when I realize I'm thinking in physical terms of time and that there is no time. She assured me that she was only waiting for me to say I'm ready for the next step of learning (whatever that is, I'm not sure).
Two things really stand out for me on the differences between physical life and the spirit world. One is that emotions are intense and more immediate. I'm pretty reserved generally but I easily cried and laughed and felt joyful there. There is a lightness that makes physical life seem very heavy.
The second is that communication with other souls is very different than in physical life. I could question and be questioned about my actions there but it was all done with great love and playfulness. I never felt defensive or that I had to hide anything.
This was just my experience and I have no idea how it might vary from anyone else's but if it might be of any use to anyone considering exploring the inner world in this way I thought I would share.
Quote from: Jenny on April 10, 2022, 12:26:20 PMHi I'm returning to report that I did have a Life Between Lives session as a follow up to the past life regression I did last fall. It was with the same therapist. ...
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jenny, thanks for the follow up! I really want to experience something like that, but sometimes I feel like I'm too deeply focused on physical reality.
Your mention emotions and the lightness of being reminds me of stories from people who have had NDEs, and also maybe Bob Monroe wrote about some of these things in his OBE books. I could be wrong, it's been a long time since I read them.
What you described also reminded me of this:
"We do feel an equivalent of what you call emotions, though these are not the love or hate or anger that you know. Your feelings can best be described as the three-dimensional materializations of far greater psychological events and experiences that are related to the "inner senses."
I will explain these inner senses to you later, at the end of this chapter. Suffice it here to say that we have strong emotional experience, although it differs in a large measure from your own. It is far less limited and far more expansive in that we are also aware and responsive to the emotional "climate" as a whole. We are much freer to feel and experience, because we are not so afraid of being swept away by feeling."
—SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 513, February 5, 1970