I know I know - believe you me I know LOL
It is not what you think teehee so for those that new to this, just keep reading and it gives away its blossoming secret after the quote. ;D
Thaddaeus, the tenth, is the disciple of praise, a quality in which the undisciplined man is woefully lacking. When this quality of praise and thanksgiving is awake within man, he walks with the words, "Thank you, Father," ever on his lips. He knows that his thanks for things not seen opens the windows of heaven and permits gifts beyond his capacity to receive to be poured upon him.
The man who is not thankful for things received is not likely to be the recipient of many gifts from the same source. Until this quality of the mind is disciplined, man will not see the desert blossom as the rose. Praise and thanksgiving are to the invisible gifts of God (one's desires) what rain and sun are to the unseen seeds in the bosom of the earth.
Neville's teachings about the word God and Father, is Consciousness. Your wonderful I AM ness. He says, you are a divine portion of God. You are the Father. And I and the Father are one. :D
Sound familiar? You are a divine portion of All That Is.
Seth talks about the 12 aspects/ fragments of personality that orbit the Inner Self, Seth calls Christ.
Well Neville tells us the 12 disciples are this.
The word discipline and disciple are rooted as one. Aspects and fragments of your personality are exactly this.
Thank yourself, Praise yourself. Thank I AM and Praise I AM. Thank your creative power and praise your creative power. Thank another and praise another. Thank your imagination and praise it. That is all this is.
Neville at the end of all his lectures has a moment of silence. To the OLC ears and eyes it would be "praying" as they taught so many to do. Pray to some outside unknown God. Or Jesus. Neville says this is time to feel it real for another person not yourself.
He also says it is very beneficial before going into what we call a psy time, to perhaps accomplish creating a desire, he says to do this for another first then yourself. I made it into a thing I do but if I do not ...well then I do not beat myself up over it. I simply do when I am feeling it. Or not do. I have learned to be easier and gentle on myself. Way more than I used to be.
Neville says this is what Thanksgiving is.
And since I am word girl
We can give thanks for receiving and give praise. It is like an all encompassing word to me.
To give and receive.
Ok that is all. My thanks for making it this far lol