Is the universe a computer simulation, any type of simulation and/or hologram? I say no. Is mind control involved—in which alien beings instill in us the images that we then see? I, again, say no.
As Seth and Seth2 have explained, and I agree, CONSCIOUSNESS IS BEHIND THE CREATION OF PHYSICAL REALITY in the "first" place even tho there is NO "FIRST" PLACE because all of this happens outside of linear time.
All objects and ALL OF PHYSICAL REALITY naturally fluctuate, pulsate, flicker or blink in and out of physical reality each instant all the time because THAT is part of the process of reality creation and conjuring up objects for out five senses to see, use and navigate with on the physical plane.
It is true, that LIKE a computer program or hologram, physical reality is a reality of appearances which flicker. This means that things appear to be one way based on our five senses, but they are also something else; AND there ARE more expansive explanations of these things existing within the nonphysical realm—AND NOT WITH SOME VAST COMPUTER ON SOME ALIEN'S GALAXY DESK.
As an analogy; a table appears solid to the five senses via classic science, but according to quantum science it is not solid at all—and it is not even a table. BOTH ARE TRUE—and there is NO CONTRADICTION—and one is NOT truer than the other.
This is a perfect description of the nature of our physical reality. It is two things at once—physical and non-physical—and there is no contradiction—and one is NOT truer than the other. AND NO GRAND COMPUTER NEED APPLY. It's just that the right questions concerning consciousness and its quantum connections have just rarely been asked.
This means that IN EACH MOMENT--ALL OF US LITERALLY CREATE EVERYTHING AROUND US: the objects and bodies we see, the landscapes, etc--EVERYTHING—all via telepathic agreement. AND this MECHANISM of conjuring up reality each instant PRODUCES A FLICKERING, PULSATING OR BLINKING effect as each object blinks in and out of physical reality as we conjure it up so QUICKLY that our ALMOST ALWAYS FIVE SENSES DON'T NOTICE.
Seth (Session 567): "The nature of matter itself is not understood. You perceive it at a certain "stage." Using your terms now and speaking as simply as possible, there are other forms of matter beyond those you see...ATOMS AND MOLECULES...ARE ONLY PRESENT WITHIN YOUR UNIVERSE DURING CERTAIN STAGES. Their activity is perceived only during the range of particular vibratory rhythms. When your scientists examine them for example, they do not examine the nature, say, of an atom. They only explore the characteristics of an atom as it acts or shows itself within your system. Its greater reality completely escapes them.
"You understand...spectrums of light. So are there spectrums of matter...In one way, an atom could be compared to a microsecond. It seems as if an atom "exists" steadily for a certain amount of time. Instead IT PHASES IN AND OUT, so to speak. It FLUCTUATES in a highly predicable pattern and rhythm. It can be perceived within your system only at certain points in this fluctuation, SO IT SEEMS TO SCIENTISTS THAT THE ATOM IS STEADILY PRESENT. They are not aware of any gaps of absence as far as the atom is concerned.
"In those periods of nonphysical projection, the off periods of fluctuation, the atoms "appear" in another system of reality. In that system, they are perceived in what are "on" points of fluctuation, and in that system also then the atoms (seems to) appear steadily. There are many such points of fluctuation, but your system of course is NOT AWARE OF THEM, nor of the ultimate actions, universes, and systems that exist within them...Now we have been speaking in terms of FANTASTICALLY SWIFT PULSES OR FLUCTUATIONS, SO SMOOTH AND "BRIEF" THAT YOU DO NOT NOTICE THEM."
Barrie Continues: THIS WOULD ALSO HOLD TRUE WITH EVERY UFO SIGHTING, ENCOUNTER, ABDUCTION, and so forth. And in this process of conscious reality creation, NO objects are actually ever solid and they are NEVER always there--BUT RATHER they continuously flicker or blink on & off—each instant--as we create them, CONJURE THEM UP AND BACK DOWN again, to speak, OUT of physical reality—and then back in—over and over for eternity.
And if TRUE, THEN this MEANS that the universe is NOT a computer simulation or a holograph—but a NATURAL FLICKERING LIVING and ONGOING adventure.
SO, humans conjure up all the objects in physical reality in this flickering manner that some people you speak to may notice. Objects may always be flicking "in and out" of reality so quickly each instant—that most never notice—for to the five senses the objects appear to always be here.
But some may be able to see this flickering...and it may have nothing at all to do with holographic projections or computer simulations—but with the natural method of reality creation. BUT the APPEARANCE of observing this flickering or pulsating would be identical to what you define and identify as holographic projections and computer simulations. So, the question would be: What is causing the flickering?
The flicker or fluctuation IS a physical occurrence that happens SO QUICKLY MOST PEOPLE CANNOT EVER SEE IT—and to our five senses to always appears that everything is always solidly here. But sometimes, people can notice the flicker or blinking. This may occur in some altered state or even under some drugs like LSD.
