Hi all,
This is not exacly mainstream science but in the book Journey of a Soul by Dr. Michael Newton ( also available in that channel where the oversoul seven audiobooks are) the author mentions that many his patients ( hypnotized into past life regressions) say that the shock of birth is much greater than the shock of death when remmembering their own past births. ( Actually the whole description of the soul coming into the flesh is in line with seths descriptions)
I dont remember where exacly but Seth does mention this as well. Also the author does not mention being familiar with seth and I am sure most of the subjects were also unfamiliar with the Seth material.
Tickle I recalled Seth saying this exact same thing. Birth being far more feared than death and often put off and avoided by some. I can't find the quote though 😔. But to me it makes perfect sense, Seth says often death happens unnoticed not so with birth. Can you imagine leaving a place of peace and wonder for down here plus you have probably planned some pretty nasty learning experiences to boot. It's like a bad joke you're about to play on yourself. Then you have to say f it and just jump. Gives me a tingling feeling just thinking about it.
Haha yeah it gives me a weird feeling when I think about it too. The way the subjects describe the soul state is pretty good too, so knowing how earth is going to be like is gotta make you think twice about making the jump.
Yes, Seth said that at least a couple of times. I totally get it. I imagine being in a perpetually warm, cozy and blurry dream state (prenatal). Then suddenly your head is being squeezed in a vise (birth canal, just observe pointy headed newborns) and you emerge naked and wet into a blindingly bright, chilly and overwhelming place. You're whipped onto a table and rubbed down with towels. Poked and examined. With an immature nervous system, total amnesia, and no clue as to what's going on. Birth at its finest.
Then there's the exit... some people don't go out easily, some do. But when you finally let go, you enter a space where you are light, free and feel uncompromising love. Instead of amnesia, there is instead recognition and memory. Re-entry into F2 seems preferable to me than entry into F1. Why do we fear death so much, when life is much more challenging?
Quote from: tickle on November 16, 2021, 01:15:11 AMThis is not exacly mainstream science but in the book Journey of a Soul by Dr. Michael Newton ( also available in that channel where the oversoul seven audiobooks are) the author mentions that many his patients ( hypnotized into past life regressions) say that the shock of birth is much greater than the shock of death when remmembering their own past births.
tickle, this is a very interesting topic. Psychiatrist Stanislav Grof described 4 stages of the birth process:
BPM I: - Primal Union with Mother. (Intrauterine Experience Before the Onset of Delivery.)
BPM II: - Antagonism with Mother. (Contractions in a Closed Uterine System.)
BPM III: - Synergism with Mother. (Propulsion Through the Birth Canal.)
BPM IV: - Separation from Mother. (Termination of the Symbiotic Union and Formation of a New Type of Relationship.)
Quote from: Deb on November 16, 2021, 07:08:00 PMWhy do we fear death so much, when life is much more challenging?
Deb, I don't think I will be taking the 3rd dose of the vaccine.
Well if you lived in Austria right now, you'd have the Polizei knocking down your door! ;D I wonder if there will ever be an end to boosters?
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