~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: tickle on December 04, 2021, 03:32:51 PM

Title: Closer look at "you create your own reality"
Post by: tickle on December 04, 2021, 03:32:51 PM
The axium that Seth likes to repeat so much has been interpreted in diferent ways with various levels of distortion. From my understanding, this DOESNT mean that we have the option and capacity to shape some aspects of reality that are otherwise controlled by randomness, universal laws or the will of other entities, rather, this means that your subjective experience is a direct result of your believes, desires, and expectarions REGARDLESS of wether you want it to or wether you know this or not.
The unchangable aspects of physical reality (such as the example the example that Seth gives of an amputee not being able to regrow a limb becasue of biological limitations) may not seem like they are dependent on you but given the fact that you decided to incarnate in a plane where you knew that would be a limitation means that you CHOSE to subject yourself to said limitation.

Interpretatioms such as the law of atraction make it seem like shaping your experience of reality is a power that you have but unless you focus on it/know about it, you aren't using. Also it focuses on desire as the force that "atracts" things or situations. Both of these distortions miss the message completly. First, the relationship between believes and subjective experience is there wether you want it to or not and wether you are are of it or not. Second, while desires are important creative impulses, they are not the your whole (and are sometimes conteadictory to) believes. Asumption and  expectarions also "atract" in that sence and are often more dificult to pinpoint than desires.

The implications of this are staggering. This means that there is absolutly nothing outside of your own believes to blame for how your subjective experience is playing out. This means that no amount of social, political, cultural or scientific restructuring is going change the subjective experience of earthbound personalities. Change MUST come from within, no exeptions.

Title: Re: Closer look at "you create your own reality"
Post by: Sena on December 05, 2021, 06:28:04 AM
Quote from: tickle on December 04, 2021, 03:32:51 PMInterpretatioms such as the law of atraction make it seem like shaping your experience of reality is a power that you have but unless you focus on it/know about it, you aren't using. Also it focuses on desire as the force that "atracts" things or situations. Both of these distortions miss the message completly. First, the relationship between believes and subjective experience is there wether you want it to or not and wether you are are of it or not. Second, while desires are important creative impulses, they are not the your whole (and are sometimes conteadictory to) believes. Asumption and  expectarions also "atract" in that sence and are often more dificult to pinpoint than desires.

tickle, what you have written on desire is interesting. Seth's teaching on desire is complex:

Quote"Many people, wanting to die, do not seek out illnesses, of course. They may die in their sleep of unexplained heart failure or whatever, or in accidents. They may seek death out in dangerous pursuits. In the framework of general beliefs, however, the natural desire for death is not included in the list of human motivations. Often such a desire comes naturally and passes naturally several times in a lifetime. The clear recognition of such a psychological feeling alone helps such individuals understand their own positions and intents, but usually the feeling itself is forced to go underground because people are so afraid of it. Such a feeling, recognized, can also serve—as it did serve the woman's mother—as a critical point of recognition that the desire to die was triggered not so much (long pause) by the feeling of life's completion as by the fact that the individual had set up too many restrictions in life itself—restrictions that were severely cutting back its own possibilities of value fulfillment, or future effective action. In that kind of a case, the situation can serve to reverse the conditions. The person recognizes the restrictions and changes his or her ways accordingly, opening the doorway not into death but to further life and action in this space and time.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Children accept life wholeheartedly. They do not qualify it. The woman who had cancer and was cured gave up the restrictions she had placed about her life. Nothing in nature is wasted. There is no such thing as a wasted life, no matter how it might appear, and while the desire for death is a natural one, it can also serve at various stages as one that extends any given life for a while by clearing away old debris. The desire actually works for the purpose of value fulfillment, whether it can be pursued more fully in this life, or whether it is time to begin a new one."

—TPS6 Deleted Session July 13, 1981
Title: Re: Closer look at "you create your own reality"
Post by: tickle on December 05, 2021, 01:17:42 PM
I think the diference between personal desires and personal experience of reality is partly responsable for the dificulty that many people have in acepting the fact that we create our own reality.

The question "if we create our own reality why are so many people living lives they dislike?" is a valid one. Those that are familiar with Seth teaching the answere is that they have believes that contradict their desires. However, even among those that are more familiar with the teachings, there can still arise questions like " If we belive we can be wealthy and we desire to be wealthy why arent we wining the lottery or the like?"

Here, I think is important to discuss that "desires" comprise more than just concious desires. That is, there are impulses and preferences that are oirs yet outside of our own concious awerness, and if we desire something and believe it is posible then one posible answere as to why our situation is not chabging is that part of us( of our entities) desires to explore the current situation longer (perhaps to learn something specific from it.)

This can be tied in to Seth's remark that entities generally dont choose one happy/easy existance after another. While it might seem to us (right now with our limited understanding) that having happy/easy lifes would be preferable all the time, there are desires and preferences ourside of our current concious awarness that can only be fufilled in more challenging incarnations/situations.
Title: Re: Closer look at "you create your own reality"
Post by: Sena on December 05, 2021, 10:57:43 PM
Quote from: tickle on December 05, 2021, 01:17:42 PMHere, I think is important to discuss that "desires" comprise more than just concious desires. That is, there are impulses and preferences that are oirs yet outside of our own concious awerness, and if we desire something and believe it is posible then one posible answere as to why our situation is not chabging is that part of us( of our entities) desires to explore the current situation longer (perhaps to learn something specific from it.)
Yes, the basic principle of Seth's teaching is that we are in physical reality to learn, not just for "fun". So if we try to create reality just for fun, or to show off to others, it won't work.
Title: Re: Closer look at "you create your own reality"
Post by: Bora137 on December 06, 2021, 07:17:20 PM
It's a common message across teachers that if you only think of things that make you happy you've basically cracked it. The ego feels threatened though, it thinks of ways of protecting the self which are often a load of negative thoughts and it inadvertently brings about the situations it thought it was protecting the self from.

It is definitely not easy to truely believe the world is loving, abundant, magical. In fact believing you are going to be wealthly can be a state of lack generating more poverty.