Seth (ESP Class, 1-5-71): "For every moment of time that you seem to exist in this universe, you do not exist in it. The atoms and molecules have a pulsating nature that you do not usually perceive so what seems to you to be a continuous atom or molecule is, indeed, A SERIES OF PULSATIONS THAT YOU CANNOT KEEP TRACK OF. Physical matter is not permanent, you only perceive it as continuous, you cannot perceive the series of pulsations that make it up. YOUR PERCEPTIVE MECHANISMS ARE NOT EQUIPPED TO PERCEIVE IT.
Class Member: "Are these pulses extremely fast in our terms of time?")
"They are, indeed, YOU CANNOT CONCEIVABLY PERCEIVE THEM. Now, IN CERTAIN CONDITIONS, however, the inner self abandoning its usual reliance upon THE PHYSICAL SENSES IS AWARE OF THESE PERIODS that would seem to you to be negations."
"These periods, therefore, of seeming disappearance and this is what you were perceiving at that time. My remark of bad eyes was a pun, therefore, that you did not understand. If you are using your good physical eyes you would not have "seen" a thing."
Barrie Continues: And, so, even when alien beings appear to witnesses, it also is in cooperation and/or collaboration with these creatures on telepathic and subconscious levels—that do not involve mind control at all. AND these bodies would also fluctuate or flicker as the witnesses create them for their five senses to see and deal with.
And when some people DO see this natural flickering or blinking, their PERSONAL proud-state-of-the-art-high-tech-cutting-edge-cyber-sci-fi-high-strangeness BELIEFS--DICTATE to them that this flickering must be some alien or majestic colossal computer simulation, program, or holographic universe. And THAT explains why they keep seeing Keanu Reeves cartwheeling in the corner of their eyes as they fall asleep.
But it IS the FILTER of their and our BELIEFS that DICTATE to each one of us how we DEFINE, EXPLAIN and/or CATEGORIZE the reality we see. Thus, to the current-minded technological steeped society of today, these folks come to the conclusion that all this blinking and flickering must be a hologram or computer simulation which also blinks and flickers.
Yet, I CONTEND that this is ACTUALLY just the NATURAL FLUCTUATION, FLICKER and/or BLINK of CONSCIOUSNESS CREATING REALITY. AND what SEEMS to be a computer simulation is what the actual process of reality creation looks look like.
The universe is NOT a computer SIMULATION. But rather, it is a CONSCIOUSNESS STIMULATION which is what reality is—and it blinks and flickers in and out physical reality each instant that normally, the five senses never notice. It is not a hologram. It is our HOME.
A breath of fresh air! 8)
PS. I have only seen it "breathe". I do not know any other way to describe it. I have been seeing it since I was little.
Like it contracts and expands and is so alive and it is breathing. Physical life that is.
I dont know how to describe it. That is my best way and then it is not like a breath. All of that makes sense to me (that you posted) when I would want to describe what I see sometimes not all the time thankfully.
Like I am dreaming ..... and well ... I am! *L*
Sometimes it almost seems so fake and yet so alive all at the same time. What ever it is I am looking at.
Quote from: barrie on October 21, 2021, 12:15:02 AMThe universe is NOT a computer SIMULATION.
barrie, I agree with you on this. We also need to consider the role of All That Is in creation:
""At first, in your terms, all of probable reality existed as nebulous dreams within the consciousness of All That Is. Later, the unspecific nature of these 'dreams' grew more particular and vivid. The dreams became recognizable one from the other until they drew the conscious notice of All That Is. And with curiosity and yearning, All That Is paid more attention to Its own dreams. "It then purposely gave them more and more detail, and yearned toward this diversity and grew to love that which was not yet separate from itself. It gave consciousness and imagination to personalities while they still were but within Its dreams. They also yearned to be actual. "Potential individuals, in your terms, had consciousness before the beginning or any beginning as you know it, then. They clamored to be released into actuality, and All That Is, in unspeakable sympathy, sought within Itself for the means. "In Its massive imagination, It understood the cosmic multiplication of consciousness that could not occur within that framework. Actuality was necessary if these probabilities were to be given birth. All That Is saw, then, an infinity of probable, conscious individuals, and foresaw all possible developments, but they were locked within It until It found the means.
"This was in your terms a primary cosmic dilemma, and one with which It wrestled until All That It Was was completely involved and enveloped within that cosmic problem. "Had It not solved it, All That Is would have faced insanity, and there would have been, literally, a reality without reason and a universe run wild." (from "The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts)
Kindle edition:
Wow, great post barrie, lots of information and very clear, thank you for sharing that with us. I also agree!
I think where the confusion comes in is when people use The Matrix or computer games (especially The Sims) as a way to explain how our system is a camouflage over the basic reality, and people run with the idea that our reality is a simulation. These comparisons should only be considered a way to help people relate to our reality creation, and not be considered the truth. We are not a game, and the "blinking of matter" is not the spaces between cells in a film, or pixels on a computer. I loved this:
Seth (Session 567): "The nature of matter itself is not understood. You perceive it at a certain "stage." Using your terms now and speaking as simply as possible, there are other forms of matter beyond those you see...ATOMS AND MOLECULES...ARE ONLY PRESENT WITHIN YOUR UNIVERSE DURING CERTAIN STAGES. Their activity is perceived only during the range of particular vibratory rhythms. When your scientists examine them for example, they do not examine the nature, say, of an atom. They only explore the characteristics of an atom as it acts or shows itself within your system. Its greater reality completely escapes them.
