~Speaking of Seth~

Miscellaneous Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Paranormal => Topic started by: Sena on October 27, 2021, 10:30:25 PM

Title: Transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form
Post by: Sena on October 27, 2021, 10:30:25 PM
The Seth view is that physical reality is NOT solid nor governed by the unchanging laws of phyics:

"Now. In your system of reality you are learning what mental energy is, and how to use it. You do this by constantly transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form. You are supposed to get a clear picture of your inner development by perceiving the exterior environment. What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event, independent and apart from you the perceiver, is instead the physical materialization of the perceiver's own inner emotions, energy and mental environment." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)

The following story related by Colin Wilson in his book "Beyond the Occult" seems to be in agreement with the Seth view:

"The biologist Ivan Sanderson records such an experience in the final chapter of More 'Things', a book concerned mainly with zoological oddities: the chapter is called 'An Hallucination?' After stating that he has never been interested in 'the occult', he tells how he and his wife were living in Haiti, engaged on a biological survey. One day, on a drive to Lake Azuey, they made the mistake of taking a short cut that landed them up to their axles in mud and had to spend most of the night walking back. Sanderson and his wife were walking together, their assistant Frederick G. Allsop walking ahead, when: ... suddenly, on looking up from the dusty ground I perceived absolutely clearly in the now brilliant moonlight, and casting shadows appropriate to their positions, three-storied houses of various shapes and sizes lining both sides of the road. These houses hung out over the road, which suddenly appeared to be muddy with patches of large cobblestones. The houses were of (I would say) about the Elizabethan period of England, but for some reason, I knew they were in Paris!

I was marvelling at this, and looking about me, when my wife came to a dead stop and gave a gasp. I ran smack into her. Then she went speechless for a time while I begged to know what was wrong. Finally she took my hand and, pointing, described to me exactly what I was seeing. At which point I became speechless. Finally pulling myself together, I blurted out something like, 'What do you think's happened?' but my wife's reply startled me even more. I remember it only too well; she said, 'How did we get to Paris five hundred years ago?'" (from "Beyond The Occult: Twenty Years' Research into the Paranormal" by Colin Wilson)

Kindle edition: https://amzn.eu/2gtcpxe

The interesting thing is that Sanderson and his wife both saw the same scene. If just one person had seen it, it might have been dismissed as a hallucination.
Title: Re: Transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form
Post by: Deb on October 28, 2021, 06:11:13 PM
I've been thinking about this on and off today. What an interesting experience the Sandersons had! I couldn't imagine what would cause something like that, sort of a time warp.

Recently I bought Rick Stack's book on OBEs. I just started reading it and today I read about remote viewing via OBEs. It made me wonder if people experiencing an OBE can travel not only through the illusion of space, but also the illusion of time? The Sandersons were walking most of the night and must have been exhausted. I wonder if that could have triggered a mutual OBE that caused them to leap through space AND time? Did the author have an explanation?

Reading the quote from Seth, another explanation is that they both could have been thinking about that time period in Paris at the same time, and created the visual. For some reason the OBE is easier for me to accept, lol.

"Nor is its reality in space annihilated as long as it exists within your mind. Let us take a very simple example. A child has been told not to play with a doll. The order is disobeyed. The child, wittingly or unwittingly, breaks the doll, and it is finally thrown away. The doll exists in time quite vitally as long as the child or the adult-to-be remembers it.

(9:40.) If the doll sat on a bureau and this is also vividly recalled, then the space in which the doll sat still carries the impression of the doll, though other objects may be placed there. You react, therefore, not only to what is visible to your physical eyes in space, or to what is directly in front of you in time, but also to objects and events whose reality is still with you, though they may seem to have disappeared."

—NoPR Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972
Title: Re: Transforming your thoughts and emotions into physical form
Post by: Sena on October 28, 2021, 10:31:19 PM
Quote from: Deb on October 28, 2021, 06:11:13 PMWhat an interesting experience the Sandersons had! I couldn't imagine what would cause something like that, sort of a time warp.
Deb, yes it seems to confirm another of the Seth teachings - That past, present, and future are simultaneous.

QuoteThe Sandersons were walking most of the night and must have been exhausted. I wonder if that could have triggered a mutual OBE that caused them to leap through space AND time? Did the author have an explanation?

Colin Wilson considered several explanations, somewhat different to the Seth explanation:

"A young native later commented to Sanderson, 'You saw things, didn't you? You don't believe it, but you could always see things if you wanted to.' Presumably he meant that Sanderson was 'psychic'. This could certainly help to explain the vision of ancient houses. Their situation may also have played its part: they were tired, plodding along a road in bright moonlight, feeling a little nervous, so their senses were 'wide-open'. Sanderson's wife may have seen the ancient houses by 'tuning in' to her husband — husbands and wives are often telepathic. But all that still leaves the mystery of what fifteenth-century houses were doing in twentieth-century Haiti. It is true that Haiti was occupied by the French, but this was two centuries later. Is it possible that there were once old 'Elizabethan' houses on that bare country road? That, on the whole, seems the likeliest explanation. Yet it seems unlikely that they could have vanished without leaving any trace. And if this explanation has to be abandoned, then the vision of fifteenth-century Paris in twentieth-century Haiti remains incomprehensible." (from "Beyond The Occult: Twenty Years' Research into the Paranormal" by Colin Wilson)


QuoteNor is its reality in space annihilated as long as it exists within your mind. Let us take a very simple example. A child has been told not to play with a doll. The order is disobeyed. The child, wittingly or unwittingly, breaks the doll, and it is finally thrown away. The doll exists in time quite vitally as long as the child or the adult-to-be remembers it.

The example of the doll is a great one, which I had not paid attention to when I read NOPR!