~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Xeth369 on August 03, 2021, 05:30:46 PM

Title: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Xeth369 on August 03, 2021, 05:30:46 PM
Greetings, fellow travellers.

Seth had made it very clear to us that the answers we seek are best found within each of us and not from external sources.

Although channeling, astral projection and DMT experiences may seem like the best means of accessing higher knowledge, they each have serious flaws which, by default, call into question the authenticity of both the information and it's source.

However, I think that LBL hypnotic regression may hold the key required for accessing information held by the superconsciousness, otherwise known as the Inner-Self. Our Inner-Self (Higher-Self?) holds most, if not all, the answers relevant to our realities, both personal and collective.
It has even been noted that the personalities of spirit guides have been able to communicate through the subject while he/she is under LBL regression.

So could the Theta brainwave state be the key that unlocks the door to "within"? Could we train ourselves to reach this state of consciousness as Jane taught herself to slip in and out of trance? What would be possible if we each had an open channel of communication between our ego-selves and inner-selves?

Thank you for your time. Journey well.

"You were to work out problems and challenges, but you were always to be aware of your inner reality and of your true home. To a large extent you have lost contact with this."
—TECS1 ESP Class Session.
Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Deb on August 03, 2021, 06:19:02 PM
Quote from: Xeth369 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19630#msg19630)
Although channeling, astral projection and DMT experiences may seem like the best means of accessing higher knowledge, they each have serious flaws which, by default, call into question the authenticity of both the information and it's source.

Yes, I agree. But how do we know if anything outside the "official narrative" is authentic or legitimate? On the one hand, we can read or listen to other peoples' accountings of their experiences and while some will be convinced by them, the rest of us think they could be fabricated for whatever reason and feel that only personal experiences are convincing enough. Then, we have our personal experiences, and question those as being imagination or dreams. Again, speaking only for myself.

LBL (life between lives) hypnotic regression seems solid enough. But then I hear stories about hypnosis and repressed memories (age regression, not to far off from LBL to me) and how sometimes a therapist can plant false memories (often an issue during lawsuits for abuse) in a client for whatever reason. We live in a reality where we can't believe everything we hear. Or maybe shouldn't is the better word.

Being a Joe Dispenza fan (I'm pretty sure everyone here is tired of hearing about him from me), brain wave states are a big deal, and some very interesting things can come from being in theta. It's not that difficult to achieve—usually during meditation. Seth talked a lot about what happens during our sleep cycle. Sleep is typically delta, but dreaming is theta.

Recently, like the past couple of weeks, I've had some really interesting dreams involving Seth-related people and I have to wonder if I'm on the verge of something new. Maybe a dream-state communication or relationship with people who have transitioned. Or, a better awareness of my "inner reality and true home." True home has been a recent issue for me. There's no place like home, lol.
Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Sena on August 04, 2021, 02:33:52 AM
Quote from: Xeth369 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19630#msg19630)
So could the Theta brainwave state be the key that unlocks the door to "within"? Could we train ourselves to reach this state of consciousness as Jane taught herself to slip in and out of trance? What would be possible if we each had an open channel of communication between our ego-selves and inner-selves?
Xeth, that is an interesting suggestion, but what I have gathered from writers like Newton and Dolores Cannon is that to have the Inner Self reveal its information too early would be like reading a novel with the plot of the novel revealed on the front cover. Human life on Earth is like a testing ground where we are asked to make decisions based on a limited amount of information. If all the information were available to us, life would become boring. There would be no surprises.

Hypnotic regressions is a research tool. Many people (like myself) are "unhypnotizable". Deb has posted elsewhere that she did not succeed in getting into a hypnotized state.

The Inner Self does reveal information to us occasionally, as indicated in Anthony Peake's books:

Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Xeth369 on August 04, 2021, 02:41:39 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19631#msg19631)
Yes, I agree. But how do we know if anything outside the "official narrative" is authentic or legitimate? On the one hand, we can read or listen to other peoples' accountings of their experiences and while some will be convinced by them, the rest of us think they could be fabricated for whatever reason and feel that only personal experiences are convincing enough. Then, we have our personal experiences, and question those as being imagination or dreams. Again, speaking only for myself.

Channeling has a bit of a stigma attached to it. Not everyone is willing to open up a channel for another personality to speak through them, thus channeled information is rather scarce. Compare that with the available testimonies of astral projectors. There are so many data points provided by AP'ers that they form a very clear picture of the astral realm, its denizens, subtle bodies, ect., that people who fake such experiences will show up as outliers to the collective model. Any new data points are tested and verified by the community.

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19631#msg19631)
LBL (life between lives) hypnotic regression seems solid enough. But then I hear stories about hypnosis and repressed memories (age regression, not to far off from LBL to me) and how sometimes a therapist can plant false memories (often an issue during lawsuits for abuse) in a client for whatever reason.

This is a valid concern, therefore it is imperative that a technique is developed where a 3rd party is not involved. A Self hypnosis technique that can be scrutinized and tested by the community will eliminate any concerns regarding the inception of false memories.

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19631#msg19631)
Maybe a dream-state communication or relationship with people who have transitioned.

Much like the aboriginal dreamtime.

Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19631#msg19631)
There's no place like home, lol.