Quantum physics has for years supposedly observed and acknowledges the blinking on and off of particles. I don't know how they get proof, it's something to do with photons, or if they think they know "where" the particles go when not here. But science is slowly catching up with Seth, and I love that. Yes, this flickering is what makes reality creation and change possible. Over the past few years I've come across, from well respected sources, articles saying that physicists are considering human consciousness affects particles/matter, so therefore our reality. ;D
We create our reality whether we believe that or not. That is a powerful thing to acknowledge. A lot of people react with anger when it's suggested we create our reality. Some of them eventually calm down and realize that's a huge gift, that we are not victims of circumstances, and then can go on their way to creating a better reality for themselves.
A couple of weeks ago a young woman told me "God hates us." The family is going through a heart wrenching event that is affecting everyone. They are Catholics, and I can't help but think they feel that God is punishing them for some unknown indiscretion. What a horrible way to feel... powerless, victimized and hated by what they consider their supreme being.
The Sims lol
When I found my kids playing that game and observed how they played it and slept without a problem (in game) and did chores happily lol I took notice and observed something very weird and foreign to me and one day they could not find their game!
Oh no whatever happened to that game! *L*
Oh they begged for it to be purchased again, blamed each other for it being lost, then they got smart and I guess realized I did it. lol They stopped asking.
Now they can go back to doing real things like dishes and laundry (ha) and walks in the park and playing outside and doing their homework and reading and sitting down to eat with the family - you know real people stuff ...that game was ..... a joke!
I forgot about that!
But of course they played it at their friends ::) but that was not often .. So I was cool with that. Too funny
I equate the addiction to playing "The Sims" game with actually living in zombie land. Im not havin zombie kids thanks I'll pass lol (but hey we gave it a whirl)
My big thing about the theories on a simulated world is that is takes peoples' power away. It places doubt into minds that maybe we are living in a world we are controlled by this that or the other. It makes them a victim! Without a way to change it. People on PCP think they can fly. That never ends well when they try to fly. Doubt will be a part of us so we have an internal guide of sorts. Doubt to do something that could harm another is a beneficial aspect of life. Doubting that YOU ARE and YOU BE and YOU IS ... that is entirely different. To me that is the "simulation theory". Elon Musk tries to support this and I, without all that money and academics behind me can, with integrity and love and grace, and quite playfully say: pppptttthhhhhhh.
It also removes everything we talk about here. Probable realities, simultaneous lives, Inner Senses, Imagination, Creative Power, All That Is, no one can be duplicated, share our experiences with others and others discuss about similar things (so we know we are not "crazy"), talk about how to be more sane, change states of mind, none of this. I finally have something I can sink my teeth into and I will not allow it to be diddled upon for me. And if by chance I do allow this for a moment .... I have ways to get out of it. I find you cant go back once you know you create your reality. It is with you forever now.
I am not the guitar I am the one playing it after I have created it. But! I can for a moment pretend I am the guitar and someone is playing me merely to gain a perspective.
I can suppose the simulation theories are there because people want some answers to some incredible topics. I can suspend a belief that banning this from my mind (the theory) is better, and instead perhaps think, maybe this is a counter to a spiritual force waving over the population and some do not like it. Maybe, some people do not want the responsibility that they are the creators of the details of their life and this spiritual force is showing them they are responsible for their own joy? It is not easy to look in the mirror sometimes. I get that. But for me I have learned "be kind and gentle on yourself but MOVE FORWARD." How can you move forward when the world is fake and controlled by supposed merovingians?
Sometimes the sticking or broken gear shift in my car needs to be replaced with one that works.
Sometimes brakes need to be replaced if you want to stop.
Sometimes the whole car gets replaced with one more suitable to a growing family.
Sometimes the clothes we wear no longer fit us so we need new ones.
Sometimes we have to practice hitting a ball to actually hit it.
Sometimes the Simulation theory for me is like getting stuck in the tar pits.
If people want to know what it is like to do something, Imagination is your saving grace. Try it on you might like it. And you might find you did not really want this whatever it is ... to begin with, after you try it on. It is a most marvelous power!
Also, in some of the projects happening right now, everyone will have access to everything about you supposedly. And we can do that now with telepathy but first hitting the ball is key. Being jacked in is not learning how to use your telepathy. And there are BRAKES of integrity in the telepathic world. People can not just enter your mind without your permission. And these projects remove all of that! So out goes freedom! Supposedly. I have a comedy Simpsons style in my head about these creators and their simulation projects. It is very Mr. Burns like. Im all for people finding their power and it seems this is what they want - but realistically, at the expense of everyone else? Are we still at this level? Move Forward!
Also, in saying "move forward" .. whose to say this simulation theory is not a teacher in itself?... a fire lit under our ass to get us moving into figuring out the core of our beliefs? What is important to us? Who knows! Which is why I have a small amount of openness toward it. Everything teaches and if we can ...for but a moment, suspend our beliefs, we could, see another perspective of whatever is in front of us.