~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Inspiring Teachings/Videos/More... => Topic started by: strangerthings on August 16, 2021, 09:18:15 PM

Title: A very Sethian exercise healing clearing heavy energy NLP
Post by: strangerthings on August 16, 2021, 09:18:15 PM
This is Tom ❤️

This is a NLP class session from a 'magical' man.....

However this is a psy time, a meditative healing of sorts, drawing forth All That Is and transforming energy. It is moving energy allowing flow and directed focus.

Hope you enjoy ☺️



Title: Re: A very Sethian exercise healing clearing heavy energy NLP
Post by: Deb on August 18, 2021, 11:00:40 AM
Very nice! I'll share a short video of my breath-work "guru," David Elliott. I had gone to quite a few of his workshops years ago, before he became too popular and they were no longer intimate weekend retreats at his Sandia NM cabin (less than 20 people). I have several of his guided meditations, various lengths of time. I haven't done them in a long time, but am determined to get them back into my routine. I had some amazing things occur during the meditations, they are what work the best for me.

Title: Re: A very Sethian exercise healing clearing heavy energy NLP
Post by: strangerthings on August 18, 2021, 06:02:49 PM
I might as well add Wim Hoff lol

Title: Re: A very Sethian exercise healing clearing heavy energy NLP
Post by: strangerthings on August 18, 2021, 06:05:06 PM
I like changing the "clearing hucha" and use it in many various ways. I make it my own. 💪🏻
Title: Re: A very Sethian exercise healing clearing heavy energy NLP
Post by: strangerthings on August 26, 2021, 12:35:40 AM
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19817#msg19817)
This is Tom ❤️

This is a NLP class session from a 'magical' man.....

However this is a psy time, a meditative healing of sorts, drawing forth All That Is and transforming energy. It is moving energy allowing flow and directed focus.

Hope you enjoy ☺️




"You think that the soul is a white wall with nothing written upon it, and so your idea of sacrilege is to shit upon it, not realizing that the shit and the soul are one, and that the biological is spiritual; and that, again — if you will forgive my homey concept — flowers grow from the shit of the earth. And in a true communion, all things of this life return to the earth, and are consumed and rise up again in a new life that is never destroyed or annihilated, though always changing form.

So, when you shrink from such words or such meanings, why do you shrink? Because you do not trust the biology of your being or the integrity of your soul in flesh. You are people. You are made of the stuff of the earth, and the dust from the stars has formed into the shit that lies in piles — warm piles that come from the beasts and the creatures of the earth. And that shit fertilizes the flowers and the ground, and is a part of it. "

(In that same class, however, Seth also brought our biological nature "down to earth" in most literal terms. His material was hilarious, provocative, and profound — all at once. I know one thing: Seth's delivery won't be soon forgotten. It's also one that may startle those who are used to quiet and proper 'spirit guides.')

—UR2 Appendix 24: (For Session 725)


Seeds die into the dark fertile earth and (Seth ---> "we make light from the dark") thinking their way into the physical realm womb as the potter at the wheel.

🤔 Transformers ... I like Tom's version of this little diddy,  "give to caesar what belongs to caesar" that Neville uses. I enjoy "Pacha Mama " much better. I can create a different name just for me. One can ..Change  the stress of it from a heavy stone to water flowing sweetly in one's ear.

The big fat story teller women pottery ...  various free folk around the world knew. Still do.

Pacha Mama Earth Physical
Lady Liberty Spiritual Mother (drinking mothers milk from her finger - Dictys..... diction, speech, speak,  spoken word, hub, wheel and on and off and on. On road or with off road as it is still on a road.

It is all within.  I and the father are one.

Not counter parts if you choose it to be undivided right?

Like not one but two as in "....O...."
Like BI-nary or BI-b-le
The one is within 0

Union is when male and female are "together" as the bridegroom etc

Not physical but inner self.

Intuition, Psyche, In T er pre T er,

Follow the breath.....

Give to pacha mama ...fertility for manifesting ... training as baby gods
Its a metaphor,,, ish,,,,each one of us the center of our own unique earth to manifest in as baby gods in training

Like in doctor strange I s'pose, having a safe space to practice traveling 😄😄


Anyway I went looking through Seth material to find a particular topic and here is a part of it in one of its dimensions.

I thought it was quite to the point.

Hucha release into the earth for you are the great recycler of your earth and mass (plural small or plural big etc.)

Alrighty thanks for readin if ya did ❤️

I was gonna just post that Seth quote but spontaneity came a flowin..💃