There really isnt, lol.
Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Xeth369 on August 04, 2021, 03:21:55 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19636#msg19636)
Xeth, that is an interesting suggestion, but what I have gathered from writers like Newton and Dolores Cannon is that to have the Inner Self reveal its information too early would be like reading a novel with the plot of the novel revealed on the front cover.

Be that as is may, the surface level information gathered by Newton and Cannon is already mind blowing and worth further investigation.

A good friend of mine, who was an LBL hypnotherapist, told me a couple stories in which his clients had life changing experiences, while in that state, that seemed to realigned them with their true life paths. That the doors that lay between them and their true paths would simply present themselves wide open for them to simply walk through.  In other words, the synchronisities were simply astounding.

Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Kyle on August 04, 2021, 08:20:18 PM
Quote from: Xeth369 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19630#msg19630)
However, I think that LBL hypnotic regression may hold the key required for accessing information held by the superconsciousness, otherwise known as the Inner-Self. Our Inner-Self (Higher-Self?) holds most, if not all, the answers relevant to our realities, both personal and collective.
It has even been noted that the personalities of spirit guides have been able to communicate through the subject while he/she is under LBL regression.

Hi Xeth, and welcome. This brings up a question for me since I've been looking for cases where a child's memories of a past life could be traced to an actual person, along with some biographical data on that past life. There are very few to be found. So, I wonder, have any LBL practitioners encountered a case where an LBL regression could be traced to an identifiable person?
Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Sena on August 05, 2021, 04:10:30 AM
Quote from: KylePierce (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19651#msg19651)
So, I wonder, have any LBL practitioners encountered a case where an LBL regression could be traced to an identifiable person?
Kyle, Ian Stevenson said something about this:

"The following remarks were written by the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, the founder of our research division and the author of many books on the subject of research into cases of the reincarnation type.

Dr. Stevenson wrote this statement in an effort to reply most effectively to the large number of letters and inquiries we receive from persons who wish to explore hypnotic regression to previous lives, and ask us to recommend a hypnotist to them, or ask us to investigate some material that has emerged from such an experience.

Although there may be useful therapeutic value in engaging in hypnotic regression experiences by some people, we here at UVA Division of Perceptual Studies have never utilized hypnotic regression to investigate cases. We rely on the spontaneous statements of very young children as the basis for our investigations into cases that are brought to our attention, mainly by the parents of children who are spontaneously speaking about their memories of a previous life."

Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Kyle on August 05, 2021, 08:45:33 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19655#msg19655)
Dr. Stevenson wrote this statement in an effort to reply most effectively to the large number of letters and inquiries we receive from persons who wish to explore hypnotic regression to previous lives, and ask us to recommend a hypnotist to them, or ask us to investigate some material that has emerged from such an experience.

Sena, thanks for the link, this is helpful. Stevenson notes that even if a regression experience is the product of the client's imagination, it can still be therapeutic for the client. For someone who has had a powerful experience of this kind, the question of where it comes from is less important than the reality of that experience for them. We have the experiences we need to have.

Stevenson found a handful of cases where a child speaks a foreign language without any exposure to that language in their current life. I believe he takes this as strong evidence for some kind of reincarnation, even if he doesn't come out and say that. Then there are the children who have their past life memories confirmed or at least supported by identifying the previous incarnation by name. Clearly, these cases are in a class of their own, since there is something more objectively real about them.

So, I would not give the same level of significance to regression experiences, but I wouldn't discount the power of the imagination either. Again, I believe we have the experiences we need to have, even if we can't explain them. I came across a quote that expresses something like this, that the imagination can bestow mysterious gifts on us:

"It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it." -- James Hillman
Title: Re: Could LBL regression hypnosis hold the key?
Post by: Deb on August 07, 2021, 06:01:07 PM
Quote from: KylePierce (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19651#msg19651)
So, I wonder, have any LBL practitioners encountered a case where an LBL regression could be traced to an identifiable person?

This is most famous story of a boy, James Leininger, who remembered being a WWII pilot named James Huston, but not as a result of PLR. He's come up here on the forum before. Going back to the University of Virginia (Sena brought it up), I bet they have a lot of cases to share. https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/our-research/children-who-report-memories-of-previous-lives/fifty-years-of-research/ But, as you mentioned, they rely more on kids' accountings than using hypnosis. As far as I'm concerned, the claim of having a past life being substantiated with proof of the existence of the person they claim they were is pretty impressive for me. I don't think kids need LBL regression. Until they reach a certain age, they seem to be more in touch with such things. But most adults appear to lose the ability to experience anything outside of the OLC.

Have any of you read Rich Kendall's story of past life of his?

Quote from: Seth to Rich: Now: the small but brilliant sardonic part of you was, and in other terms still is, a very brilliant courtesan in 16th century France, who sat with the philosophers and thought they did not know what they were talking about. Since you were a woman with an excellent mind, you listened to these men who seemed to think they knew what they were talking about and you thought, "They do not have the slightest idea in their heads and yet they look at me and think I am beautiful and silly when I can think rings around them." And so you did, and in other terms so you still do. This woman had much energy and still possesses it.
I can share the rest of the story if anyone is interested, at this point Rich wouldn't mind. And again, no hypnosis involved.
